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Posted by anonymous at November 8, 2011
Tags: Attitude  Failure  2011 November

Im 37 yrs old and a complete and total failure. Life has just punched me in the fucking balls and im fucking sick of it. My ex who I was with for 8 yrs and engaged to decided to see somone else behind my back. I can't get a job because im an incompetant twat because of my social anxiety which ive had since I was 18. Im totally broke and having to live with my family because I can't afford a place of my own. Im a Useless fucking piece of shit. God I wish I was dead. Sombody kill me now! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!


Similar Entries:
Dunk November 3, 2011
Total Failure March 3, 2012
untitled story July 14, 2011
loneliness sucks March 24, 2012
Pessimistic introvert June 8, 2012

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By anonymous at 18,Dec,11 18:02

I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm 30 and in a similar situation, except i've never had a girlfriend. I too suffer from social anxiety(shyness some might call it) and i've been fired from my job of nearly two years because it stopped me from performing. My love interest has told me she does not feel the same way, and meeting women is near impossible for me because i'm a fucking recluse.

By hjtkktjp at 20,Dec,11 12:35


By anonymous at 25,Jan,12 02:12

I just turned 37. I just finished a Bachelors Degree in English a year ago...working on a Masters now. Sounds good? Nope. I rely on financial aid to keep me afloat...and my wife making 89,000 a year to pay ALL the bills. I can't find any work related to what I went to school's pathetic. I take care of a 13 year old five days a week. I serve no purpose in this life, asides from being a caregiver to my kid. This isn't the life I expected...and I'm at my rope's end.

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