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LIFE SUCKS : 2011 September

Stories submitted by real people.


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Saddest stories:

  • I've got you all beat!
  • my fucking rant
  • ugly and lonely...wooppieeeee!!!!
  • Why am I such a loser?
  • Being dead has to be easier than living- life really sucks!
  • Yes, my life has turned into one cliche after another
  • I Found Her.
  • acceptance
  • Machine
  • dont trust anyone!!!
  • you have no idea
  • fucked from the start
  • Use it or lose it
  • I'm lonely as fuck.
  • Lonely
  • can I sink any lower?
  • my life the septic tank of of shit
  • My life's fine, it's just life that sucks.
  • life is too long
  • Not really sure
  • my birtthday just passed
  • I'm so lost!!!!
  • I lost ten years of my life.
  • My Loneliness
  • life is absolute shit aint it
  • My so called life
  • life... just take out the f, and you got lie
  • Life really sucks now.
  • Wish I was making this up...
  • life
  • lonliness
  • am i exagerating,honestly
  • I'm sick of everything
  • yea, im a nigga :(
  • There's NO such thing as a good day if you think about it.
  • 53 and hurting
  • WTF
  • Life is shit
  • Forever alone
  • 30 lonely and all alone in a new country
  • What's my problem?
  • life under a unlucky star
  • Never been kissed
  • life is not easy
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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    you have no idea

    Posted by anonymous at October 1, 2011
    Tags: Family   Loneliness   Meaninglessness   Philosophical   2011 September

    Most children have a dream, something to aspire to as they grow up. If those children have solicitous parents, they are guided, nurtured, and prodded along that road to self-discovery. In a perfect world, those dreams align with a child's interests, passions, and talents. Those children are the lucky ones. I only had one dream, to get married and raise a family. However, no one has ever been interested in me. So, at the age of thrity, I decided to go back to school and find another road. As it turns out, there are no other roads. There is nothing out there for me. Talents? None. Nurturing parents? No. Family all aroung me suffering and engaged in their own problems. Who was it that said something about people living lives of quiet desperation? Those were my parents, and that is me right now. Female, 38 years old, obese, balding, unemployed, in debt up to my ears, and no way out of any of this. Most women have a father, a brother, or a husband to look after them, to "take up the slack", to plow the eighteen inches of snow out of their driveways in the morning, to help keep the bank roll rolling. Not me. I have an aging mother who lives on less than my unemployment checks and even together we cannot pay our bills. I don't want my life to revolve around how I am going to feed my mother and keep a roof over her head. I want my life to revolve around a purpose, but I have no purpose. There are charities and government sponsered programs to help children, the sick, the aged, battered women, unwed mothers... who thinks to help the woman who is simply ALONE.

    Comments: 14   Votes:


    my life sucked&still sucks

    Posted by anonymous at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Family   Life Story   Relationship   2011 September

    Okayy so i was back in my home town my dad is a constant drug user and when i was born i was suppossed to have some sort of mental illness because of all the drugs in my dads sistem they suppised to be passed on to me but that didnt happend! Well my mom fought for us while my dad was living the life as me my mom suffered alot too so as a refuge she sstarted taking drugs but would never abandon us or treat us wrong she also started seeing.other men and most of these men would try to touch me at night. So we came to my current city and i started using drugs like at 13 and started burning up things and getting into agressive fist fights bulling people in school but i did that to make me feel strong and not week like i really was. So years past by and everyting got a little better i was in 9th grade when my moms boufriend left her and she didnt have a job as a result i had to drop out of school start working at age 15 and coukdnt vgo back to school cuss i was too old to go back to 9th grade so i all do is work. A couple of years ago i started attending a church so that maybe that would change my path and it did for about 2 1/2 years i was clean happy until i met my ex boyfriend i loved him so much but hee humilitiated me.and only talked to me when he wanted to have sex and.he would make me do sexual axts that i dint want to vut i didnt want him rto leave me so i did everything he said i broke m moms rules and everyone elses rules. So i got preganat at age 16 and i was ghappy...

