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Life really does Suck

Posted by fertilemyrtle at September 3, 2011
Tags: Justice  Mistakes  Relationship  2011 September

Two and a half years ago I had my three children taken away from me. It happened because I caught their father cheating on me and I tried to run the girlfriend over with my car. My three month old baby was in the car with me. I was arrested and did 120 days in jail. I lost everything while I was locked up, my house, my car, my business, all my belongings & especially my children. After I got out of jail, I gave the asshole a second chance. We were homeless & living in a hotel (my parents had my kids) I knew my family would not be happy about going back with him, so I had to hide it from everyone. I ended up getting pregnant. I knew I couldnt care for another child, so we deciced to give him up for adoption. I hid my pregnancy from everyone. Afterwrds I was so depressed & the asshole left me for another woman to take care of her & her son. Meanwhile Im still living in a hotel< working my ass off trying to get a place so I can get custody of my kids back. Shit happened with that girl and he moved back in the hotel with me. I get pregnant again... I decide to place that baby for adoption as well. I use the money I received to leave him and get a car, apartment and furniture to get my 3 children back.

My baby is 3 weeks old today and my son will be 1 on tuesday.... I miss them so much and really think I made a big mistake, but there is nothing I can do. I am so lonely and miss thier dad too, but I know he is bad for me. I dont have anyone to talk about this with. I feel I like the only way to end the pain is to die.


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By at 30,Oct,11 18:57

Punish other by attempt murder, the desire to punish others so hard to the point they don't deserve. Where is the attraction in it? So much hatred, so much lust, but so little love and forgiveness.

You are sharing here shamelessly. I bet you have not had the lesson of forgiveness and patient in life. Beside there are many ways to get someone back---physical harm is the cheapest of them, and is illegal too! How? be friend to her and make her man cheat on you, that is fair. Or make her man into your little submissive toy, that will be a fine revenge. Fuck her man so hard that he develops prostate or bladder problem, that is the nastiest way to to get that back on another woman. (damn, I am fictionally creative)

May be it was you who did not please your ex enough, did not drain his juice sexy enough, thus allowed him the chance to cheat. May be you need more training on traping your man with your virgina and sexy tricks. May be there is a better man out there for you as the father and husband.

By anonymous at 15,Nov,11 11:45

I feel very strongly for your situation my dear, all I can say is that the fact that you havent taken your own life yet speaks volumes about your inner strength and character.

Keep up the fight, your kids deserve to have their mother back not wonder why she took her own life leaving them alone in this pitiful excuse for an existence.

By anonymous at 25,Nov,11 13:47

OK you need to stop and just take a deep breath ..

OK ..

Now you said you had your own business so this means you must know how to make money ..

right ?

Is there a way you can do what you did before you lost everything ?

Secondly not sure why you would go back with a guy who cheated on you and you when to jail because of him .

That is not love it's obsession

You need to ether get your tubes tied or stop having sex period .
Do you not know having sex = baby ?
Get a backbone and stop letting people use you !!

Ask God for help and guidance ..
Have you done this ?

All your problems give to God
Read the bible
Ask for forgiveness

God will show you if you let him by faith ..
Find a good bible teaching church
Everything else will fall in place as long as you have FAITH !

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Isaiah 41:10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

By anonymous at 03,Dec,11 00:00

What do you expect when you stay with this asshole? You reap what you sow. What you need to do is quit fucking! You continue to bring babies into this world, knowing you cannot provide for them much less offer them a decent life.
Idiots like you need to be sterilized!

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