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Window into a suicidal mind

Posted by anonymous at August 22, 2011
Tags: 2011 August  Philosophical

I am writing this letter as an effort to leave something behind for others to read and grasp an understanding of what my thinking ability was at the time of composing this letter, or perhaps to gain some insight that will help them appreciate what they have in their respective lives. I have never done anything extraordinary with my life, never cured an infectious disease, never won a championship on an athletic field, and never made a difference in lives in any measurably positive way. I am an ordinary person, fighting demons of his own creation that no one but me could define or even sense, and that battle has finally come to an end.

I have taken the time to read over as many different suicide letters as I could given the restraints I have, and many start off with the definition of Insanity as doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting different results. Perhaps suicide would have some application to that definition as most suicides would agree that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results describe them on a day to day basis, but suicide has nothing to do with being insane. Suicide is neither a phenomenon to be studied nor an illness to be “cured”. There is no cure. Suicide is a point in one person’s life where the coping resources they have at their disposal are overwhelmed by whatever is it they are being tortured by. I wont go into specifics regarding my situation, but I can assure you that my demons are real and extremely powerful as are the demons that torture any potential suicidal person. Suicide has been described as a selfish action, I have to agree that in some ways it most certainly is, but it is also selfish for members of society to think it’s the responsibility of a certain individual to keep living a painful, torturous existence as an obligation instead of seeking their own cure for that pain.

Its difficult to define what makes each person up as individuals and members of society, each of us is given a different hand in life, we all play the hands we are given, different cards for different people.

The “cards” we are all given should to some degree contain coping resources, which allow us to put into context whatever it is that happens in our lives in both a positive and negative sense. Some have extraordinary reservoirs to call upon in dealing with whatever happens in life, some of these people still lose their battles, still others have little to none but live long and happy lives, with others living lives somewhere in between both ends of this spectrum.

I don’t understand exactly what it is that gives this “dark cloud” I have its energy, in fact it doesn’t even occupy a tangible form, but it has amazing power and grasp over me. This battle I have been fighting with it is exhausting, and I have finally seen that this battle is unwinnable, that it is a battle I would have to fight for the rest of my life, and that is something I would never be able to do. How could I continue fighting this? It would be impossible especially thinking of all the joy in life the blackness has already robbed me of. I had thought, incorrectly of course, that if I channeled my energy on positive endeavors that I could work to control the “dark cloud” perhaps even eventually emerge victorious over it. Perhaps if I went to the gym and got in better shape, kept the house as clean as possible, took care of all chores on my own without outside help, even volunteer work that I would eventually triumph over this evil I carried around. But I was wrong, there was nothing I could do to control it. I couldn’t fight it anymore than a man can get into a fist fight with himself. This dark cloud wasn’t a part of me, it was me. I don’t know why I thought any of this would have made a difference, in fact it just crushed me even more under my own sense of inadequacy as I could never hope to accomplish all that I planned in my head in the time frame I gave myself. Perhaps it was worth a shot, just to expand all possible avenues.

I often find myself watching people, people who go about their daily lives and routines able to feel love and return it in its purest form. Able to experience the joy of accomplishment, in whatever sense accomplishment and success can be defined. Able to deal with the ups and downs of life that occur all the time and able to form strong long lasting friendships and relationships as easily as ordering coffee. I then find myself confused, these people must hate themselves as I hate myself right? Do they conceal it, as I do, under carefully constructed facades that no one can see through? Shouldn’t they expect that at any moment their own shame and embarrassment present itself and crush them under the gravity of its intensity? But it never will, because for them no blackness exists at all, sure they have their own problems and issues, but it will never crush them. In fact to these people the mere thought of hating themselves is as ridiculous as saying the moon is made from blue cheese. The thought of suicide never even enters their head no matter what happens to them. Their own lives, as precarious and fleeting as life is, is the most important and valuable object they have. I never thought of my own life having any value or any worth, to me it was never even worth the value of the paper the birth certificate had been printed on. For a time I thought these people were slightly delusional, didn’t they realize at any time all this means nothing, and could be taken away? Didn’t they see the futility of competition and fruitless endeavor that planning a life is as sooner or later everything ends? No of course they didn’t, and to me it was my own private joke, I laughed inside at these people, all the while smiling, shaking their hands, asking supercilious questions about superficial subjects that I couldn’t care less about, while they answered these questions I asked, and followed with the same ridiculous questions of me. Then it struck me, as powerful as lightening, these people are living their lives as lives are to be led. They have no “blackness” holding them down, no sensation of weights being dragged behind them, and certainly no thoughts of suicide as that word has no contemplation to them. My own private joke wasn’t with myself on them, it was a joke on me. I wasn’t laughing at them, I was laughing at myself.

For me this dark cloud is all consuming. I find myself looking forward to sleeping at night as it is my only reprieve from this dark cloud but when I wake up, the dark cloud is waiting for me, in the deepest recesses of my mind, where no one can see it or feel it but me. There is nothing I can do to escape it, it consumes me as fully as any person can be consumed. I find myself afraid, afraid of what I would do should this anger no longer be directed inwards to myself, what would happen should I incorrectly channel it outwards. I don’t think myself capable of doing anything like this, but I have terrible thoughts from time to time. Irrational thoughts, I must stop it, I must end this before I do something that could never be undone.