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    better too worse

    Posted by mark595 at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Health   2011 September

    i got through college even when high school counslor said no . after i graduated i meet my wife . later i was diagnosised as being manic - depressive. i had many problems still do with being manic like ssuicidal thoughts. my wife became ill and died from cancer . we were together 18 yrs her family thought because of me being manic ..etc i cause she to go faster than normal.. now i am renting out a room to get extra money since i cant hold a job . my illness causes me to think and say things wrong and i thus get into trouble and lose work. i am on disability because of mani depression. the negative thoughts are over taking me all aaanyone want to do is hospitalise me for x amount of days wow what help that is. so life sucks i cant even find a ssssure fire method to end it. life is not interesting , cant find a honest lady, everyone want money so what am i to do ?? stand in front of a train?? hmm sounds too painfull

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    better life next time

    Posted by notworthanything at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Family   2011 September

    i hate my life. the more i know, the more life sucks. my BOYFRIEND and i have 1 child together, she's beautiful, she keeps me going. he then blessed me with his brothers twins and tells me to be a mother. his family treats me like crap, he and they dont acknowledge my feelings, its like i dont exist except to babysit.l i have full given up in this life and hope the next one is better. i am taken advantage of, used, ignored, but have fallen in to the trap of many women with being a stay at home "mom". the twins deserve better and so does my daughter, she deserves a happy mom and life. my self worth has diminished immensly.

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    Posted by Downsome at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Philosophical   2011 September

    I lost all of my oldest friends somehow.. maybe because i stared doing more drugs all the time, i don't know... Now i don't do drugs anymore but i still haven't renewed the contact with my old friends.. I got some new friends, and i love them, they are great, but i still miss my old friends i guess. I try to be as social as possible for me, but that's not all the time.
    It's not that i'm not grateful for everything i have, 'couse I am, but sometimes i feel like a bit of a looser in life. I haven't finished any education, and the ones i start, i don't finish. I haven't been working on any carrer and have been unemployed for a long time now (many years). The almost last two years i have done nothing at all to count, nothing really. I still live with my parents and i'm going 26 now witch is also a
    drawback for me. Don't get me wrong, there are many things I like about my life, but still when i get down I see all those disadvantages in my life..
    and that's why my life sometimes sucks...

    Comments: 6   Votes:


    Cant see the full part of the glass anymore :(

    Posted by anonymous at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Independent circumstances   Money   2011 September

    Hello im only 23 and in the last year my life really went downside...imagine this, about 2 years ago i was in 2nd year of collage, was doing ok with money and stuff was in a good relationship, basicaly had no worries and i was really optimistic about life and the path i was on. Last year on 22 Oct my dad died then things started to go downfall, i was depressed and couldnt take my exams so i missed a year from collage, my dad left me some money so i started a small business cause i need a school is expensive + all other bills needs to be payed. I pay rent now, bills and thats pretty much it, my business is not going anywhere and every day i see how i fall a little more while the money my dad left me are almost over. I cant afford to go back to school cause its to expensive [i am a student at programming enginnering, better say was :( ] So 2 years ago i was dreaming of becoming a programmer, get a nice job and figure things out one step at a time but life kiked me in the head and my only option now is to close my business, get a job that requires only a highschool degree and on top of that i cant finish my collage. Its so unfair, got so many problems...dont know what to do srsly.

    So for all of you that read this, thank God or whoever you belive in, or not, that life got you in one problme at a time, it didnt give you a taste of acomplishment and then take all you got while u witness your own downfall and you cant do nothing about it :(

    Dont worry im not emotionaly disturbed, i wont kill myself or do something stupid like rob a bank but except trying to survive while these "best years of my life" pass me i cant do anything else. I really dont care if my life will turn better when im 40 -50 years old its to late then...

    Comments: 5   Votes:


    Lonely widow

    Posted by jade at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Relationship   2011 September

    SO tired of crying myself to sleep at night. I dont get why after four years of being a widow NOONE wants to date me? I am a good person, kind, pretty, so I don't understand. I am in my 50's but look 10 years younger, yet nothing. WHAT are men who are middleaged SO afraid of???

