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48 years old

Posted by LIFESUX at January 16, 2012
Tags: 2012 January  Relationship

I truly believe in love at first sight....married my high school sweetheart at age 19. Served in the military reserves for 7 years and raised 2 wonderful succesfull kids....Shortlly after the internet was available my wife became addicted to AOL chat rooms and soon became addicted to one titled Married and Flirting....She soon started staying up all night chatting online and sneaking out to parties and hookups with guys she met online.In 1998 I discovered she had "fallen in love " with her online boyfriend...after loosing my lifes savings as to AOL bills and expenses incured to her boytoy ....we came to an agreament and set out for a new life and I forgave her . Oct.2010 after many years of a wonderful life and raising some wonderful babies.....while performing some routine maintainence on our home PC I discovered videos of my wife and her buisness partner having sex....YES they video taped it several times and also his jerk off cum shot videos he aparentlly made of himself...What sux so bad is that he was our neighbor and buisness partner for 10 years and youth group leader at church for my brothers kids...Now I cant stop thinking about how she cheated on me twice and I caught her.....I wonder how many other times and how many other cheating bastards contributed to ruining my life...Ive always been a good friend...husband...and DAD...why me?


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By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 01:28

WOW, this is one of the worst i have read, as far as impact on one's, please don't waste your life trying to figure out why this has happened......this woman has displayed PURE EVIL, and any answers she gives you will be geared to get what she just DO NOT toy with people's hearts......her mind is sick, from this point on, i would never say another word directly to her again......i would never show her even the slightest hint of ANY emotion, even if she were standing in front of me asking me a question, i would not even acknowledge her presence......treat her like she's a complete ghost.....wash your hands of this woman and her dangerous ways.....i believe you've given enough and she doesn't deserve one more second of you.

By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 03:35

Divorce definately would not be a bad option at this point. You gave her a 2nd shot, and she blew it. If you want, maybe you could both go to marriage counseling and try to fix your relationship, i'm sure your children dont want a divorce. I'm disgusted to hear that a youth pastor screwed around with your wife, hopefully he loses his job because he should've never been a pastor in the first place. Your in a tough spot, but other men have gone through similar situations, im sure theres some specific help groups that could be of help, or see a therapist. Try not to get bitter, it will only bring you down. Best of luck moving forward and god bless.

By at 07,Feb,12 09:09

The true hurts, and I am hurting you just to answer you. Because you are a boringly patriotic man who does not love (fuck) her like her other affairs. No, is not just the sex, it has got to do with your patriotic mentality too. Not to mention in details how she is a young girl at heart who is thirst for adventure as you too got married when you too were young. She got away once, and then she got away as many time as she wanted. Their cocks and companies completed her younger heart in mother's skin.

If you wanted vegence, you just need to show the videos to your grown up children who know how their family was shattered by your ex's naughtiness. Then you kids may as well withdraw their forgiveness on their mum, and their mum shall die alone or rather lonely. By the way, you can use your-self as an example to teach your male kids the fact that boring, honest, hardworking and kind men loss their wifes to cheating cocks. Then history shall not repeat on your sons.

Just show them, you know, and tell them you wish you could had fucked her like him to keep your exwife and their mum. "Son, I have the most important lesson of life to teach you, come watch this video with me...." In case if you have the motivation to get your revenge on her, it is really good to make this educational as people pay more attention in their learning mode.

Regardless, that happened too many years ago to get angry over now. Just live you life on!
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 12:50

Um NO ONE should ever see their mother naked or in the act of sex. That is HIGHLY immoral and mentally damaging. You do not turn to your kids looking for sanction for your actions.
By at 08,Feb,12 10:52

At 1250, To the grown up male kids, I said. It surely is moral as long as is carried out biologically and intellectually educationl to one's sons.

IT is only mentally damaging if the grown up kids are not mentally prepared enough before watching. Note that I have suggestion to poster on how to approach the lesson issue.

Yes you do turn to your families for sanction caused by your action. However it is not sanction that I suggested in my comment, but life lesson and possible vegence. Also that I said "If you wanted vegence...." So it is entirely up to him to do that.

