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Genetics and being stupid

Posted by anonymous at July 2, 2012
Tags: July 2012

Since the 5th grade my life has been going down hill with my body due to my genetics. When I was 10 years old they pulled out my baby teeth and told me I had to get teeth implants. I wore braces for 8 years because I didn't have three real adult teeth. My cousin is going through the same thing right now.

Then my hair starts to fall out when I was 10 years old and I don't have alopecia areata or alopecia universalis. I have female pattern baldness. Found a photo of my grandfather's first cousin and she had female pattern baldness too. Woo.

When I was 12 I felt a horrible pain and I refused to go to the doctor. I finally went and I found out I have a slip disc pinching my nerve. Months later I go back and they said I have a spine fracture. Great...

For years I suffered with seizures, but I didn't know they were seizures. I had never heard of complex partial seizures until I had enough with them. They bother me so much. I don't even have a brain tumor. This one isn't really genetic. I have no idea what's wrong with me.

I had horrible acne for about 4-5 years. I went vegan and I stopped getting pimples. My mother had horrible acne too. She and I suffer with acne scars. I think mine are worse because the acne medicine really burned my face. My mom also said I stopped getting acne because of the birth control pills. I don't know... Makes me question about my hormone levels and female pattern baldness.
I shaved my hair off and I wear a wig now. I got annoyed with being ridiculed by classmates, my father, and my sister.

NOTE: Veganism did not cause my hair to fall out. It was falling out way before I was a vegetarian and then a vegan.

The worse part was being sexually assaulted last year. I just wanted to go to college, but nope. I had to go home for my safety. I gained so much weight and in my defense- I am purposely trying to look unattractive. It's not healthy mentally and physically, it's awful. I believe it is also ruining my relationship with my boyfriend of 3 years. My doctor is going to have a fit when she sees me and my blood test. I still think the assault could have been prevented if I went to a different type of college. Yeah, I'm still really p***ed off about that. I cry about each month out of anger because of what happen.

Yeah, someone found me attractive, shut up. I don't regret shaving my hair off and I prefer wearing wigs.
I apologize for the bad grammar, spelling, missed words, etc. I'm writing out of anger and I think too fast when I write.


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New Comment

By anonymous at 07,Dec,12 11:35

Maybe you're having orgasms instead of seizures

By anonymous at 08,Dec,12 15:06

Mommies very often have orgasms while breast feeding their babies. It's true
By anonymous at 13,Dec,12 20:12

umm, i think you have a bizarre fetish that would be better served on another type of site.
By anonymous at 13,Dec,12 21:44

I think it's perfectly suited for this site
By anonymous at 14,Dec,12 23:57

whatever..clearly they are indulging in their incredibly icky fetish, vs. addressing and helping a person that needs help for a real issue
By anonymous at 14,Dec,12 23:59

agreed, wtf do their comments have to do w/the posters probs?!
By anonymous at 15,Dec,12 10:50

Nothing. The troll is looking for a response and its been given several now. Don't feed the trolls.
By anonymous at 15,Dec,12 22:41

excellent and very astute point
By anonymous at 16,Dec,12 19:45 Fold Up

that is an excellent point-don't dignify idiot posts with an answer and the trolls will get bored
By anonymous at 15,Dec,12 23:02 Fold Up

You know, in places like France it's totally normal for the mommy to eat out her baby's snatch

By anonymous at 09,Dec,12 09:18

sometimes my nipples ache, i wish GBCS would suck them
By anonymous at 09,Dec,12 13:21

Does GBCS swallow or spit?

By anonymous at 10,Dec,12 03:03

You need to seek help from the emotional and psychological trauma that comes from sexual abuse. Seek a therapist or psychologist, you need help to get through these difficulties. One out of three woman have been sexually abused, your not alone, but you need to seek treatment!

Im sorry to hear of the sufferings you have endured, it seems the worst is over for the most part, you can look at it that way. I know what its like to have a serious acne problem, it sucks, and many people face the same problem. Try to be positive, look at the blessings you have. I would also reccommend exercise because it will help you emotionally, to help get rid of depression, anger, anxiety.. a number of things. Jesus knows your pain and he'll always lend an ear to your prayers : ) God bless.
By anonymous at 11,Dec,12 03:45

This I think is the best advice you'll get. Seek help the options are out there.

By anonymous at 13,Dec,12 03:20

Insert a squid in your pussy. That will solve everything
By anonymous at 15,Dec,12 11:21

You should STFU! This girl was sexually abused and what you said did NOT help her situation!

Praying for ya girl!
By anonymous at 15,Dec,12 11:30

Squids or any molusc in pussies will do

By anonymous at 13,Dec,12 21:43

Women *neeeeeeeEEEEEED* cock
By anonymous at 15,Dec,12 15:50

Or a nice stiff tongue or object like a pepper mill

By anonymous at 15,Dec,12 23:19

Become a lesbian. Find some butch dagger dyke and do the clam slam. You can pull those saltwater taffy like puzzy lips all up against each other and do the friction/suction thing until you both pop
By anonymous at 24,Dec,12 18:01


By anonymous at 15,Jan,13 12:46

I think your choice on going shaven and wearing wigs is bad ass and that's exactly as I would have done and if anyone says otherwise, they are idiots and not worth your worry. As for the college assault, it's actually very common for college bound women to get assaulted or raped, that's why, when I went for the first 2 years I always carried pepper spray, and you should as well, and if you're so angry about what happened, vent the anger in a self defense class if you can afford it. Or just look up ways of self defense online and keep yourself fit for it. It seems to me you can still have a great life ahead of you if you only treat yourself better, and learn how to stay strong, fit, and learn the skills to defend yourself. ~Sounds to me like you've treated most of your problems with a lot of good decisions, and you only need to continue to do so. Don't let yourself get down and unfit, let yourself get stronger instead, and as I said, get in the habit of pepper spray, tazers, and a newer fitter body that could also have some karate skills ;3 . To kick the asses of anybody who tries to do anything to you. I could never afford classes myself so I just stick to working out, and looking into defensive measures online, and luckily, a good friend bought me some pepper spray as a gift.. ^u^ I hope your situation has improved, I really do. Hopefully mine will too... an interesting site this is..

By keren at 20,Jul,15 10:27

Guys,Just passed ICND1 with 868 Guys i just wanna thakns of all.Though there are a lot of new questions were asked but above dumps & PS4 2.87/3 is really helped a lot Simple advise dont just rely on dumps 1st go through CBT nuggets then practice the dumps & P4s

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