    Comments: 5   Votes:


    Money buys happiness

    Posted by Panther at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Money   Philosophical   2011 September

    Yes. it does. Money buys love, happiness, friends, you name it! How? When you meet a potential friend, whatta they want? To get to know each other by going out to eat, going shopping, going to the movies, you name it! Not that you're paying for them, but you gotta pay for yourself. Love? You gotta buy beautiful clothes, makeup, get your hair did, cuz lets face it, you're far too ugly to face the rich bitches in this world. Happiness. I am ALWAYS happy on pay day. Then my money's gone and I'm sad.
    My car was repossessed. I have no car. No. Car. The last car in my family, my mom's car, just got repossessed tonight. Holy shit. I still have 5 months in the nursing program to go. What the hell am i going to do.
    Why can't some charity lend out vehicles to students >_

    Comments: 7   Votes:


    maybe just for the moment

    Posted by g1975 at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Money   Relationship   2011 September

    I'm going crazy right now. so I've always been depressed. moments of happiness come and go but the anxiety and depression linger for ever. uggghhhh deep breaths. I walk around telling myself to think positive because I truly believe you create your universe, what is around you and every feeling affects your body. diseases and sickness are results of our minds creation. but fuck is this hard . it just feels like its one thing right after another I bought a house when the market is at its highest. and now I'll never be able to sell So now I pay for a home wher one thing needs fixing then another then another, so money is a big issue with me. I have a decent job enough to support my fam. I got 2 beutiful kids 4/1 they are my life. The only reason I could never off myself. My wife is so fucking selfish though. she's cute and is a good mother but a terrible lover. I'm a good lover she cant let herself go with me though and that builds up alot of pressure in me as well. maybe sex once a month and it SUCKS. I think about women all the time and have women hitting on me and know that i could but I'm trying to be the good husband and father. I masturbate frequently now just so I am too tired to even try anything cause if it is offered to me I want to not be able to. My wife doesnt even notice. This masturbation is making me sick. All this shitty porn is fucking up my head too. I selfed medicated with pot for most of my life starting at 14. I'm 36 now. I hav...

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    Life Blows

    Posted by anonymous at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Job   Relationship   2011 September

    It's a fact...I've lost my career, not a regular job, but a career. Retirement and the whole thing...can't find a career in the same field, and I didn't go to college. 27 yr old white male...decent looking, but can't keep a girl longer than two months....this last one, 5 days! After she told me she was into me and took me seriously, a complete 24 hour change. "I've got to focus on me," line. Best one ever, I know I've used it. I could lose my house. I moved 100 miles away from my hometown to start my career only too see if taken away for an arbitrary bullshit reason. Everyone feels sad for me, but offers no real solutions. "Keep you head up" they say...or "Stay positive." Every time I think someone might go right for me, another kick to the nuts. An interview that did not go as I planned, a girl whose "...just not that into me..." When you work as hard as me, and it blows up, what is there to do?

    Comments: 7   Votes:



    Posted by broken at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Attitude   Childhood   Relationship   2011 September

    I was raised in Foster homes, from 6-18 yrs of age. I was physically abused as well as mentally. And watched my sister get sexual abused by my moms boyfriend. It was 9 of us and she was never hometo take care of us. And my dad passed away in 06 in whom I haven't seen sence I was 6 yrs old. I'm 29 and have children of my own. Just got out of a abusive relationship we met at a very young age and after going through all of that it has left me with severe depression anxiety I tryed taking my own life a few months a go ended up in the icu but was not successful. I love my children. Dearly but its hard raising them on my own. I had so many set backs in my life and been delt a bad hand I look at my life sometimes and just want to roll over and die if it wasn't for my children I would not be here I feel like god hates me when I think about my life and I hate my self for all the bad decision I made. But I had no stable home. Life sucks for real...

    Comments: 1   Votes:


    not that bad

    Posted by so sad at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Juvenile problems   2011 September

    WOW I read some stories on here about, my mon and dad are on meds. So what? How bad is that for you? Let me tell you about life sucking and not just because you don't want to go to school?? wow i wish that was my biggest problem.
    Where to start? I'll do point form
    - 5 brothers, middle child, only girl
    - beat up by brothers and father every day with hockey sticks
    - practice dummy for martial arts
    - dragged around the house by the hair all the time
    - lost teeth from being beaten
    - 5 yrs old, taking care of baby and rest of family because parents unable to
    - no childhood, no fun, no life, no friends
    - picked on all throughout schook, cried to sleep every night
    - knowing you are not wanted or loved
    - raped multiple times, for first time, friends don't believe
    - no guys want to be near damaged goods
    - no one to tell, no one to help you
    - things get works, no therapist can help, then they say. we can't help you anymore
    - able to hold down shitty job
    - cant watch the news or movies or listen to radio because most of them have a rape scene in them. and make you want to kill yourself every day.
    - try to be stong, end up being used so mother can have an affair and have another child
    - every day knowing it's not going to get better or easier and not giving in to drugs or abuse to deal with it.
    - no one to understand and no one to love
    Yet I can still graduated from University, and can hold down a job and not complain all the time. So buck up
    So the next time you want to complain think about the people who went through the war, the major depression, in a war camp, are missing limbs...
    BOO Hoo your mommy won't pay for your phone bill.
    grow up