Most people on this site are grown-ups, and need not being told what they should not do base on your subjective point of view.
By anonymous at 08,Feb,12 18:28

subjective? fucking lost are you really????

maybe you should re-read your "suggestion" think it's classy and that you're taking the high road by giving this man the choice to follow your would be like me saying, "it's your choice if you want to stick hot needles in both your eyes, it's moral and biologically educational for that time when your girlfriend broke up with you"....
you are a very deceiving person, whatever you do, don't be, that would just be horrible.....for then i'd have no one to make look stupid on this site on a daily basis.
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 20:12 Fold Up

WOW kifi4, you are clearly one of the dumbest fucking people who's ever made a post on this site.....clearly, you area waste of waste of human space, a walking sack of literally just told a man that because he was a devoted husband and family man, it was his fault his wife chose to broke her vows and sleep around.....that is the absolute most flawed logic i have ever heard of, not to mention that you suggested he allow his children to see one of the things that have ripped this guy's heart are unbelievable.

it is not another's fault when someone makes a conscious decision to do wrong......everyone knows the difference between right and wrong, even as small mom told you not to get into the cookie jab, but you did anyways, looking back at her with that half smile smerk.....this is how it begins, we grow older, and the choices we are faced with have much more responsibilty, yet sometimes are still as tempting as a cookie is to a child.....many will not understand this.....

based on your logic kifi4, if this man would've fucked his wife hard like she was a pure slut, that would've in turn made her an amazing mother and devoted family housewife......i wonder how long you will support such a comletely lost and hopeless mindset.
By anonymous at 07,Feb,12 20:19

also, you cannot force yourself to be responsible with everyone else's decisions......based on kifi4's logic, innocent people should be charged with the crimes of others.....if kifi4 were right, why aren't people who live in kansas charged with robbery when a thug in los angeles steals from a convenience store........why aren't the world's remaining population of giraffes hunted and killed when a shark attacks off of the coast of austrailia.......please hear what this message is saying, basically that kifi4 is a sick muthafucker for saying these things to his brother who's searching for answers because his heart is hurting.
By at 08,Feb,12 10:43

At 20:19, your reason jumps from misunderstanding on my commnet to people being charge with crime they did not commit. In my comment to the poster, it answers the poster's question. Suffering is not the same thing as punishment, and the person who explains someone's wife choices by his common sense is not same as a judge's decision in a court of law.

The rest of the implications in your comment that are based on your false argument are not of my concern. You can live with them alone with great freedom.

Please do not listen to your heart, but the reasoning in your head when it comes to living life safely. In case if you do not have any, you need not to waste your time.

No, he is not my brother, I don't have one. I sincerely believe my answer has his wife figured out.
By at 08,Feb,12 10:33 Fold Up

At 2012, I have mentioned "No, is not just the sex, it has got to do with your patriotic mentality too." Therefore the reason that your argument based on is wrong.

I did not use the word fault, rather I pointed the fact that he was not that attractive to her for such and such reason. Unbelievable? It's in your face when your read, you need not to believe.

"Base on my logic.... pure slut..." That is your understanding of my logic, I had not insulted his wife with any negative word, not even calling her by any funny name or the like.

Your ability in seeing what you think when reading someone else's reasoning is as good as lifesucksbigtime.
By anonymous at 08,Feb,12 18:22

how oblivious are you?......are you fucking kidding me, your way of thinking is written in PLAIN FUCKING ENGLISH. and you think we can't see that you're insulting this man and what little belief in love that me may have left? delusional are you, i DID NOT misunderstand your comment, it was not written in hidden message or some ridiculous code.....your fucking brain is broken dude, plain and simple, and here's why.
~you clearly suggest THAT A MAN SHOULD SHOW HIS CHILDREN video footage of his wife engaging in extramarrital affairs as revenge in order to drive a wedge between the bond of a mother and her child.....(as if this would serve as some retrobution to the pain that the husband is experiencing).....and you justify this horrible suggestion by adding, make sure that the children are of age......
~you think that because you didn't actually "call the wife a name with a negative word" that you're taking the high road, that you're NOT insulting his family with your claims that it's ultimately his fault for being patriotic (devoted) and not having sex with her hard enough.....where is your "great understanding".....i did not call the wife a pure slut, i used that as an adjective to describe how YOU SAY the husband should've made love to his wife.....swing and a miss, huh buddy? `
~you CLEARLY say it's the husband's fault and that he's to blame, BY LISTING REASONS AND SUGGESTIONS OF WHAT HE "SHOULD'VE DONE", then you don't see the parallel between my example of your so-called "understanding" compared to people being arrested for things they did not even do......forget the mumbo-jumbo about courts of law, we can talk about that later.....i'm talking about people being responsible for their OWN ACTIONS, you don't seem to grasp that no one FORCED this woman to do these horrible things and at any time, she could've valued her husband's heart and walked away from her sins......nice try but you FAIL
~you are nothing more than an educated evil person, who admittedly doesn't speak from his heart, so inturn, nothing you say has any value to it, they are only the opinions of someone who clearly loves themselves WAY TOO MUCH to ever make an attempt at healing another's hurting call this offering of advice "common sense" and surround it with clever words, i call it good old fashioned TRICKERY, and for those of us reading, it's very obvious......and so, once again, you FAIL.
By anonymous at 08,Feb,12 18:44

