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My dad left me alone for a bitch.

Posted by Nicole at August 30, 2009
Tags: August 2009  Family  Stepmom

To start hi everyone,
I would like to tell my story about what happend to me with my stepmom and my dad
So when i saw that whore for the first time she was so sweet.
But all that became lesser,lesser and lesser. a little anorexia slut
We started fighting when she was drunk she used to call me a anorexia slut(yes i have anorexia)
but i'm telling you that woman is sick in her head really she dyed here hair black just like my mom and she started liking chihuahua's like i do.
She fixed it that i couldn't go to a concert,talking behind my back.
oh yeah and she's suck a bitch she cheats on my dad and then needs like i don't now 200 from him to go shopping and she's so fat she also thinks she's actually pretty while she's totally not i only go there in the weekend but still she keeps bullying me like that and i do nothing to her!! she's also jealous of every girl she shees and of my because i have a boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!
but one day it was fatal she hitted me on my face and kicked out her apartment when she was drunk and she always have porn dvd's and condoms lying under her bed, when i told my mother about this she wated to beat her up and she still wants to do that she won't give up, i also sleep in a seat in that stinky apartment. my dad even think that's normal how she reacts against me.
Now my dad tells to people, he doesn't want me anymore she can have all my expensive perfume and rings that i forgot there.
and my dad also says that he hates me and he want to start a familly with her i mean seriously i take pills for this you know,She also looks at young kids and she has porn dvd's of teenagers and kids like there was still stuck one in the dvd player that was so fucking disguisting...
To keep myself calm and not stress or being nervous.
I hate that fat whore she's ruining my whole life i already don't feel sick anymore cause now i don't go there anymore for 2 reasons: my dad doesn't want me, and because if she would it me again and that would be really painful sorry that it's such a long story but i just told like everything i'm 16 years old and still don't have any help gotten for this ''problem exept from my mother and my sisters of course.
You guys probaly don't wan't to read till this end sorry for that,and if you do thank for reading my story.
xOxOx Nicole...


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By robbie at 02,Sep,09 02:49

I wish i could help. But obviously that can't happen, so all I can say is I am soory for you and I hope things turn out better soon.

By anonymous at 18,Nov,09 03:05

Wow that seriously sounds like a fucking cunt. Screw that stuck up whore. I hope everything works out for you...

By Thomas at 23,Jul,10 00:53

Nicole I hear you clearly my step mother was terrible Drinker and drove drunk and to children of her but my father was deffense of me but I quit going to that mobile home she was thin but in a controlled way. Too uch southerner or rednack take your pick She had farm cows chicken and ducks and turkey. A huge garden My sick of and left her. I am respoinible for their devorce and I am proud of it. I neverneed to see those folks again. My father was when I showed my blue ribbons for thing that excellled like spports and science project and I never did the orignals like the volcano and one I can't spell. she called me slow ans dumb becuase her child could do things I could. I still have all my trophies ribbons and awards for the things i did but now i can't all anymore after Iraq.

By anonymous at 05,Aug,10 18:06

kill the bitch w a ak47 now

By anonymous at 12,Dec,10 01:24


By anonymous at 16,Dec,12 13:44

Thank you, you are right. I am in the simular position, except the slut of my wroting father, is his relative. Incest. It's disgustting.

But I am better. I will be better and then I smile and never look at them at all.

By anonymous at 11,Apr,11 07:43

this sounds a bit exaggerated to me.
child porn just blew my mind xD

By anonymous at 10,Nov,11 15:54

That's nothing. My stepmother once fucked me up the ass with a strapon. Until that happens to you, you don't know shit.
By anonymous at 08,Mar,12 22:36

um ... wow...

By anonymous at 21,May,12 11:23

did youcum when she was inside your ass

By anonymous at 29,Jun,12 10:50

Kiddy porn laying around?? Turn them in to the cops.

By matzcrorkz at 03,Aug,14 23:28

YeSbQ8 Major thanks for the article post. Really Great.

By matzcrorkz at 05,Aug,14 01:07

nxhnZn A big thank you for your article post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

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