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Too much

Posted by Peda at July 12, 2012

Where to start... Lets see im 36, not bad lookin at all and real nice but havent had a girlfriend in 6 years. I put myself through undergrad and graduate school and was workin A professional job where i was treated like shit for 2 years after grad school. On my way home from work last year i got hit by a van and it really messed me up. Ivebeen in and out of surgurys since then and lost my crappy job while on medical leave. Its so much to do alone and now i caint ride my bike or be in large shows or even walk that far. I thought i had friends but they dont respond to me and i dont have anyone to help me through this. I live in brooklyn surrounded by people doing things and having fun but i dont know how to make friends and my body hurts all the time. Im soooo board and lonly and hurt and secound guessing everything i do because no one seems to like me or respond when im interested in them. Ive been turned down so many times that im scared totry because i dont want to hurt anymore. Im really at my wits end ahhhhhhhhhhh


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