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Posted by anonymous at February 11, 2011
Tags: 2011 February  Philosophical


You see I have suffered with depression almost all my life and I am on medication, an antidepressant, and it is working, but ever so often I get the blahs. But people I want to tell you all that GOD, YOUR MAKER CARES ABOUT ALL OF YOU! I know it does not always feel like He does care, but He really does. I have suffered so much tribulation: health problems, mental problems, financial problems, a lot of things, but I am alive today because of God! There were times I wanted to call it quits and end my life, but I kept believing that God must care for those whom He has created and He must love those whom He created, and especially those who turn their lives over to His care, and I had. In my deepest darkeness I would cry out to God and remind Him that He had made me and I am seeking Him and I am trusting Him with all my heart. And how He has come through for me!

But people you first have to believe that there is a God who made you, heaven and earth, and all that is in it and out of it and that HE CARES FOR YOU. Yes the world is messed up, people are hurting and sometimes we may feel such hopelessness. but God does care. Turn to God with your problems, burdens, despair, depression, addictions, loneliness, fears and all, and He will make a way for you in His time and in His way but will give you peace right now. In the Good Book, which is the Bible, God says that when you seek Him, you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart and He also says that He is not a human that He should lie.

People it is because of sin that things are the way that they are; we suffer. But God has made a way out of sin for us by sending us His Son as Savior, which is Jesus Christ, to save us from eternal punishment for our sins. But you must turn to God and confess our sins, accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, walk in newness of life and try to do the right things. Then you are guaranteed a secured eternal future of another life of everlasting peace and happiness with God where you will never feel so messed up and hopeless again!If you happen to sin again, and you will because we are humans, just confess it and go on. As for me I am looking forward to that eternal future with my Creator and Savior with eagerness!

But you all need to get some help. Go to a church and talk to the pastor. I pray that God will lead you all to the right church and the right people because not all churches are right. It must be a Bible-believing church that teaches grace and salvation. Get together with other people of the church to study the Bible and find out about all the promises that the Lord has given you in His Word.

Another thing is that if any of you feel so troubled that you cannot cope and may even thinking of suicide, go see your doctor. You may be suffering from depression, anxiety or other thing that your doctor can help you with. Talk honestly to your doctor. And still if you feel so frightened that you might even take your life go to the nearest hospital emergency center for help. Again be honest with them and tell them how you are feeling and what you are thinking. You would be surprise to see how they will jump to your rescue. And all of this is not embarrassing; I had to do it and I have always received the help I needed.

People life will not alway be a bed of roses, even roses have their thorns, but the sun will come out again if you hang in there and believe God, and get help when you need it. Trust my word.

I pray that the Lord lets His face shine upon all of you and give peace in the midst of your storms. God bless you all!

A very Concerned Person


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New Comment

By anonymous at 06,Mar,11 17:04

He doesnt exist. Your not fooling anyone.

By anonymous at 07,Mar,11 13:05

Pure bullshit.

By anonymous at 08,Mar,11 04:07


By anonymous at 10,Mar,11 20:07

I know GOD exist. when i had appendicitis he cured me my mom prayed on me and ask me if i belived? i said yes. Next day the 5 doctors who checked me was amazed, to see me walking when the day before i could not even stand on my 2 feet because of the sharp pain like a knife was inside my lower right side.

By anonymous at 11,Mar,11 06:04

I'm afraid god does really exist. Oh yes he does. It's just that most of people are NOT chosen by him. Sad to say, who don't like that will believe it before entering hell. Think I'm crazy or wrong? Post back on here and I WILL prove your asses wrong myself.

By at 14,Mar,11 00:28

Here for the non believers i research for your lazy asses evidence will speak for itself. well it's angel's and the bible talks about them. im not a bible reader myself or any religious person but from what Im seeing in videos and hearing EVP's there must really be something more than to this world and at the end of one's life. judge for yourselves.

By anonymous at 22,Sep,11 20:10

God exists, tell that to children that are dying of famine, people with cancer, war victims, crime victims, you name it! How about my aunt who left 2 little children when she died of a heartattack, how about my uncle that commited suicide when he prayed to God but got no answer. If God truly exists he's the most cruel and uncaring person ever. You religious sheep need to wake up to the real world!

By anonymous at 05,Feb,12 02:40

Welcome to the internet, the only place on Earth where God is more hated than the devil. The atheists are as dgmatic,violent and stupid as religious people are. Enough of America and its stupid,vitriol spitting Culture War. Get along as one nation or get along as two, just stop exporting yeer bigoted hatreds.

By pro link building at 24,Sep,13 09:33

cCQSmm Thank you ever so for you blog article.Thanks Again. Will read on...

By matzcrorkz at 05,Aug,14 21:10

JQt4RO I am so grateful for your post.Really looking forward to read more. Great.

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