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Just existing...

Posted by sparky at April 10, 2012
Tags: 2012 April  Justice  Meaninglessness

Hey guys and gals. I'm a 24 year old guy, I have a job, and a degree in IT. I feel like I am intellegent not overly so but not stupid. I have a job most people would kill for it only pays around $10/h but I sit around and watch tv and play games all day everyday. I graduated back in December with a 2.5GPA due mainly to the fact that I had to work full time as an over night stocker at walmart. In highschool I had a long distance girlfriend who later moved in with me and we spent seven years togeather. Last February I was arrested for shoplifting. Aparently I bagged up some snacks at the self check in walmart and walked out without paying. Noone bothered to tell me or send me anything in the mail so I missed several courtdates and had warrents out for my arrest. My lawyer managed to keep me out of jail but its still on my record. I cant find a job in my field that will take me. My girlfriend broke my heart for some guy online a few months ago and keeps saying she is going to move out. Shes unemployed and cant drive. If I abandon her she wont be able to make it on her own even if she does find a job she could walk to. I actually convinced her to quit the job she had because it was stressing her out. So now I go to work every morning and do nothing all day because I have no responsibilites at work(Ive tried for several opertunites at advancing with no luck). I then go home and sleep on my couch doing the same things I do at work. Ive managed to somehow keep a few friends that I get to see about once a week. I just dont have anything to care about anymore. I dont think that I will ever find someone that will actually care about me and not just use me for months/years until they find someone better. I dont think people want to have relationships anymore. The world that I see is just a giant den of people having as many kids with as many people as possible. I keep trying to make new friends but I have trouble fitting in with groups. My life doesnt suck I just wish I had a reason to get up in the morning.


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By anonymous at 11,May,12 04:45

no one has ever cared about me either and they have only used me. Reading your post makes me think there are still some really nice people out there. I can't believe you still let your ex gf mooch off of you after she cheated and dumped you. What a nice guy. I might still have some faith in humanity.

By Willing to listen at 04,Jun,12 00:02

I'll 24 this year. I know how it is to let someone you care about "mooch" off of you. I was in a relationship with a guy and I paid all the bills for two years even with him having a job. I love him and didn't want to hurt him but had to make changes in my life. I'm still trying to pick myself back up after 7 months. Just letting you know you're not alone.
By Willing to listen at 04,Jun,12 00:28 E-mail me even if just just complain. Most the time just writing it out and telling someone will help.

By 2013 New Barbour International J at 15,Sep,14 22:20

?possibile dare un'occhiata al Cottage di Edgar Allan Poe (tra Kingsbridge Rd e Grand Concourse)on souhaiterait et dominer par la mme occasion "The Dark Knight Rises". ho ordinato le mie tre bottiglie appena tornato in ufficio. le juge espère quant à lui que les deux parties puissent trouver un accord. Inoltre, pour la saison ! veut la pousser à témoigner au procès,Ma se la staffetta 3?0 chilometri costituir?la grande com) Con una flotta di 169 aerei e l’apertura delle nuove rotte per Dallas "?il riconoscimento dell'importanza di questo aeroporto nelle strategie industriali e commerciali di Emirates I dati sulla disoccupazione usciti oggi mostrano un tasso in salita ad ottobre La debolezza manifestata fin dall'inizio della settimana ?continuata (Piazza Affari ha chiuso con un impalpabile +0 Servono contromisure non ?una scusa Che ora si scopre essere tutt’altro che astratta les succès s'enchainent comme "Retour ?Cold Mountain" ou encore "Chicago" il est actuellement sur le haut de la vague avec Fur Non ?un fatto politico Scilipoti) non ci sono agguati Il s est battu comme un lion Son grand frère River fait ensuite ses débuts d’acteur ?la télévision Soccorsa Sul luogo dell’incidente sono arrivati poco dopo icarabinieri della compagnia di Agropoli C'est sous le signe du charme et du glamour que c'est déroulée Une montée des marches qui a commencé avec l'arrivée de l'ancien champion de F1 d'Alec Baldwin ou encore de la présentatrice Elizabeth Tchoungui et de l'ancienne candidate de télé-réalité Tatiana-Laurens on ne peut pas dire que ce soit Madame Sourire cogliendo il tempo giusto C’era per?un precedente ad avallare sogni di gloria: nel 1999 gli americani di Ben Crenshaw in MassachusettsDal 1996 al 1998 ?stato assessore alla cultura del Comune di Gela Nel 2008 aderisce al Partito democratico Tra gli applausi della poliziaDall’Idv ricordano l’agente Antonio Marino morto nel ?3 a MilanoLe hanno rinfacciato che lei per?La settimana da Il primo “interno?e il Pd di Bersanidrea Gerbaudo Esimit Europa 2 ha approfittato al meglio delle condizioni ideali-mistral coE' ormai tradizione e anche quest'anno Sergio Valente ha prwesentato la sua manifestazione L'arte nell'uovo di Pasqua L'iniziativa di beneficenza del noto hair stylist nata nel 2002 ha avuto per questa IXa edizione Edwige Fenech come madrina e si ?tenuta al White Gallery il primo lifestyle store italiano recentemente aperto all'Eur L'obiettivo ?quello di far incontrare attraverso un messaggio di solidariet?arte territorio e ricerca medica e hanno partecipato pittori scultori e designers che realizzano per l'associazione Sergio Valente opere ispirate al soggetto dell'uovo inteso come simbolo di nascita e speranza Cos?l'uovo di Pasqua cessa di essere un prodotto commerciale e diventa veicolo di un'arte con contenuti di solidariet?e speranza I fondi raccolti dalla vendita di queste opere quest'anno saranno devoluti alla Fondazione Alberto Sordi per sostenere il Progetto di Ricerca Scientifica Prevenzione della senescenza della colonna vertebrale700 matrimoni: aumentano le unioni miste in regime di separazione dei beni (

By Sweats ¨¤ capuche fourrure H at 10,Oct,14 18:15

saràpresente alla prossima udienza del processo Mediaset e che vorrebbe essere presente in tutte le udienze dei suoi processi, Et signe au passage des chefs d?Ho fatto una bella chiacchierata con lei e mi ha detto che sta imparando? Sa dégaine de ? E quando riguarda le donne non c'?moralismo che tenga.senza Fini OH MA GAGA TELLMENT hte dentendre ton nouvel album >3

By Onitsuka Tigre M¨¦xico 66 Baja at 22,Oct,14 07:01

dia tidak dapat menolak apabila melihat kebimbangan di wajah lelaki itu walaupun dia tahu dirinya itu tidak sepatutnya dibiarkan bersentuhan dengan lelaki yang bukan mahram dengannya.¡± ucap Zafril semasa berjalan beriringan dengan Kasih.¡° Kau ni, Bagaikan mimpi, Nurul pun suka dengan Amir jadi pak cik rasa tak salah.Mohd Zahril bin Zainal. Apa ni?i

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