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lost and forgotten

Posted by anonymous at April 8, 2012
Tags: 2012 April  Attitude

Im 24 years old and my body is already falling apart. I feel brittle and old. Tired, exhausted, Physically and mentally. Everyone has abandoned me, EVERYONE. I used to think fuck em, nothing is wrong with me its them. I have came to the conclusion thats false, when your friends, your girlfriend, your family,abandon you... It seems like im impossible to be around. I have horrible anxiety, I havent seen the sun in about a month, i only go out for groceries, cigarettes and drugs. Everyone thinks im a lazy piece of shit because i dont work, I want to work, i want to function in society, i have extreme panic attacks just by being around people to the point my heart races and i grow weak fainting like. The only thing that has any meaning to me is listening to extremely depressive metal. I would have killed myself a long time ago if it werent for music, i actually excel in that one single thing and i cannot afford to buy equipment to record anything at all, Ive applied to numerous jobs i never get an interview, i went so low as to break into a church in hopes of stealing their music equipment long enough to record my album then kill myself. What the fuck is wrong with me. Everyday is isolation, living life through a windowpane. All of this seclusion has left me bitter to reality. Every night i take alcohol just to give meaning to life, however trite it is, a few hours later its back to hell. My teeth are decaying and are already falling apart, 3 of my back teeth have fallen out due to decay and no money for a dentist. Im 6'1 and weigh 125 pounds because food has lost all of its appeal to me, I try to eat and i throw it up due to alcoholism perhaps. My body is all cut up to hell. And i just dont give a flying fuck about anything. I have come to the conclusion that god doesnt exist, having all of this solitairy time as allowed me to look at the world in a new light, and i am ashamed to be a human, for i am too weak to kill myself.


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By girl at 08,Apr,12 09:05

OMG! You're 6'1 and you weigh 125 pounds? You seriously need some help! It's the easiest way to say that everything is over and to give up on life. I know how you feel bcs I went through anorexia, I'm 5'7 and my weigh was 90 pounds but I realised that it's not worth doing that to myself, so with a little help I won the battle with that fricken anorexia and I'm normal now. Please stop! Cause what you do is BULLSHIT! I care for you, you're not alone! Trust me if we knew personaly I'd hang out with you. Don't do that to yourself. You have MANY reasons to live.

By anonymous at 08,Apr,12 15:12

Who said that we were born to be happy? We're born alone,we live alone,we die alone. I feel the same like you all my life. Maybe sometimes I feel illusion of happiness,but not for long. I concern that all people are unhappy apriori.Who says that he or she is happy,they just lie or pretend in order to be different.Unfortunately we are all born to feel sadness and loneliness until our death. No solution for this life. But thinking about killing yourself it's even worth than stay alive and be unhappy. What after death? We don't know. I would suggest you to stop drinking and taking drugs. I know it's hard for you, and maybe is the only way to feel better, but you can change your world. Don't use the stereotypical behavior like everybody does. Create your own response. You don't know your power, because you in a tramp. We all in a tramp when we were born, but this cage you created by yourself. The purpose of life is to be free from everything and everybody. Freedom is the purpose.
We are all captured by something we don't like or don't want to do,but we can break our boundaries and be free.If you don't like to work don't work, just find a way to be free from any cages. You in a cage right now, which your created in your mind, but you and only you can switch your light. Don't rush to die stay alive and try to be free from your own emotions and sadness.In that particular moment when we feel sorry for ourselves we lost ourselves. It's hard to straggle, but it will make you feel better in the end.Don't think about death, your time will come no matter what.THE FEAR inside you so deep ,that you can't even identify it. Reveal it and kill the fear before fear kill you. You have the right to live no matter what, and you have the right to find the truth about our life. That's why we are here, not for girlfriend, not for Mom or Dad. Find the truth and freedom, you still have a time for this main purpose. Don't loose your chance. Your life in this world for purpose. Remember we are all connected to each other like wires, even we don't know each other. If you sad I'm sad too. Our thoughts affect lives,so learn how to control your thoughts.Keep yourself calm, don't panic. We are all together doing the same thing. We have to pass through this world.I'm afraid, straggling every day, I have no job, no money to fix my teeth just like you. Sometimes I cry, but I wake up everyday and continue moving.I will move until I die, but never will kill myself. You have a music inside, don't stop the music.

By anonymous at 08,Apr,12 16:54

You're not alone.. