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Probably not worth reading...

Posted by anonymous at June 5, 2011
Tags: Attitude  2011 June  Juvenile problems

I type this message with a broken heart and drowning in self-pity. I cannot stand who I have become, always feeling so bad for myself. My severe pride issues makes me feel angered I can become so worthless and continue to lick my wounds. I feel sharply ashamed I am not a man in my own eyes. I am nothing but an immature and weak child.
I have no real friends who ever seek my attention. I am always "that guy" in the group who needs to do something stupid or humiliating enough just to be noticed. In all cases I need to approach 'friends' to be involved. I know I am tolerated (somewhat) and not respected, much less liked. I really think I have some social disorder as I am ALWAYS the black sheep and seem to be awkward during social circumstances. I have asocial tendencies which makes me even more sad as I am a true extrovert who loves human interaction.
I sit in class daily and can't help but notice that I am on my own whenever classmates need to look for partners. In this and other circumstances few acknowledge me, even if I take the first steps. If possible many try to avoid associating with me. I am SO lonely and have done so much to try to combat it that I suspect that I am too inherently flawed to be loved.
That's quite possibly the saddest part - I am BURSTING with love and compassion and want to be there for someone but nobody cares for me. There is a girl who I am deeply in love with but she has trapped me in the 'friend zone'. From her actions I know she doesn't REALLY care about me, but she at least pretends to. I am so desperate that her false care and infectious personality is all I need to be head over heels. The relationship is bittersweet as the time I spend with her is the only time I feel somewhat happier, but I can see I am often a burden to her and she (1) doesn't really care for me and (2) I am never to be in a more serious relationship with her.
I am a 17 year old virgin who has never had a girlfriend. Due to my pride I am a compulsive liar, especially on this topic. I pretend to be less of a loser but I always twinge internally, as it reminds me of how helpless I am. I have also never been cool enough to be invited to drink or smoke with anyone ever. Peer pressure never existed for me because I was at home feeling unhappy and caring for my younger brothers (My dad has been near death since I was in Kindergarten. My mom helps out, but as the eldest I needed to bear some of the load as well.)
Between being the eldest and the 'good' kid, I put severe pressure on myself from a young age to be perfect. I struggle with my perfectionism daily and, when I am successful, I can feel on top of the world, if only for a minute. But the pitfalls often make me even more sad, angry and destructive in many ways (more of the pride issues coming in here...).
I always bottle it up and keep it to myself for fear of appearing weak and end up hurting myself and anyone who is in my life when I am emotional, physically and emotionally. I become even more amplified and unstable. More so than anything in my life I try to manage my emotions and well-being. I try SO HARD to avoid anger, loneliness and depression and take logical steps to improve my situation but invariably I (like my life in a nutshell) FAIL.
Officially I have acute cases of both bipolar disorder and ADHD, but I suspect I have far more conditions than just those two (I would be SHOCKED if I wasn't also paranoid, OCD and had severe anxiety amongst others). These don't excuse my actions at all, but merely explain a little of how terribly disturbed I am.
I was born with many blessings (a good brain, solid socio-economic status, good looks - or so I have been told; I'm skeptical) and yet am incapable of success in most any aspect. I have everything in place to make my life better but am incapable and have only made my situation worse. I hate my life and want to die. I fail to see any value anymore.
There is more to my story but that's it in a nutshell. I apologize for wasting your time with my pathetic life.


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By anonymous at 02,Jul,11 19:18

there is nobody that is truly too flawed to be loved. it is only that people box themselves in so much with expectations and pretensions of perfection (like yourself) that they can't be real. and how can somebody truly care or truly be there for anybody if they can't even be real? even with themselves? try being real. try just being how you are, and giving up your attempts to be perfect for other people (who by your own admission don't give a shit about you anyways and aren't going to give back to you). it's a hard thing to do to let go of dreams of perfection, or of general adoration from the people around you, and face reality. but it's not like those other people are so perfect. and it's not like you are a superhuman automaton that never makes mistakes and never cares about anything except when it's perfectly appropriate. you are a human. so let yourself be one. fuck anybody who has something to say about that. fucking parasites.

By anonymous at 03,Jul,11 02:56

I empathize with you. Many of us suffer from insecurities- that we are not valued, that we don't fit the definition of a man. Know yourself. Find the company of people that value you even if they are not exciting, cool or give you butterflies like the girl you mentioned. You'll find that they often are in the same place as you; they're not matinee idols or mr. popular, but they are dependable good people. Most of all, be strong but accept your vulnerabilities. Life is a challenge and we piece it together one step at a time.

By Thomas Olsen at 03,Jul,11 12:41

You have great hope in that you seem to recognize yourself quite well, and you are not blaming others. Quit with the self labeling. You are a sentient being that is currently all over the map...happens to the best of us. You are definitely immersed in weakness at the moment, and that is a terrible place to be. Don't be too hard on yourself. If you do your part, this will clear up. Volunteer with the intention of helping others..and DON'T do it to find a friend. Get over the girl...she doesn't like you that way. I can't imagine this is the first time you've experience unrequited love. Dump that relationship all will only keep you weak. Be your only friend for now. 5 years from now, your karma will be your karma. The beautiful thing about karma is that we can work to make it great, and we can't blame anyone else for what it is.

By Emeline at 23,Jul,11 23:15

Haha, suhldon't you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!

By oem software at 12,Feb,12 14:58

QqNXw8 As I have expected, the writer blurted out..!

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