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nothing right

Posted by B at September 25, 2010
Tags:  2010 September

Since i started this thing called life I've been lied to saying you can be anything you want. it started with an iq test saying 149 from there i started to look hopeful on life. from there it started going down hill i never really had friends if i did they usually hated me then when i turned 15 my mom was diagnosed with cancer i ended up watching her die by watching her drown in her own blood from a broken blood clot it changed my world 3 years after being homeless for two months and re-situated myself started to think better on life getting a gf we got engaged and when the depression hit i lost my job two after being accepted to a top ten university which was my life's dream to get a doctorate degree . which in turn meant since i lived on my own since sixteen there was no where to turn to so i no longer had money to afford transportation to and from school about a week before that my fiancee broke up with me because i had no more money to give her which showed what that relation ship was about my time being jobless wiped out my finances so i now have no money no family slim chance at getting my education back till i find a good job again which seems impossible and like 3 friends of which are on border line of hating me the only thing that keeps me going is the false hope that something might change or go right and if one thing does like 10 others go wrong. and that's the very abridged version of my life with still half of it missing


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By cheap oem software at 12,Feb,12 14:41

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