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Just another hypocrite

Posted by some guy at August 17, 2011
Tags: 2011 August  Relationship

So, as neither of you know me here it would not be arrogant to picture me as I am.

I am an average height, athletic, very clever, fun and attentive guy. Most women say I am handsome, and the few ones that I've dated say that I am "love of their life" Yet, every one of them has just dropped me, out of the blue for no reason. I ask them... "well, just let me know if I did wrong, so next doesnt go wrong" They invariably reply that nothing is wrong with me.

I just dont get it with women, I was risen by my mom and grandma, most of my contact were with aunts and female cousins... and in my whole life I have met just one faithful woman, my grandma, every other one has been a great time cheater. When I was younger that used to play in my advantage somehow, since I could just go and do it with many married gals, but it gets bad with time, you start wondering what the hell is wrong with them. I've changed and I have never cheated myself, yet all women seem to keep ramping up even when they are getting older, it doesn't matter, they are all cheaters, hypocrites to themselves


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By anonymous at 11,Oct,11 22:03

maybe your too much into yourself to make a women feel needed?

By anonymous at 11,Oct,11 22:10

Message me

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