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untitled story

Posted by anonymous at May 9, 2010
Tags: Health  2010 May  Money  Poverty  Relationship

suffer from depression, been through a lot, had multiple suicide attempts. my stomach was pumped, given charcoal, i even got liver failure.

i ended up w/ an abusive boyfriend who brought self esteem so low, he'd beat me and say i was ugly. he'd use up all of my money. i couldnt leave because i had nobody. my brother was shot and killed too and my abusive boyfriend didnt care or sympathize. he just took more of my money and kept abusing me.

i managed to finish college and get my Bachelors of Arts. i kept pushing on believing things would be better. i stopped seeing that boyfriend and stopped taking antidepressants, stopped seeing therapist. I havent had a suicide attempt in a few years now. i feel it was the meds making me want to die even more. i think about dying now, but never put plan into action like i used to when i was on meds. i try hard to just deal with life, good and bad. i try soooo damn hard to make things work for myself.

its hard because i rely on my father financially, and getting help for depression has cost so much, college costs a lot too. my father treats me like crap, like a bum. im looking for work very hard, but i dont have enough experience. i owe a lot of money too and my father sometimes doesnt even send money and i starve. I cried to him before, "daddy i am so hungry" and he did not care. he isolated me from family and kept me reliant on friends have used me and now i have none. I am afraid to trust anyone or have friends, cannot get close to anyone because they will use me. i spend a lot of time alone.

i am constantly looking for work though, sending resume out..not getting hired and not getting many interviews. i am poor, but not poor enough...i have roof over my head at least. its just, all of these things just make me so sad and i cry often. i just feel like i deserve better. I dont feel strong. my father doesn allow me in his home by the way...he wouldnt let me visit home much at all in college. he says i am not allowed there and he has some of my things there. it hurts so much, i just dont knw what i've done wrong for things to be so difficult for me.

im going to keep trying to find a job though. i feel so lonely, like all of the time. still i am lucky


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By anonymous at 13,May,10 19:57

stop relying on your goddamn son of a bitch of a hellworthy dad

may he burn in hell

now on to business..

since the society has shunned you

you shun it

leave it

be like buddha

be homeless

spend time meditating

if u cant handle hunger no more.. then go eat from dumpsters.. its not that bad..

fuck moral values and society

thats my final solution to my problem if things go that bad for me..

By anonymous at 24,Jun,10 06:09

if you agree to give me fellatio on a daily basis you will never be hungry again for i make lots of nutritious sperm for young ladies to eat and enjoy. call me anytime if you need a good meal.

By take a look at it! at 25,Oct,13 04:31

ZPtUVH Major thanks for the article post.Really thank you! Cool.

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