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ranting about my sex life

Posted by bassdrop at March 28, 2012
Tags: 2012 March  Relationship

I've had sex with about 11 guys, and lost my virginity at the age of 13.

I didn't have much contact with my parents or siblings during my younger years. They moved to another continent when i was about 10, and sent me off to boarding school. My siblings were all about ten years older than me, although only a couple of years apart from each other (3 siblings to be exact).

I take accountability for everything that happened, although I realize that these things were related to how the early stages of my sexual life started. I moved to north america at the age of 13, and had no exposure to sexuality at all, I had never watched porn, and my parents had not given me a talk about it. All I knew at that age was it was sinful before marrriage.

I was very excited once I moved here, I was moving to North America- I had seen mostly good things about it on TV. I hadn't even looked at guys before, but when I got here that was all the girls I hung out with seemed to talk about. (I sound so sheltered lmao). A lot of things I had to learn the hard way, then again who really has it easy right?

I met my 1st 'boyfriend' online, on a website a lot of my friends had. I met him in person, and he demanded oral sex the first time we met. He was a Trinidadian, about 17 and I was barely 13. The 2nd guy I had sex with was 18 years old and I was 13, he was an ex convict. The 3rd guy was about 21, the 4th was a short chinese-carribean guy about 19 when I was 15. I fucked a guy from another highschool that my friend introduced me to, and thought he liked me. I then fucked another guy my age. Then one who was 22 when i was 16, one I thought was my first true boyfriend at the age of 16- he was 19 and we dated for two years. It's not just that they fucked me physically, they would ask me to say glorifying things to them while they did it, and they would tell me about their passions, their hobbies, and I would have to enjoy it, but they wouldn't give any of mine a chance, or just not acknowledge them all together.

I cheated on the boyfriend I dated for 2 years, with a girl- his cousin. I fell in love with her the first time i met her, although he told me she was a slut. I loved her so much that i wouldnt care even if she was a slut, I wanted just to be around her, even if I was just a friend. Unfortunately we fucked when I was under the influence. We don't talk anymore, even though she told me she is bisexual. i think for her it was strictly physical. Ever since then, I've been VERY curious and I've been yearning for women, I feel llike there would be better understanding (although it might nt necessarily be the case).

although many people would see me as very cheery and upbeat, I love to party, and am pretty mature. I have religioius debates, am in university, and try to make my family as happy as I can. The most secret part of my life is the sexual part, I have never been single for too long, and am beginning to feel like this needs to change. I am in a relationship right now, and he seemed very sweet from the start. Now, all his friends are my friends, and I dont have any other friends. Whenever I'm texting someone he gets possessive, complains about the way i talk, look, takes my jokes seriously, buys me presents when I say he shouldnt then complains i dont have a job, ...I just don't know. I feel sometimes i'm being overly negative, and whenever I feel like this I wipe it off, but this time I thought I'd jot it down. What do you think?


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By Cursed at 28,Mar,12 11:30

Dear Bassdrop-
Hello my friend- I think that you are lucky to even be able to count how many people you have been intimate with! Heck, I'm forty, and I have lost count. My best advice to you about your love life is this: It doesn't matter whether you're in love with a man or a woman, you're going to experience difficulties in maintaining a relationship. There's jealousy, insecurity, fear, and dissatisfaction no matter what sex you're involved with...
What you need to do, if you're really not sure about your sexual tendencies, is to experiment. Inform your current boyfriend that you want to take some time apart- and be single! There is nothing wrong with people being free and single!!! Why we always feel the need to "be with someone" is our own apprehension that we have in our heads- OMG, I'm a loser because I don't have a significant other! Not important! Trust me! What is important is that you love yourself! Be comfortable in your own skin- without someone else making you feel like your life is complete- it's called Co-Dependency. It's not a good quality. You're young, you have your whole life ahead of you, but if you constantly feel like you NEED another person in your life, then those people are going to walk all over you and you will forever feel disappointed-
Self confidence (not narcism) is very attractive- why not get a job. Earn your own money. Take care of YOU. When you are strong, independent, and happy, it shows. People want to be around you-
So, keep positive sister- You have your whole life ahead of you and don't, please don't live your life around someone else!
We're all rootin for yah!

By Truth at 28,Mar,12 12:23

I think your real problem is in the, chinese carribean...I mean what the FUCK does that look like? I'm thinking, Chaz Bono with slitty little eyes.

Anyway, sounds like you suck a mean cock, which will get you pretty far in life. You lick the hatchet wound as well, so you got two ways to go in any case. All in all, not bad...sounds like you're on the right track to wind up being the glory hole queen!

