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untitled story

Posted by anonymous at April 21, 2012
Tags: 2012 April  Loneliness  Philosophical

I was just wondering if I am the only one who sits down with 95% of the population for any activity you can dream of with friends, family, or aquaintances, and feels a complete sense of disconnect or alienation. I've tried a technique of consciously making eye contact to feel somehow that our souls are in the same place, and sometimes it works but not as often as I like. Sometimes they all look like robots, sometimes, pieces of furniture. Occasionally I'll find a person there, and it'll make me overjoyed! Then somehow the connection you had is gone.
I smile, I laugh, I fake it all. People like a happy girl. Happy girls make a happy world. I just wish I could fool someone, anyone, just to have another friend. I fool people all the time for months even. I met a wonderful guy who thought I was perfection until he realized how deeply sad I was about life. What kind of person spends all day entrenched in deep depressing thoughts about the world and finds a sense of elation in that?
I slip into my mind and find solace in fantasy worlds, and try to treat life with a sense of marvel and often do, but I just wonder how many people straddle extreme feelings so often and who would ever want to ride that roller coaster with me. Are there any "feelers" out there? This world isn't very supportive of people like that, and it's causing me to feel like the world is trying with all of its might to suck out any sense of imagination there is left in my small brain. I'm fighting against a grey existence despite being unemployed, nearly homeless. I'm still fighting a good fight!
It's not necessarily a story about a "sucky" life, just a lonely one, with no connection and hopes and dreams flying one by one out of the window while to frantically grasp onto them pleading for them not to go so quickly.
I tell myself every day I am not depressed, I am great I am wonderful, fine human being. The truth is, I hate the sound of my own voice, and everyday feels just as average if not worse. Something has to change eventually. I don't know how that will happen but it has to in order for me and the countless others to survive. Good luck to everyone working on surviving while feeling very sad.


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By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 10:40

I have God and the only reason for my living and smile.

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 12:21

I know how you feel it is so sad to live in this world, God created a perfect world but we humans have ruined it

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 13:38

The feelings mutual. Know this may sound shallow and superficial, but I wasn't really aware that other people felt like this.

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 14:14

I realized that everyone feels lonely at some point in their lives in my case as soon as I stop feeling sorry for myself and yes the world,life and people are full of shit and selfish including me......and the moment I stop thinking its all about me.......and shift my focus I start feeling better.....just go on the net read up on living conditions in other countries......well today was one of those kak days 4me and I was watching tv program on woman and child abuse......statistic in South africa every 3minutes a child gets raped,my God forgive I am caught up in my owm world,there's always worse and I know when you feel drepprssed and all alone u don't want to hear shit about no one.....but believe me it works!God gave us all freedom.....freedom to choose and with freedom comes resposibility for your own happiness!and by the way I don't have shit thanks 4 letting me vent.I love you out there loneley person I love you and shit you're not alone -i'm here 2 and others that r posting......and God;He's always with u,good or bad happy or sad......nothing we do can seperate us from His love.......mwah

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 17:33

I understand... dam if you do and dam if you dont...greed, selfish.. humans have infested a wonderful all i have is the warmth of a dark room to console my thoughts..the tears of pouring rain that utterly drip down my naked i clench to my i feel my self breath, my heart tick...seems day in and day out,,is all the same,,I pray for an angel to come in my life..

By Skippy at 21,Apr,12 17:49

Sounds like your on acid. Try another drug.

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 18:44

My whole life (I'm 54) I've heard about "God's love" and have searched for any evidence at all that such a thing exists. So far I haven't found any and am pretty much convinced that folks who say they have are just involved in wishful thinking. No offense intended, that's just how it appears to me.
By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 23:45

Did you try calling collect maybe he'll answer.

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 21:07

I'm not really sure what causes the feelings you describe, of not being able to connect with others,but i have experienced this sensation. Does this happen when you're in larger groups? Do you feel the same issue when it's just one friend of family member?I usually find it happens when in larger groups, particularly if i don't know them well or it's a noisy environment like a bar or restaurant. I just kind of end up switching off and people watching instead or my mind drifts off to another place. It used to really bother me but now i think i probably just have poor social skills or am more introverted. Think other people are just better at masking any feelings of self doubt or loneliness than i am.most people in the group will probably have worries of some kind.Much prefer the company of just one or two friends i can relax with and this may be the same for you. Just one decent friend in your life can be enough. I know some people seem to have hundreds of friends and i wish i could be the same sometimes but these days I'm more humble in my expectations and one good friend is better than no friends at all.where possible, stay away from people who make you feel bad about yourself and who bring you down. Resist the urge to hang out with people like that just because there's no one else. If you don't know anyone you can really relate to yet, don't give up hope because those kinds of bonds with people do happen. They are just a lot more rare and sometimes such friendships only last a short time. It's almost like they're too special to be sustaipable for long. If you do meet someone like that be it as a friend or in a romantic sense, you'll just know. You won't have to work at it, fake it or feel alienated, it'll just fall in to place. It's not always lasting but grab such opportunities where you can and get out there as much as you can so that you can start to meet more people. Most of them will be people you can only relate to in a basic way but it's worth trying until you eventually meet that one person you can relate to. It's admirable that you're still trying to survive with the issues you've got going probably feels grey because there's just a lot of crap going on and things are spiralling downwards. Some problems can't be fixed but others can.knowing the difference isn't easy and sometimes you don't want to admit which ones can be solved and which ones can't because it can be painful. But if you can work to try to improve or even fix some of the problems where it's possible to do that, then your life will start to not look so grey.Hope things improve soon and keep going :-)

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 22:36

Right, like she is going to read your too long message. You can see she is delusional. To her, get off your ass. You could be living in North Korea. You think you have problems now.
By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 23:48

We may not live in North Korea but things should be a hell of a lot better. The man is always trying to bring you down.

By anonymous at 21,Apr,12 23:43

Congratulations you've found a "feeler" except in a different regard. I see all the people and how they are being manipulated and how we are being psychologically enslaved by the powerful institutions of industry, government, and the eternally growing number of technological advances and I it bothers and depresses me I already had mild depression from being socially ostracized in high school before I came to the "grand" realization, but as always no one wants to be around a "Debby downer" is the trite colloquialism so I pretend to be social and happy and mellow when in reality I'm introverted, angry, anxious, and lonely. I have not even been in a relationship for five years. We work then we die no one is ever genuinely free that is the cause of my internal strife. You are not alone.

P.S. Those organized religions only destroy and constrain the mind so don't seek solace in the church. No one is their to help us.

By Lazarus at 23,Apr,12 09:59

Hey, Anoon,

I'm exactly in your position. Exactly. Thank you for letting me know I wasn't the only one.

Good luck too.

And remember - we're out there somewhere. You'll run into true people soon... Or at least, that is why I tell myself.

Have A Nice Life,

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