yep, unbelievable. i wonder what kind of garbage this kifi4 guy will spew out next.
By at 08,Feb,12 20:12 Fold Up

At 18:22 I take your reply to my comment as a praise.

*Because I am really not that educated, in fact I don't read any fiction that is brickly think on the book
*Because my common sens is too clever for you to handle

May be I really don't have a heart, what are you going to do about it? Tell me the heart is usful in this cruel world? If it guilty to not have a heart? If I am that clever is brain broken? DO you see how incorrect your argument is?

You did misunderstand me and my comment. Also that there is a great fundamental different between someone who tried to answer with his brain and a decision maker in a court of law. Your criticisn is false, though your good intention is admirable, but nevertheless it is unproductive.

Tearing the relationship between kids and mum? Dysfunctional parents do that kind of thing to each other all the time anyway. Beside, I told him to show that to the grown up male kids, who most likely have reached the age of reasoning and can choose how much they love their parents base on FACTSSSSSS.
By at 09,Feb,12 00:00 Fold Up

At 18:22 2ed reply.
Body, since you have typed so much, I am adding more to my reply that is made to your respond to my earlier comment.

I described the wife by her charasteristics, and I answered the original poster with brutal honesty. Also that I told the OP how to aviod the repeat of history in the part about him telling his grown kids.
You Misunderstanding is plentiful, because you think I have deemed the wife as wrong, but I was really just saying to him that she cheated because you are boring in your lifelong relationship. One can be bad for being boring to a female. Also that one can't be wrong for acting on her adventerous mind as her inner kitty cat demands it.

Now, that is another misunderstanding by you as it was not my point that he should had done something, rather it was me telling him to teach his kid and get revenge on her on the long run as he sees fit IN THE FUTURE. Because I started with "By the way..." in my comment to the original poster. I can't help you seeing what you dont like and make false accusation based on your misunderstanding, but that is just not what I mean.

Quote, "she could've valued her husband's heart and walked away from her sins......nice try but you FAIL".
No, 1822, you are the one who fail with your useless implications on top of your false argument and misunderstanding. Because I described the wife with her charasteristic, and had not argued that she is bad or terrible in anyway. Also you failed because you are trying to understanding my comment with who's fault-and-who's correct-mentality. The mentality that is not in me and my comment. KEEP YOUR bible study away from my comment and me, you christian fundamentalist.

Quote, "who admittedly doesn't speak from his heart, ....i call it good old fashioned TRICKERY, and for those of us reading, it's very obvious......and so, once again, you FAIL."
*One can not be a failure for being correct and tricky. Beside I am not tricky, and I did speak from my heart.
*My heart tells me that if the father did what I told him to his son, than his son will not have a lifesuck for the same reason as his dad.
*Also my heart tells me that the poster may want to have vengence on his cheating wife with just a little push from someone who posses necssary cunning. (Save your evilology, is a fucking fairy tale!)
*Those of you who read and disagree with my ideas may not agree with you, simply because there are only two who disagree with me, and they may be the same person. Who thinks like a failure anway? Hmm you do.

You FAIL for the worst, because you make no better comment than I have made, and you have been using this post to correct me who is acting on good intention without a trace of religious moral and common sense that you have in you.

You fail for less on your attempt to add intenions to my comment with your false argument and many trashy implications that are based on that false argument of yours.

