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LIFE SUCKS : January 2008

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Saddest stories:

  • How to Forget Life Sucks
  • Introduction
  • Life sucks only if you let it
  • Life Sucks, Then You Die
  • How to Stay Positive when You Know Your Life Sucks
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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    Life sucks only if you let it

    Posted by admin at January 16, 2008
    Tags: General   January 2008

    "Life Sucks" Syndrome is a reoccurring virus that threatens to destroy our business, our families and the tapestry of our soul. As I speak and coach across the United States and Canada, I see people from all walks of life succumb to its paralyzing effects. I get emails from people of all ages, genders and nationalities asking for help.

    Victims of this illness often report the feeling that life is sucking the marrow from their bones, robbing them of their joy, hope and will to live. Left untreated, "Life Sucks" Syndrome robs sufferers of their faith and passion.

    In my short time on this planet, my experience and research has taught me to attempt to step back and see the bigger picture. In the big picture, this moment is a tiny dot on the timeline of my life. I'll get through it. Even when it seems like life is ripping the skin off of me and that I've reached the absolute bottom of human misery. I'll get through because opting out is not an option.

    Asking "Why?" something happened is a recipe for frustration and anger. Good things happen to bad people. Bad things happen to good people. Life is hardly fair or just or balanced. Victories go to the most ambitious, most creative and most thick skinned. Justice and fairness and mercy are romantic concepts but hardly applicable to the reality of life.

    Consequently, I've learned to find the takeaway (or at least the potential for growth) in almost everything. I want you to know that l...

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    How to Forget Life Sucks

    Posted by admin at January 16, 2008
    Tags: General   January 2008

    How many times have you said this to yourself? Things just suck, people are stupid. You haven't washed in a while and are probably better off dead. Once again, cDc comes to the rescue. Here are some methods of passing the time until you die. They have been tested and proven to work. No guess work involved here... have fun.

    1) Sleep

    Seems pretty obvious, right? You'd be amazed how many people overlook this. Here is a secret tip for you: did you know that you don't have to be tired or drowsy to sleep? I bet you didn't. Don't stay up thinking something cool is going to happen.

    Don't go hang out with people who suck as much as you. You know nothing cool will happen. It never does. But you waste your time like a moron going "out" and coming back with no satisfaction whatsoever.

    Why not just stay home and sleep? Your bed is warm, and nobody can bother you. You can't be frustrated with trying to do anything cool, because you never attempted anything to begin with.

    Sleep eighteen hours a day if you can get away with it. Sleep any place where you know you will not get sodomized. You know you don't have to be social if your eyes are closed. I have learned that if people think you're sleeping, they won't try to talk to you.

    You know how much you hate that interaction thing. Plus, when you sleep, you'll feel better. For all the hours you've wasted doing nothing, you could do something that makes you happy.


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    How to Stay Positive when You Know Your Life Sucks

    Posted by admin at January 16, 2008
    Tags: General   January 2008

    Thinking negative? Here are some strategies for how to start thinking positively and accomplish what you want in life.


    1. Look on the inside. What are some qualities you have that you like about yourself? Are you funny? Are you intelligent? Are you sincere? Are you generous? What do you have pride in? Try focusing on the positive things in your life. You may be making huge influences to others even when you think you're useless.

    2. Prove those negative thoughts wrong. When you find yourself in a bad mood, you could think of the negative things such as, "I'm dumb and annoying", "I'm better off dead", "I'm ugly, I wish I looked different", etc. Even though it's not true. Change your mind. Look for your good features, think about the ones that you know love you, look on your greater side. Realize that nobody's life is easy and that there will always be ups and downs, and moments of low self esteem. Don't automatically assume that nobody cares. Every person matters to someone. You're alive for a reason.

    3. Appreciate what you see. Look in the mirror. Find some beautiful things about yourself.... Do you have nice skin? nice nails? beautiful eyes? full lips? Find stuff that appeals to you. When you can't change something, change your attitude towards it!

    4. Determine why your life sucks. What can you do to make your life better? What do you desire to do? How do you want to feel? Make a few reachable goals and your own strategie...

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    Life Sucks, Then You Die

    Posted by admin at January 16, 2008
    Tags: General   January 2008

    I thought it may be useful to post here some articles about how to fight "life sucks" attitude...

    What if you hate your life? Or maybe you don’t quite hate it, but you’re just not happy with your current situation? Perhaps you’re depressed, bored, or apathetic. Or maybe you just don’t see the point in living at all.

    If you don’t see the point in living, then you’re missing the point of life entirely. The point of life is to enjoy it.

    Your life is your creation. It’s not something that happens to you — unless you make the foolish mistake of abandoning your position as its chief architect. If you find yourself in that situation, don’t feel bad. We all make that mistake at some point. We all forget that we’re in charge of our own lives and that our experience of life is largely under our control. But the truth is that we live by choice.

    If you think your life is out of your control, it’s because you’ve chosen to relinquish the controls. What happens when you let go of the controls of a vehicle in motion, such as a car you’re driving? Its behavior is unpredictable. It may spin around in circles… or get stuck somewhere… or even crash. Isn’t that precisely what happens to us when we abandon responsibility for living our lives?


    What about surrendering your life to a higher power? Isn’t that a good thing? That depends on how you apply it. If you think surrendering to a hi...

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    Posted by admin at January 13, 2008
    Tags: General   January 2008

    I registered this domain when I was very very depressed. Not that my life was really that bad. Actually it never was too bad. And I always realize that there is a lot of people who live much worse than me. But sometimes even successful people feel bad about themselves. And I'm not too successful one either. I'm just an ordinary guy. So I felt bad about my life and I thought of making a site, where people can express themselves when they feel the same. Indeed all good short domains are taken long ago, so I could not register "" or something like that and the closest free one was this one - "" (I lack imagination too). Now it seems ugly to me, but since I registered it already... Well, next day I indeed felt better and was not already so determined. I also checked google and found some other sites with the same meaning. So I thought that it does not worth to make it. But after several months I decided to make it anyway, because I already had scripts that could be changed easily to suit the purpose.

    So here it is. I'm still not sure what the purpose of this site is. It does not seem to be cool if it will be simply full of people's wining. I'm not like the hero of Fight Club (the movie) who visited meetings of fatally ill people in order to start feeling better about his own not so serious problems. I'm quite compassionate, I feel the pain of others so reading about other people's problems would not ever ease my own suffering, could on...

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