Nice work, "Fill me up Jean, the glory hole queen"!
By at 28,Mar,12 13:51


You completely crack me up. Kudos.
By at 28,Mar,12 17:43 Fold Up

Dude seriously, who the fuck is your dealer???? :D
No really, I need some of whatever you're having.
By at 28,Mar,12 18:51 Fold Up

Queen? I did not know that you americans had a Queen! And a glory hole queen to boot. OUTSTANDING! MAY GOD SAVE BOTH QUEENS!!!!!!!!!!!

By anonymous at 28,Mar,12 15:29

You are a a massive wanker mate stop trolling
By at 28,Mar,12 18:52

anon you dear sir are the wanker....Probably wanking rite now to pictures of your dear old pop. You are worthless like a third teet. God save the Queen

By at 28,Mar,12 15:39

Stop hatin', you fugly overweight rhino. Since obviously you have noone to talk to, i'd suggest you go to and there you can spend your entire day chatting with a crazy chicklet instead of sitting around, biting your dirty fingernails while waiting for people's reply to your silly comments. Get a life, gasbag.

By Mister B-Don at 28,Mar,12 16:40

Who the fuck cares about your sex life. Your promiscious blah blah blah and a attention whore obviously. Then you got the nerve to say what do you think? Well I think your an air head. lol.

By at 28,Mar,12 18:00

''The most secret part of my life is the sexual part''
I fail to see how your sexual life is a big secret... I'm from egypt and I know all about your sexual life.
And for the love of god, plz keep your legs shut, I mean you practically fuck anything that walks (man or woman).
Maybe , just maybe if you keep your legs shut long enough you can get a job, become independent and people (namely men) can start seeing you as a normal human being instead of just some cheap piece of meat.
You people never seize ot amaze me... you claim that we mistreat our women and we don't give them the freedom to do whatever they want, yet you treat your women like cheap pieces of meat. As far I see it, making a woman wear a veil while working is much more better than just telling them they are free to sleep with whatever they want then turn them into nothing more than cunts for pleasure...

By at 28,Mar,12 18:42

Oh may the Queen save me! I just figured out who you are Nadia Suleman, the american pig whore who had twenty kids at one time!!! When there is some poor bloke who is buggering you and goes down to your ladybits and says i love you is there an echo? My god your garage could probably fit a midget!!! I know one who would love to sleep in your cheese cave. You dirty, dirty, slag! May god save the Queen

By anonymous at 28,Mar,12 22:29

My god, this post sounds like it's ripped straight from an episode of Jerry springer. Most people on here have REAL shitty lives with REAL problems and NO sex life at all. Get the fuck offa this site and let us clinically depressed and suicidal virgins go back to ranting about actually depressing things.
By anonymous at 29,Mar,12 03:48

Exactly what I was about to bitch about. Least she had a sex life. Tell this OP to try being a virgin at 28, with real suicidal tendency, then maybe we'll all have empathy.

By Cursed at 29,Mar,12 09:15

If anyone wants herpes I can give them to you for free? Fuck you wankers. Anybody can get laid if they really put their mind to it. Then there's masterbation. Porn. Whatever. What? I'm sorry whinning about being suicidal and a virgin? At least you don't have a fucking STD for the rest of your lives???
By at 29,Mar,12 10:14

It seems that there is another side to cursed that we didnt know about
By Cursed at 29,Mar,12 10:25

You betcha buster- if a woman wants to sleep around, oh, she's a slut. But if a guy sleeps around- oh boy, he's a stud. Tired of the one sided bs when it comes to labeling women.
By at 29,Mar,12 17:29

I know it seems unfair, as a guy speaking i have to say that women are really better than us, smarter, interesting and they have that soft feminine touch that guys strive for and im not talking about sex.
C'mon let's face it, we are pigs :D no matter how much women we sleep with and no matter how much we boast infront of each other and make it look good, the fact is we are still pigs.
But for women... c'mon your better than that seriously... I mean if we didnt make sleeping with alot of women seem so good, then the testesterone will fry our brains.
It's a guy thing :D
By Cursed at 29,Mar,12 17:57

It's in the dude genetic make-up. THE SEX gene. It's on a man's brain 24/7. I know. I've lived with enough men, to know that the whole world revolves around the bedroom. But women like sex too. We shouldn't be treated like demure, barbie dolls, who just want to shop. And no we don't hate men. We tolerate them- just kidding. What am I talking about? I love men! Couldn't be happy without them! Seriously.
Take care my friend-

By Royal CBD at 28,Sep,20 17:54

4aOClt I regard something genuinely special in this site.

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