Your smallest fail is to tell others to ignore my responds on your comments as quote "forget the mumbo-jumbo about courts of law, we can talk about that later", and the fact that you have failed to see what possible good things my comment can bring to the OP and his son. You lifesucks just like mine, but your life sucks harder because your are stupid and stubborn. My S&S fellow blogger make me type more @.@ on lifesucks
By at 09,Feb,12 04:53

hahahaha, sratching to make it up the hill, eh bud?........

nice try, but once again you FAIL miserably.....this one will be short and sweet

YOU just wrote and i quote:
"One can be bad for being boring to a female. Also that one can't be wrong for acting on her adventerous mind as her inner kitty cat demands it."
hahahaha, her INNER KITTY?......THE MYTHICAL INNER KITTY story, please tell us more.....please share your great knowledge of "the inner kitty".....hahahaha

i only have one more thing to say to you as it's EXTREMELY OBVIOUS that you FAIL at being gracious in defeat......if you wanted to ask about what i "believe in" or talk about my faith, i would say that i believe Jesus was EXACTLY who he said he was......AND I WILL SPEAK OF THIS ANYWHERE, anyhow, and with anyone i see fit......why are you so intimidated by me mentioning things about His teachings, did i not see another post where you were telling someone how to properly be a buddist?......and why are you so nervous when it comes to dealing with someone who is backed by Christian values? are free to spew forth your bullshit "trickery" to the entire world, i never told you that you weren't allowed to type anything......but are CLEARLY RATTLED do deal with someone who doesn't fall for the useless slime you're so known for other words, HAHAHAHA, DON'T CENSOR ME SISSYBOY......YOU'VE ALREADY LOST.....OH YEA, HEY KIFI4, HAVE A NICE DAY.
By at 09,Feb,12 05:38

At ~C 0453. (now you have found a name for your-self, how clever of you)

Defeat? All of your reasonings and arguments have been defeated, but still, you tell others to ignore my points in your last comment and insists on repeating your-self with more implications and false assumptions. Yeah I am too sharp in these, and you have been defeated.

The quote is from my reply to you, but not to the poster. And that is how I look at life it-self rather than the poster. Beside HE IS BAD AT KEEPING HER HEART BUT HE IS A GOOD PERSON. SEE? you fail.... The inner kitty is like a comparisonal title for the adventerous cheating heart like the one she has. You are thinking too sexual and were laughing for your misunderstanding on my comment..... YOU FAIL... for twice, so very shamful.

HIS TEACHINGS? NERVOUS ON CHRISTIAN VALUE? Well, buddha is a state and anyone can be a buddha, including female. YOU FAIL! YOU HAVE REALLY FAIL on these ones:
Christian value is not of my value, and I try to be respective here. And leaving comment for the many OP on lifesucks have got nothing to do with Christian value.
I leave whatever I see fit, unlike religious hypocrites who have only so much to offer. THEREFORE me being nervious on that is your assumtion on my intention, and your understanding on BUDDHAHOOD is improvable, but for now, it is a failure.

"scratching to make it up the hill, eh bud?........" You started using "fail" on me, so I used the same idea on you with my own criticisms to your comments and how you have been leaving comments here, ON TOP OF replying to your purseasive BULLSHITS. You accused me? I accues you in respond. Those are the things you fail for, go ~CUNT, go read them again and remember them.

If you have more bullshit to say, do make it brief ~CUNT. Well, you called me a motherfucker in another post. So I am calling you a ~CUNT.
By at 09,Feb,12 06:12

keep trying, little kifi, don't give up

keep trying, you're trying SOOOOOOOOO hard

mix it all up, twist it all around, it's all on this page for the people to see

the more you type, the better this all works out in my favor

you are amazingly VERY GOOD AT MAKING MY POINTS FOR ME, i almost don't have to say anything anymore, this is fantastic......

don't give up little kifi........HAHAHAHA
By at 09,Feb,12 08:24

At 0612

There is nothing to say anymore, is just your laughing with capital letters and saying what you want to say.

