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How this...

Posted by anonymous at September 29, 2009
Tags: Family  Job  Philosophical  September 2009

Well I was married for 7 years...been with her for 3 years before that...april 7th she decided that the marriage was over...she told me she doesnt love me anymore so after one weeks notice that there was a problem in my marriage she told me to leave...I think I can deal with that but we have 2 I only get to see them 2 times a week and every second weekend...

I started a business with her dad, he fired me on the 8th of april, I now live with my parents...told that if I fight for the business that they would keep the kids from me...I did everything to grow the business I was making a 100 grand a year, started out just myself and I never slept in order to get it to that point, no help from anyone...

she got a restraining order and I never did anything, she lied to keep the kids from me and woman are always right...on my kids I never did anything for her to be scared of me like she says she is...its just a tactic...I broke the order and talked to her for fifteen minutes, asked if we could work this out and she said no, I went home and the cops came and put me in jail...

I have never been in touble with the law, 16 hours in leg irons...just for trying to save my marriage.

I miss my kids, but they keep me going, not strong but going...I miss them so much, I cry every day, I cry in front of strangers...

the worst part is that every time I sleep I dream that we are talking and going to work something out, then I wake up and see that it was just a dream. now that sucks...I wish i could just move on, but I miss my kids so much.

I think in this life we choose our own path...why did I chose this one?


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By robbie at 30,Sep,09 21:26

That is the main reason that I do NOT want to get married and have kids. I would miss them terribly. I don't think that I would be able to go on. I care deeply for children anyway, so I can't imagine having mine taken from me and than had bad things said about me to them. I am very sorry for your situation. And I am not saying that you should never have had kids. That is just something that scares me enough not to. The only thing I can say is that children are not as niave as people think and I believe that eventually they will see who the bad person was. I was in a divorce and no matter what my parents said about each other, I knew what was really going on. This is not suppossed to make you feel better, but I know that some day she will get what she (THE WITCH) has coming to her and your kids will see the truth.

By anonymous at 13,Oct,09 00:55

Same as Robbie, I went through my parents' divorce too and it sucked but I could always see through the lies what was really going on. Just give it some time, man. At least you get to see them a little. Let them know that you love and care about them. Make sure you pay attention to them when you get to see them. I don't know how old they are, but one of these days they'll be old enough to make their own decisions and you can tell them what's really been going on. Good luck. I know it's tough. I've been in their position before. You seem like a good guy.

By at 26,Oct,09 13:20

i'am sorry for you dude and i think your meried is over so you have to get your mony back from her dad by standin up lagly to her dada cuz all what she and her father care about is not your kids (kids are just the way to get u) but your mony is the thing so if some how u manege to get your mony back she will come bigin u to accipte her

By anonymous at 08,Nov,09 17:16

I had a girl I loved one time and she left me to go back with her ex. Broke my heart hard. Well, I woke one day with my face in a shirt of hers she had left on my bed that hadn't noticed was there (It was so soon after she left me that it still had the smell of her perfume on it) and I thought I was waking up next to her. It was so hard to remember she wouldn't be there anymore. I feel horrible for u to wake up that way for I have been through mornings like that.

By anonymous at 09,Sep,11 02:05

Be strong man. Find a good lawyer. A very good lawyer. Then sue for your share of the business and custody of the children. Then find another woman and just kick it. Dnt marry her, just kick it.
By anonymous at 18,Feb,12 19:29

hell yeah !

By anonymous at 18,Feb,12 19:30

be strong it hurts and im sorry for what happend hope everything works out well

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