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It sucks to be a man at this time in History

Posted by at October 20, 2011
Tags: 2011 October  Philosophical

*Cant get that job for taking off your clothes.
*Men cook now days, even better than women do.
*Men can't live for free by sleeping with the owner in most cases, women can
*Men can't do a handjob or riding in car and have his car filled with petrol
*Men can't lose his virginity by selling it online, some unattractive ones do pay to get rid of it
*Men without proper training and education are destined to physical labour, women can dance for the least educated position
*Men who cry are pussies, women who cry are sympathy summoner.
*Men could have fist fight in any stage in life, women dont normally have it
*Men are expected to know things, women are expected to do just CERTAIN things that men do.
*Men who have no money are expandables, women who have no money are easy picks and baby makers. (Think international 4 this one) Thus women are more valuable by their sexual and reproductive natures.

It sucks o be a man. You can't screw the that woman by simply asking. There are alot more involved than that.

Classic method---- get a girl friend: Normally you and your gf does not have the same interests, but you are stuck for a commonly accepted notion, the so called relationship. So you are stuck, the act of mating does not happen whenever you want it. Your girl friend normally is not capable of doing what actress of various kinds do on TV in the act of mating and cooking nicely in the kitchen. When seeing each other or living together, your girl friend just have different likings and needs to yours, man has to work to accommodate such differences in this class method whenever and whereever. Unable to do so, and unable to please her with your dick in the mating workout would lead to ending of realationship. Everything sucks.

Attraction method--- Charm or buying drinks: This method sucks less, for its easier and straigh forward. Talk her into it, or pay her enough to get her drunk to get what you want. It sucks when you are not blessed by charm, it sucks harder when you pay for her drunkness just to fuck her, and it sucks for the hardest when her friend put your effort in waste by taking her home from you company.

The easiest method--- Get married, and fuck only one pussy while you always want to look to and fuck others for as long as the marriage last. Adultory would lead to the loss of half of all assest or sharing the same pussy with oter men in discreet.

*if you turned gay you are disgusting, and easier to suffer for STD
*If you choose to aviod relationship for the difficulty of it, you are inhuman and will lose an element of life in your living.
*If you raped a woman, you will be jailed, but if you got raped by a woman, she would not be arrested.
*If you are drunk, you cant. If she is drunk, she is easier
*In public transport, men have less room to stand comparing to the women of about the same weight as women have tits and men have a dick between the legs
*Men die earlier than women in most countries. Yeap, men work harder, die earlier and suck harder.

YOu are a man? You suck harder than a woman. End of story


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By anonymous at 04,Dec,11 17:19

Okay, what if God snapped his fingers and you woke up tomorrow in the body of a Middle Eastern woman in Saudi Arabia. Let's see here. You will most likely be treated like shit, not allowed to drive, executed for adultry, shunned and riduculed if you were raped. Woman may get treated better in the western world, but the Muslims treat theirs like shit. Just think of the Taliban.
By anonymous at 04,Dec,11 20:17

And your argument is moot because that won't happen. At least their live are short. Short and horrible, but short.

A man in America's is by far longer, and in the eyes of the sufferer, what they're enduring is worse than what anyone else is because people are selfish.
By at 26,Jan,12 23:12 Fold Up

If God snape his fingers.... First of all God does not snapp fingers as his miracle does not work on finger snappinng.
Second, if your god proceeds as your whim, and punish me as you see fits, then that god must be a false one.
Third, my argument is obviously applied on men in the capitlatistic free countries of some. You are comment is out of topic.
Fourth, a god does not punish just because one posts what is factual and humoroush on the internet.
Fifth, if you keep saying god this and god that base on your irrational and subjective mind, you may as well be punished by your own god for not acting in its grace.

End of story
By anonymous at 27,Jan,13 08:17 Fold Up

Lol, that is in the middle east. In America if you are a woman you are a goddess and can control any guy you wish even if they suffer in your aftermath of leaving them broke. Face it people!In the future there will be no women left. Reports have shown that the population of men has been decreasing over the years and soon only females will remain. Artificial insimination will resume. For example, more and more men are going on hrt and turning female. It is sad that men have to resort to this, thanks to the way females treat men it has become this way. To all you guys, women do not care about your feelings, all they want is money and they do not want love. They will lie , lead you on , just about anything to get it so thier lazy butts can sit on thier azz and screw other guys while your at work. I do not care what any of you say, the bottom line here is that being a guy is horrible and being a woman is a forever party.
By anonymous at 27,Jan,13 08:19

Lol, that is in the middle east. In America if you are a woman you are a goddess and can control any guy you wish even if they suffer in your aftermath of leaving them broke. Face it people!In the future there will be no men left. Reports have shown that the population of men has been decreasing over the years and soon only females will remain. Artificial insimination will resume. For example, more and more men are going on hrt and turning female. It is sad that men have to resort to this, thanks to the way females treat men it has become this way. To all you guys, women do not care about your feelings, all they want is money and they do not want love. They will lie , lead you on , just about anything to get it so thier lazy butts can sit on thier azz and screw other guys while your at work. I do not care what any of you say, the bottom line here is that being a guy is horrible and being a woman is a forever party.