At 0638

Ok.... you are replying to your-self on my behalf... I should had known there is something wrong with you. Yeah, there is, your brain is really broken. Thx for the chances for me to explain my-self further.
About the PURE GOLD thing, I am a non-christian and I don't care.
By at 09,Feb,12 09:08

no problem kifi4, but everyone has unlimited chances to explain or comment........i did not give these chances to you, you must've misunderstood how this website works..... like i said earlier, have a nice day.
By anonymous at 06,Mar,12 19:14 Fold Up

You Sir are a fucking idiot.

By at 09,Feb,12 06:15

please, share with us more "comparison titles".....HAHAHAHAHA

it was PURE GOLD for me!!!!!!!
By at 09,Feb,12 06:38

HAHAHAHA, look everyone, i'll show you what kifi does.....i wrote "it was PURE GOLD for me" in the above now i'm going respond to what i wrote as if i were kifi

PURE GOLD?????? misunderstood and said pure gold as a reference to the cross divisional wives midset, when you were talking about the husbands lower area not being joyous, therefor you fail since he must've not bought his wife enough gold from a pure source.....also your thinking this makes christians who aren't from western canada more likey to be false in their wives eyes from a vaginal kitty fantasy standpoint, thus you are a cunt, you misunderstood my involvement to gold mines of the realm of christian fundamentalism and taco salad.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, kifi you fucking idiot, you are hilarious.
By anonymous at 09,Feb,12 07:16

LMFAO @ vaginal kitty fantasy standpoint!!!!!!!!
By at 29,Feb,12 12:17

That was not a standpoint dude, it wasn't supporting an argument. someone misunderstood, then I explained. ALso it was not a fantasy, rather it was an accurate assumption on the OP's wife to begin with. Well, it has to be funny, most of us came through there at some stage.
By anonymous at 01,Mar,12 20:09

blah, blah, blah. whatever dude, you lost, C made you look like a punk for your suggestion to the OP and you can't explain your way out.
By at 06,Mar,12 04:39

At 20:09, is ~CUNT, you didn't type the name right. I explained everything, and you just show how others can be irrational and mind-broken as ~Cunt.
People are still following some post that are left on 16 January? And he or she refer to the poster OP? Must be ~Cunt him-self or her-self.
A punk huh? I think that hair may suit me, I will give it a try.
By anonymous at 07,Mar,12 17:13

~CUNT................very mature...

irrational and mind-broken???..........right, because there's nothing irrational about telling a man to gain revenge by showing the video proof of his wife's sexaul affairs to her own children......nothing like driving a wedge into the bond between mother and child to make you feel better about a failed marriage, right?........even worse, there's absolutely "nothing" irrational about making several entries defending such a weak and lame suggestion.....

and you call me "mind-broken".............please
By at 02,Apr,12 10:24

To 121713

That what you dislike is not mind broken, but immoral and arguably effective vengence. ~C called me a motherfucker b4 in some other post, so I called him ~CUNT.

~CUNT called me mind broken for what is immoral and I call ~CUNT mind broken because it used that on me. It called me that and I can it that - "mind brokem"
~CUNT is irrational for all the false reasoning and what was falsely taken out of the context.

There are the assumptions expressed as punk and inmature, and I have got nothing to say about those. Simply because any can access this website, and he or she can think of me as any stereotype as it sees fit. Inmature? Sure, you can think that. Remember that even those punk and inmature people generally dislike have equal right as those who dislike them in society. ALso that their state of being disliked does not make any of their opinion incorrect.

I have expressed the revenge option, I have tried. Is legal. I am content in a way.

By rob at 10,Feb,12 09:25

Sorry lifesux, I know the pain. Samething happened to me years ago. A woman that I have children with and that I truly loved did the same thing to me as well. I had to find out by looking at old videos that she was cheating on me while I was deployed in another country. Not sure what I was more angry with they did it inside the car that I bought her or that we had a 1 year old at home. At the time I was really angry with her, I was willing to smear it all over the internet as payback and even thinking about showing them to my kids, but that would have been out of anger and in the end she would have came out of it looking good and me the bad guy for trashing her. We divorced and after some time I forgave her and I hoped the best with her future relationships, so I could heal and move on, onto to someone that would truly love me. But you want to know what the true gold of my story is, is that she called me up this past November to tell me that her boyfriend did it to her. So tell me Karma is not a bitch. Just be happy that you didnt get an STD from her

By take a look at it! at 24,Oct,13 19:27

ctFosk Wow, great blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

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