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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    I hate my fucking life!!!!

    Posted by anonymous at January 23, 2012
    Tags: 2012 January   Stress

    I have a baby and I'm married. My husband is gone due to his job and I can't deal with it. My baby screams and cries constantly. I've had her to two doctors and they both said a certain something was wrong so now she's on medicine. It doesn't seem to be helping. She still cries for hours daily. I feel bad for her but it's irritating the fuck out of me to my breaking point. My husband is gone so he cannot help. Even when I do talk to him he says to take a breather and I'll be fine. A breather is not going to fix it when I hear it 24/7. I'm trying to take care of everything myself and it's breaking me down. I have no parents they are dead. I wish my mother was still around to help me even if it was just listening or giving me advice. Too bad she decided life wasn't worth living. I'm totally against suicide because of this but yet sometimes I wish someone would just shoot me. I'm always stressed and can't be a happy normal person. Sorry for the novel but my life is kind of fucked up and I'm not even going to say all of it. My friends, I feel, have abandoned me. I have a few that still stick by my side but the rest don't even know how I feel or how I'm doing. I'm just so fucking tired of peoples shit. It's literally turning me into a cold hearted bitch becuz I've been shit on soooooo much. I wish they would quit pretending there something, when they are not what they say they are. Let's just cut the bullshit, shall we?? My husband thinks I'm too pessimistic. I think my true ...

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