Being a guy does suck, which is why many men are going on hormones and turning into a woman. I know all about it. I am a 34 year old transexual in HRT. When I was a guy it was horrible. Girls these days do not care about love and all they want is money. Girls have it easy and men do not.. PERIOD!
By anonymous at 18,Apr,13 21:19 Fold Up

Right on...
By at 10,Jun,13 12:37

There are still replies in 2013, amazing!!

By anonymous at 04,Dec,11 21:35

Man is the god's mistake.
-All wars you heard of were started by man, none by wemen
- It was scientifically proven that the more male hormone (testosterone) you have the more violent you are.
- It was scientifically proven that the higher male hormone is the higher chances it will be abusive and inattentive father.
- It was scientifically proven that wemen with high testosterone (male hormon)level are 5 times more likely to abuse and neglect there children.
- superior gene is X never Y. That's why all males have niples. (In 100% of baby's' brain develops only in a state of X (being a female).Then gender depends on temperature. Low temperature/low frequency is male. Higher temperature/higher frequency is female.
By at 26,Jan,12 23:16

I wont go into details in pointing out how unconstructive your argument is. However I will say that people who visit lifesuckbigtime don't normally pay attention on scientific facts wannabe. Also that my article or argument is only some come of dark humor on this dark corner of the world wide web. For you to take it so seriously is not an ideal reaction.
By anonymous at 18,Apr,13 21:24 Fold Up

You seem to know a lot of testo info but cant spell women.... wow.... must be a testo butch freak....women are where most of societies problems stem...
By at 10,Jun,13 12:36

meh~ just a typo

By anonymous at 04,Dec,11 21:52

It is man and only man who make it hard for man. And thats that..!

By anonymous at 05,Dec,11 11:44

: 0~~

By anonymous at 05,Dec,11 20:00

Avoiceformen . com if you feel this way. The MRA is making changes and getting men to wake up! Men don't see it because of society, but we are getting shafted! Do not get married, ever!

By anonymous at 06,Dec,11 02:53

It's a raining MEN hallellujah..!it's a raining MEN..hey..hey..

By anonymous at 06,Dec,11 04:37

You have no freakin clue about being a woman... you're view is seriously messed up. Open your eyes and deal with it.
By at 26,Jan,12 23:21

No, I dont have a clue just as the grass in always greener in somebody else's yard, and it's only a joke. Beside is factual in almost everyway.
By anonymous at 18,Apr,13 21:27

Tell your wife the grass is green she wont believe you and will argue otherwise...but if someone else tells her the same shes all for it....

By anonymous at 06,Dec,11 05:51

You can always go to jail. I'm sure one of the bosses won't mind turning you into his "princess" and take care of you.
Honestly, I have no idea how you could have arrived to this conclusion. You make it sound like women don't get STD's, aren't labeled disgusting, and what not.

Needless to say, you have a very warped view of the world, and this view will only turn you bitter against women and the world in general.
By at 26,Jan,12 23:18

Hey is a joke, read the comment below yours.

By anonymous at 13,Dec,11 06:18

Apparently i am inhuman and have lost lost an element of my life in living then.

PS i enjoyed the public transport one as well, who would have though of that? Great stuff sir!

By at 17,Dec,11 08:23

So why dont you get a sex change and make your life easier?
By at 26,Jan,12 23:19

People on lifesuck donr make change but talk about what they suck for. I like to be a male, and I am not changing to a female.

By anonymous at 22,Dec,11 06:02

it does suck to be a man but thats because you got these homosexual kosher assholes running the damn show and these bastards keep making it a bitch for us average joes. I know god exists and that is because satan is real and he hates men

By at 10,Jun,13 12:42

I am surely surprised by my own wisdom and observation. I am brilliant muhaha!!

By matz crorkz at 23,Nov,14 13:12

ChTBc6 Incredible! This blog looks just like my old one! It's on a completely different topic but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Great choice of colors!

By RoyalCBD at 28,Sep,20 11:24

ILcnoY this is wonderful blog. A great read. I all certainly be back.

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