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Life really sucks now.

Posted by ratmon19 at September 26, 2011
Tags: Anxiety  2011 September  Sexuality

So I'm a male 22 years old, and have been really depress lately. My story is, as a kid I was in special ed classes which ruined my life, my mom ruined my life. I have trouble speaking, which caused me to be odd when approaching people cause I lose confidence causing me too fear people. I tried getting distracted from the real would by playing video games but I just can't do that anymore. Plus I'm gay, so one I started High School I told my mom to take me off from S.E cause I didn't need it, she did. But then what? I had a big fear talking to anyone cause of my whole speech/gay problem. Once I was about 16 I started ditching school to go to the library cause thats how afraid I was of people. When I turned 17 I started working and going to college, but I still was the same person. At 18 I stop going to college cause I couldn't afford it anymore and started working in a fast food restaurant. There again being quiet most of the time, there I meet a guy and which he moved in with my family. My family were my only friends. From there I worked about a year counting different jobs, untill now I'm with my hubby and his family which sucks cause all I do everyday is be on the computer!!! Help!!!!


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By deadman at 16,Nov,11 20:19

first off, i know you have problems but your broken sentences are wicked hard to read! your gay but you see that as a big deal but others probably don't care about that half as much as you seem to. you say your with your "hubby", i'm guessing your always the "woman"? thats sad, both should take turns giving and receiving. you say help but i can't figure out help with what. eh i dunno!
By at 05,Dec,11 22:59

u cant tell him wat his relationship should be like

By at 26,Nov,11 10:52

Son of a gun, this is so heplful!

By at 15,Jan,12 23:38

Deadman, not all relationships are black and white. Some people actually prefer a little something extra to make it special.

Also, what what what? You found a dommy (I assume) guy that lets you not work and do whatever you want all day, and you're on a site like this? Oh, what I would give to be a housepet . . .

By mohamed at 05,May,13 15:16

I hate trust... Wanna know why? Cause when someone you baelry know trusts you enough to tell you they've been raped as a kid... trust me, it sucks :( and ...

By Deportivo at 16,Sep,14 23:47

insolito in questo periodo parlare con un giovane che si sia posto degli obiettivi chiari senza lasciarsi sopraffare dall'ansia e dal terrore della la crisi che imperversa; la voglia di rinascere artisticamente e di rilanciare una cultura per la quale ormai in pochi investono energia ha guidato Federico Zanandrea e la sua compagnia Mecenate che per anni ha lavorato al Teatro Franco Parenti a impegnarsi e a riaprire una realt?teatrale che per 29 anni ?rimasta asserragliata dietro a noncuranza e a disinteresse Si ?inaugurata proprio il 1 novembre la stagione del teatro Delfino con una lettura contemporanea dell'Otello di Shakespeare per mano dello stesso direttore artistico Zanandrea che nel rispetto del suo gusto ha regalato alla messinscena di un classico un tocco di modernit?Ho allestito un cartellone - racconta Zanandrea attore e doppiatore monzese - dove lavori classici come ad esempio Frankestein di Mary Shelley (14 maggio) pur letto con una cifra stilistica decisamente attuale si alternano a rappresentazioni di autori contemporanei come Omar Nedjari (Shakespeare a pezzi in scena a marzo) o Katherine Kressmann drammaturga di Destinatario sconosciuto previsto a gennaio; senza trascurare Steven Berkoff con il suo ormai famoso Il fascino discreto dell'ipocrisia (Kvetch) in scena dal 21 novembreTutti si aspettano dalla Germania la mossa decisiva e che vince mondiali rally a raffica con Sebastien Loeb.magogiaBeaucoup de gens se sont étonnés que Tom Cruise voie si peu Suri depuis ni de communiquer avec elles, 10.Se glisser dans la peau de Lisa Kristal est un véritable challenge pour Ashley Greene@Dreamer Stiamo come stiamo proprio perch?i legislatori ils auraient en effet accueilli vendredi un petit garçon. Google tracolla e chiude il terzo trimestre con un utile per azione di 9 le petit-ami d'Eva Mendes prenait son courage à deux mains pour . mentare bulgara sia pure anomala. l'investitore pi?famoso di questo pianeta che dal nulla ha accumulato una fortuna impronunciabile ed ?anche il terzo uomo pi?ricco del mondo. Blitz all'Aquila:

By washington dc at 28,Sep,20 11:39

Gw2USO pretty useful stuff, overall I feel this is really worth a bookmark, thanks

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