I find myself sitting for long periods of time wondering what life might have been like had I been made out as a stronger person, had this dark cloud, this anger turned upon myself not existed and I have to say it sounds quite enjoyable. I had always expected, even wished dare I say, to one day be a father. I think I would have made a decent father, but the dark cloud would not have allowed me to enjoy that, it would have crushed me under the trappings and failings that would have occurred and I would have found any enjoyable times bulldozed aside by my own all consuming self-hatred.

Well as I stated above I wrote this letter to give the reader’s a better view into the mind of a suicidal person while they are still alive. In reading it do any of you feel someone like this could be saved? That someone like this could lead a happy life for themselves? Find their own slice of peace in life?

Draw your own conclusions, find your own answers, but don’t question why some people choose to end their own lives by their own hands. I have often heard suicide described as a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but for me it would be a permanent solution to a permanent problem. Judge if you will, criticize if you must but realize that pain such as this has no beginning and no end, and nothing will ever end it except for finding the root cause. That root cause lying in continuation of life itself.


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New Comment

By Vernie at 19,Oct,11 13:17

I can't understand why nobody has commented on this yet. Boo I say >_>

Err dude or girl or whatever you are (I'll try alien)

Reading all your story, if it is all, made my eyes hurt. However, i read 90% until my laptop shut down. (hole in my powercord!?!)

Sounds to me like you were kicked out of soicety... Which means...........................


By anonymous at 19,Oct,11 14:31

I can feel with you, hope you didn`t kill yourself!! I tried it couple times as a teenager, many years ago. I do understand your "dark cloud" I think there is a way out of this, but not easy and like you said even in other peoples life there are ups and downs. good luck!

By anonymous at 20,Oct,11 06:46

You don’t have the chops for philosophy, stick to Nintendo

By anonymous at 20,Oct,11 09:42

Don't mean to sound insensitive but that was really long winded. If you have the balls of a soldier to kill yourself, I guess that makes you different from the cowards who are afraid of going to hell and the discomfort of death and regret. Whatever, life is what it is. I prefer to pray, pray to God, To Jesus, pray to your friend, pray pray pray, just keep on praying and praying and praying to whatever GOOD you know of. Ask for a rainbow, you might see one.

By CynusMom at 21,Oct,11 19:11

Have you tried therapy or antidepressants?? You sound like are very insightful and intelligent person who could contribute a lot to this world if you can maybe find the right antidepressant-see, when someone feels like you feel, it's often biochemical that cause it. If you had diabetes, you'd be on insulin - if you can't stop feeling like crap-you probably have something up w/your brain chemistry that can be fixed too. I had to try several until I found the right one for me, and it was worth a little patience, and made a huge difference for me. I wish you luck and happiness and I don't know you, but I care and am pissed by how some of these commenters responded!!
By anonymous at 21,Oct,11 19:12

The main point I meant to make is - if you try what I suggest under a doctor's care-you may just get to be happy, which you deserve.

By anonymous at 21,Oct,11 21:49

Depressing post the awnser is find a good drug and dope yourself up until your happy mine was marijuana it helps but it doesnt fix anything it just masks it but at least you will stay alive.
you dumb christians can stuff it with your prayers there is no god and your working of very primitave ideas that dont help.
By CynusMom at 23,Oct,11 08:37

Rx drug would work better probably and actually treat the biochemical issue and not really mask it so much as correct it i think? lol, the christians don't help me either, they just piss me off-they probably mean well but it's not helpful
By anonymous at 23,Oct,11 15:18 Fold Up

You can pray to your dead dog spot if you want, the point is to give yourself up to a higher power you have faith in, in your case, it probably would be your dog.

By anonymous at 22,Oct,11 20:34

Hey friend....ive lived in your shoes and walked down the road your on....i still fight the demons can find some peace and if you want a helping hand....i be glad to talk with you

By anonymous at 24,Oct,11 05:15

All of what you say is true,
i can identify with that, ive been there, im still there.
Im not going to tell you to pray, or think positively
i know you've tried that. It doesn't work does it?
At the end of the day, this is how it was meant to be
for some of us. Despite what others may say, sometimes
it doesnt hurt to dream. My advice is to fight it to the end, just maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

By anonymous at 25,Oct,11 05:40

Wow, I feel I could have written this. No matter how good my ups are, the up invariably turns into a down and a dark cloud comes and hovers over me and envelopes me and consumes my positive energy and I slip into a depression for weeks or months. I hang in there, and the cloud eventually leaves, but it always returns, and I am getting so tired of feeling that way. Nothing helps. I know alot of it has to do with my being a loner and shunning human interaction, but how does one in their 40's make friends when they haven't ever learned how?

By anonymous at 25,Oct,11 10:05

I wouldn’t kill you're self if I were you. What if there really is a Hell? I know I don't want to end up there for all eternity, and I'm sure you don't either. The way I see it, whether it exists or not I’d rather be safe than sorry. I don't know how old you are, but regardless of you're age life doesn’t last long anyway. Death will come soon enough without suicide.

By anonymous at 27,Oct,11 15:40

Have a son. Your life will change enormously. For the better. Caring for a child makes it all worth bearing.

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