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Posted by bery at May 30, 2012
Tags: Health  2012 May

Started getting sick in the first grade, have been sick every day (24/7) for 61 years.
Pains that cause me to double over at the mid section, leading to depression fear and isolation.
Known as food tolerances, if you eat you get sick.


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whats up with this world. March 6, 2012
Unemployed and Depressed April 8, 2012
bad things do happen  August 31, 2010
Meets cheaters, Has A Sick Body and No money March 25, 2012
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By anonymous at 30,May,12 15:47


By anonymous at 30,May,12 19:14

I get the same when eat Indian food

By anonymous at 30,May,12 20:36

It's called morphine you stupid bitch.
By anonymous at 31,May,12 16:11 idiot bitch, it could mean numbers of things like food poison, which I hope you gets.

By Fiction time at 02,Jun,12 19:00

Don't be a fiction writer, u suck at it. Go out to a bar, make a fool of urself sucka.

By anonymous at 06,Jun,12 02:02

Are you allergic to food? Or are you so used to throwing up, that your body can't tolerate anything? Is it all in your mind or have you been diagnosed with something? Just curious.

By anonymous at 07,Jun,12 01:27

Well fuck me all to hell, cant be that bad you lasted 60 fucking years you miserable twat.

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Patrick Reynolds,¡°2 Corinthians 12:9: And He has said to me, I will remain in relentless pursuit of continuing my lifelong dream of being an NFL quarterback. including Gary Hart, Yet he still tours, she justified the military intervention with a burst of xenophobic hyperbole: "When terrorism is trying to take hold of Egypt and foreign interference is trying to dig into our domestic affairs then its inevitable for the great Egyptian people to support its armed forces against the foreign danger"What happened to Egypts young liberals Five years ago they were the most promising movement in an Arab world dominated by strongmen like Mubarak Now the vast majority of them are cheering another general coup leader Abdel Fatah al-Sissi whose beribboned image is appearing on posters around Cairo in tandem with those of former military dictators Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat This dizzying turnaround is unprecedented in the history of popular pro-democracy movements Polands Solidarity or the anti-Pinochet movement in Chile would never have dreamed of embracing their former oppressors In defense of Egypts erstwhile democrats it could be argued that they unlike their counterparts elsewhere had to fight on two fronts: not just against a military-backed autocracy but also against an ideological movement the Muslim Brotherhood that under Morsi appeared bent on monopolizing power Its like simultaneously taking on both Pinochet and Lenins Communist Party Though they ignited the 2011 revolution the liberals were always weaker than either the army or the Brotherhood less rich less organized less disciplined And as five free elections in two years demonstrated they had scant following among the mass of poor and rural Egyptians outside CairoOnce proud of their networked leaderless structure the liberals eventually embraced former UN nuclear inspector Mohamed ElBaradei as their figurehead It was a disastrous choice: Arrogant vain and more comfortable in a Viennese salon than a Cairo slum ElBaradei was polling in the single digits when he Without their own candidate the liberals were faced with a choice in the runoff between a military-backed candidate and the Islamist Morsi Most chose Morsi A delegation of youth leaders met with the Brotherhood nominee and extracted promises: Secular ministers would be included in the cabinet and the new constitution would be forged by a consensus among secular and Islamist partiesMorsi fulfilled some of his pledges but his government grew steadily more insular and intolerant as it battled the lingering Mubarak-era establishment in the bureaucracy police and judiciary Liberal journalists were prosecuted for "insulting the president" and several of the for leading street protestsThe liberals could have waited and organized for parliamentary elections due in a few months; polls showed the Muslim Brotherhood sinking fast Instead they took the easy way out and switched sides As the Wall Street Journal reported in the months before the coup who promised that they would respond to large street demonstrations by ousting MorsiOnce again the liberals are saying they have extracted promises from their new partners: The constitution will be swiftly amended and free and fair elections will follow Drunk with the success of their "second revolution" they have convinced themselves that the military will retreat from politics and that Egypts Islamists will never win another electionMeanwhile as vice president ElBaradei sits in a government that is holding hundreds of political prisoners incommunicado; that has shut down al-Jazeera and Islamist media; and that has Its an outcome that Esraa Abdel Fattah and her idealistic young friends never would have wished for five years agoRead more from or who are key in many swing states.¡± According to her biography on Dreamactivist. expanded and given higher-level attention and commitment. and to engage with interagency working groups.

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Enfin, ¨¤ vous de voir.

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