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LIFE SUCKS : July 2009

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Saddest stories:

  • who the fuck cares
  • Life is a shit game
  • my dad's a freeloader
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    my dad's a freeloader

    Posted by 9-12 stinks at July 24, 2009
    Tags: Family   July 2009

    Well one day my mom told me I had to go to my grandparents house for about a week because she was going on a trip. She gave my dad $70 bucks for me to have fun! A little farther in the week I get a haircut which the $70 bucks pays for. At the end of my stay he ditches my in the afternoon when he was giong to get me something cool for me and my friend,my friend come's over and we have some fun he goes back home then I found out that my own dad spends the money on his self and the haircut was paid for by my grandma who is about 69 and he's still asking her for money. And when I left I said (see ya) he said(......) and to cover up for that in the middle of the week he talked to me about feelings and when I come over there all I do is nothing and he called me fat! I may be but it's harsh to say that to someone in complocated words.

    Comments: 2   Votes:


    Life is a shit game

    Posted by anonymous at July 21, 2009
    Tags: Family   Friendship   July 2009   Poverty   School

    In school I was bullied almost every day and only had a few friends to care for me, but if it got too much they would just abandon me and pretend they didn't know me anyway.
    When I left school and went college for 2 years, I left my friends and made a few new friends. I've never been able to get a job, I'm too scared to work anywhere around my area in fear of being bullied for whatever reason and there isn't any jobs going.
    My only income was my student funding for those 2 years but my parents truly care about me to go and spend all my income for their own enjoyment, they 'really do care about my future', for now I do not have enough money to carry on my education.
    My parents plan to kick me out because now I am 18 and they do not earn anymore money from me.
    I don't know where to go from here, I just don't think it'll get better anytime soon.

    No.. my life isn't as worse as some people have it. But it still sucks and it's hardly worth living.

    Life can either be a long enjoyable time for some people
    or the longest, most painful torture to others.

    If god exists, are all these 'sucky lives' his little failed experiments?
    I guess everything revolves around trial and error - without sucky lives, you wouldn't have good ones.

    Comments: 7   Votes:


    who the fuck cares

    Posted by born loser at July 3, 2009
    Tags: General   July 2009   Unemployment

    My life sucks because my life sucks....what more can i say. i am a total loser piece of shit. Had a good job and got laid off about 2 years ago, havent worked since then because no one seems to want to hire me. living back in my home town with my wife and 2 yr old boy. My neighbors are bigger losers than i am and they bother us constantly. I want a job. I want to move. I want a life. I can not handle the ....oh fuck it ...who cares anyways

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