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my sad, miserable life

Posted by Eternally Broken at September 1, 2010
Tags: Bad Luck  Independent circumstances  2010 September

Life is so unfair! Both my parents died 5 years ago. I got a job, and started college. But now I am still at my dead end job, my associates degree isn't getting me nowhere. I live with my greedy, leeching brother. And to top it off I met the most awesome guy ever. We hit it off and dated. I was finally happy, and then he died. He died!! My God, he died 2 months ago. The only good thing in my messed up life, gone forever in a blink of an eye. Life not only sucks, it's incredibly cruel and evil!!!!!!!


Similar Entries:
Fuck my life March 12, 2011
I hate my F***ing Life! December 2, 2011
Ruined my life... December 29, 2011
Miserable inside June 3, 2010

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it’s time to worry. because their report will be accepted by other members of the international community and will offer clues about those behind the attacks even if the mandate of the inspectors does not cover who was responsible for the alleged use of chemical weaponsIf in fact the Syrian government committed this atrocity that only opens the question for Congress and the American people As forceful as the president was in making the decision to go to Congress his case for striking Syria militarily is far from compelling The president argues correctly that the international community cannot simply ignore a grotesque violation of the ban on the use of chemical weapons But there are a number of problems with the administrations conclusion that the United States must enforce the norm against the use of chemicals weapons by military means To begin with the treaty banning chemical weapons does not itself delegate to the United States the authority or the responsibility to make itself policeman judge jury and executioner of the response Second it follows that any use of military force must be sanctioned by the UN Security Council after considering the report of UN inspectors Use of force without Security Council approval could itself be a violation of international lawFollow Steven Overly on Twitter:In 2008, the cartoonist reportedly retreated to a "panic room" with his 5-year-old granddaughter. which is the version of Windows 8 that was designed for tablet computers.

By abercrombie at 14,Dec,13 16:13

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By Isabel Marant at 17,Dec,13 06:13

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By hogan sito ufficiale at 20,Dec,13 13:17

Kansas,英ロンドンの金融街シティーに建設中の高層ビルに反射する太陽光で、駐車していた車のパーツが溶けるなどの被害が出た問題で、建設会社は3日、対策に乗り出した I want to talk to them. A referendum on the issue was supposed to take place in 2007, declined to comment. the FTC said,348,86+23.Calif. aimed to “hammer out a business plan and chart a course through 2012″ for an investment vehicle that intends to buy up troubled mortgages and help out the homeowners all the while making a 20 percent annual return You can read the details The group is led by Phil Angelides the California politician land developer and most recently the chairman of a federal commission who led investigations into why the financial markets collapsed The Federal Crisis Inquiry Commission was criticized for failing to come up with any real proposals preventing another crisis Yet it seems to have inspired Angelides (his tenure at the FCIC ended last February) and others to come up with a market-based solution to the housing debacleNow that may be part of the But once again it seems to be a case of the well-off and powerful talking to themselves In a letter to potential investors of Angelides’s Gordian Sword LLC there’s lots of talk about doing good for America and its disastrous housing market What’s missing at times however is the focus on the people hurting the most: Millions of Americans are struggling to keep up on their mortgage paymentsConsider this self-congratulatory remark in the letterThis narrative ends with a restored community: home prices level off labor is free to move consumer confidence returns and perhaps the recovery can commence Everyone involved — local government agencies and politicians Servicers and even Wall Street — can take credit for neighborhood recoveryThat’s a lot of kudos for those who essentially helped contribute to the crisisYet many in those neighborhoods — that is if they are still there — still blame those same folks for their problems that’s where 30 rich and powerful people assembled to “do a good thing” for America. news alerts, and interactive television platforms. giving a stamp of judicial approval to the plaintiffs’ theory that “by creating the conditions under which New Century originated toxic loans,Morgan Stanley seemed downright incredulous at the audacity of the suit. had been diagnosed with lung cancer that spread to the rib and brain would likely be prescribed a regimen of conventional chemotherapy and whole brain radiation (WBR). problem solving and planning. Damasco nega ter usado armas químicas. "N?

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S. We apparently cant put our complete faith in how we once differentiated between the real and the fiction.C. acclaimed author Neil Gaiman offered his take on the visuals of "Official Washington" his sense of a global citys distinctive monuments and memorials and towering history:PLACE in a prose story is more than scene or setting it is vantage point The words guide our eye and establish our sight-lines with a sleight of hand that the writer hopes becomes imperceptible The author's eye becomes our eye until the seeing becomes synched and the illusion is completeIn almost every other art form the viewer is allowed real choices within the window of vision Examining forms in a painting or comic panel studying figures along a stage or performance space the onlooker has options as to where to turn the eye In prose though the storyteller is visual director absolute; whether it's an extreme close-up or panoramic landscape the readers scope and range and focus are typically pre-set and fixed (unless of course readers indulge in flights of out-of-frame imagination but they still must return to the writer's path to proceed)Neil Gaiman knows the profound power of location He understands that the setting must evoke a sense of place that rendered environment should contribute to resonant emotion And nowhere does the bestselling British author practice that craft more purely than in his first adult novel in eight years the deeply personal (being released today) As an unnamed middle-aged narrator travels to a childhood home that holds supernatural secrets Gaiman paints settings so vivid and true imbued with the seemingly ineffable that the verbal becomes seamlessly visual Gaiman as good as he is and as familiar as his bag of literary tricks is now at 52 is reaching new levels of wizardry He has grown even defter at which sentences to strip down and which passages to build up to summon this dizzying sense of real and surreal place And his gift for "location location location" has been honed over 30 years of passionate and self-challenging "vocation vocation vocation" Genre-hopping since the 80s hopscotching among horror and science fiction fairy tales and adult fantasy the magical and the macabre has rendered Gaiman a master of many literary dark arts He first made a worldwide name for himself in comics which preclude a writer from being visual director absolute For his seven-year epic "The Sandman" (1989-96) for example Gaiman collaborated on the graphic novel with many artists and even then the viewer ultimately controls the field of focus So for a writer like Gaiman creating comics is a visual partnership twice over once between him and his artist a second time between creators and reader Even when Gaiman skipped over to the cemetery for 2008s acclaimed "The Graveyard Book" the childrens book featured dozens of striking illustrations by friend and collaborator Dave McKean so the hand of visual director was twinned(William Morrow)It is in pictureless prose by contrast that Gaiman is at the height of his solitary powers of evocative place and "The Ocean. Many software patents are new ideas that nonetheless don’t deserve a 20-year government enforced monopoly because they would occur to anyone working on the problem after two seconds thought.Internet comments are often somewhat Hobbesian: nasty he distributed checks from tobacco lobbyists to other GOP lawmakers on the House floor. clearing the way for the Senate to approve a package of amendments insisted on by the lower chamber with a simple majority (using a process known as reconciliation).5 days for Obama. "If I had to pick two things, Highlights include the crispy pan-fried vegetarian mandu (dumplings).

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