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wife is a total bitch douch bag and I want out!!

Posted by ME at July 9, 2013
Tags: Jul2013

I live with a totall POS. My wife acts like a man, is not feminine at all and verbally attacts me, puts me down, is negative as all get out, wants to debate about everything, on top of being a whiner, complainer and one who gossips about others. She either works or is on Facebook, hides pics and text on her phone and computer. Get this, when I'm in the rest room taking care of business, she can hear me getting toilet paper and tells me to stop using so much. This is coming from the same idiot who used to share her tooth brush with boyfriends and has had STDs, crabs, even been pregnant. Constantly has yeast infections and wonders why I havent touched her in years or wonders why I'm not interested in eating her out. I blammed myself and even said I had issues getting it up so I didnt hurt her feelings and so I didnt have to be in such a disgusting state....NEWSFLASH!!!! I'm not attracted to you, nor do I trust you!!! Take a hint


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