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    why it sucks to be me

    Posted by Jessie at September 30, 2011
    Tags: Juvenile problems   2011 September

    I am 12 years old and let me tell you it sucks to be me because my dad drinks to death i live in a stupid little mobile home for 8 crappy years and i fight with all my sibblins you would think it gets better at school but it actually gets worse my sopposed friend jus traded me for a bitch called yesenia no one likes me im fat and i actually was cutting myself for a whole year till my mom and sis found out and i am not passing any of my classes now you see why it suck to be me

    Comments: 2   Votes:


    fucking hate my life

    Posted by fuckin hate my life at September 29, 2011
    Tags: General   2011 September

    my stupid ass car is broke for million time. my dad is a fuckin loser and never supported me my entire life not financially or emotionally, my mom is crazy. my siblings act like snakes who only want to do or help me if they get somethin in return. i cnt drive my car to get to fucking work and its been so fuckin stressful tryin to get to work and to top it off i cnat be late or absent again to work. i fuckin in school so that complicates my lfie too. im tired and so fuckin done. to top it off my ex or was its complicated friend is now not talkin to me so i dnt have anyone to help me and i pay all my bills on my own i sick and fuckin tired.

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    I've got you all beat!

    Posted by Tod at September 29, 2011
    Tags: Justice   2011 September   Sexuality   Society

    I'll admit I've only read a few of your stories, just to get the general vibe of the site. However, I can bet money my life sucks more than yours.

    I am a 52 year old man who must register as a sex offender for the rest of my life. Because of that, I can not get a job. I can not find a decent place to live. I can not make friends with or date anyone respectable. I'm likely to die penniless and alone, and possibly homeless.

    Oh, but it gets worse. I'm about as ordinary, normal and boring of a guy that you'll ever meet. I don't drink. I don't abuse drugs. I don't even smoke. I've never harmed, harassed, threatened nor been inappropriate with anyone - man, woman or child - ever in my entire life.

    If that's not bad enough, read on.

    I was living a pretty good life before all of this happened. I worked as an Excel developer for a great company where I'd been for over ten years. I lived in an upscale neighborhood. I drove a nice car. I did not associate with criminals or crack heads. My friends were law-abiding, reputable members of the community. There was nothing about my life, nothing about what I said or did or the way I acted, that would make you think that I was anything more than just a regular guy. It never occurred to me for a second that my life crumble like it has.

    A few years ago I developed an obsession with online porn. I started spending so much time looking at porn I would even make excuses to not go to work or be wi...

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    Comments: 64   Votes:


    life is absolute shit aint it

    Posted by fatwire at September 29, 2011
    Tags: Childhood   Family   Life Story   2011 September

    I just think its really sad how some of us are born into a shitty reality without causing it or being responsible for it. call it bad luck if you may. some people just dont deserve to be parents. I know I will never be a parent, and hell, why the fuck do people give birth to more then 1 child? Im absolutely sick and tired of hearing whiney bitches complain about how they're jealous of me for having a sister when thats one of a main reasons I feel like my life sucks.

    So anyway. Imagine what its like to have your life ruined before you even have a chance to refuse. I was born a normal baby in a fairly shitty eastren europian country. my parents couldnt afford to feed me so my mom bought some cheap shitty spanish food and overfed me with it till I got to the point of being morbidly obese and could barely walk. When I was 1 year old my parents desided to immigrate to a slightly less shitty country which today i deeply hate. I'd like to mention that ever since I was a little kid the only friend I was allowed to have was food. food and my sister, who hated my guts and tried to kill me when i was 4 years old(she was 8) by pushing me off the stairs. she would destroy my toys, make me throw them away and sometimes beat me. my parents always put her in charge whenever they left the house so she pretty much got away with doing whatever she wanted and I got the beating. she and my dad would often make fun of my weight, him calling me a baloon, and her telling me im a fat pig...

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    untitled story

    Posted by stell at September 29, 2011
    Static LinkTags: Juvenile problems   2011 September

    I feel really stupid writing this because I read a lot of these stories and some of them describe lives so much worse off than mine, so I do feel kinda selfish...
    I'm 16 so I'm still a kid really, and I live with my parents and brother. All of my other family members whom I love to pieces live very far away so i don't see them very often.
    I constantly surround myself with people (i think to avoid being left alone with my thoughts) and friends, but i never really know who i can rely on. I find that i always seem to be the person who people talk to about their life and problems but when it comes to mine they don't want to know, or i feel like i'm annoying them if i try to talk about it.

    I love my boyfriend very much and we have known each other a long time, and when we are together is the only time I am truly happy. However he goes to university far away from where I live so i rarely see him. He did cheat on me last year which cut me deep, as I sort of let my guard down with him and he broke that trust.

    My best friend has been with her boyfriend for two years and he is now the centre of her life. she never answers my calls or texts and the only time i really see her is at school, and even then she seems to be untalkative and is constantly texting her lover.

    I do have a lot of friends but they are people i like to spend time with and have a laugh with rather than confide in. I know i shouldn't close my mind off to confiding in them but ...

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    Posted by udontwannaknowthepaininmylife at September 29, 2011
    Tags: Juvenile problems   2011 September

    I hate my life everything in my life is going down the hill....This year my granny passed away every since then my life sucks....believe it or no i once was a loveing, and sweet girl now dat my pride n joy n my second mom is gone i feel like dieing...throught the months i had a birthday its was ok but it would have been awesome if my grany was there.....i go to my granny all the time for advice,issues,, family causes n issuses i had with my mother n stepdad....she reliesed my pain but now its back again....Every time i wanna talk to her all the time i think the phone ringing because she calling on me but no i always be momma dont know that im suacidal or emo n cuts my self...should i kill my self or let me suffer throught the pain i ask my self everyday should i???(commen tif u can n tell me ur answer) i know my life not as bad as the others to me it is ny mother beat me n my suppose be stepdad always putting his hands on me when he should be cuz he not nothing to me

    Comments: 13   Votes:


    my son

    Posted by anonymous at September 29, 2011
    Tags: Death   Health   2011 September

    Epilepsy is not known well enough. I was trying to get ss for myself when my son spencer had a seziure and died instantly. He was 11 yes old, very smart that he test @ 10th gr level in 5th gr.he is the youngest of 3 kids. I seem to be the only 1 greeving still it happened 2/8/10.noone talks about it @ all and he was the life of the h anyway in ill u r sus to have 13 seziures before u get ssouse and the funny one. Anyway u r sus to have 13 seziures before u get ss so I gave up cause I would of taken in a pict of him and said now u tell me does it look like it took 13 or just 1

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    Cannot do this anymore.

    Posted by anonymous at September 29, 2011
    Tags: Juvenile problems   2011 September

    A lot of people freak out when they graduate high school. I didn't think I would be one of them. Up until the very last week I approached the event with complete nonchalance. Beyond high school my life was scheduled and color-coded, each little detail categorized neatly under "college," "career" and "lovelife." I would be going to a religious college with my sister—I reasoned that even though I wasn’t interested in doctrine, I would be with my best friend and confidant. I would then proceed with my career. I had nothing in particular planned, but I knew I wanted to be an industrious woman, a lawyer or doctor or something of that nature. As for love: it would go perfectly. I was “in love” with my then-boyfriend, and things would progress smoothly. Even though we would be separated by thousands of miles, our “devotion” would make it work. Once I was old enough, he and I would get married, and I would have my fairytale wedding night, during which I would lose my virginity. I would then crank out two children and happily juggle family, work, and somewhere in there, spend copious amounts of time with my best friends, who I had known all my life, and with whom I wanted to share everything.

    Seriously, I had it coming.

    From somewhere out of the blue, on the last day of school, I came down with a nasty case of manic-depression, ripped out large quantities of hair, kicked and screamed my way into—and out of—a hospital, effectively devastated all of my childho...

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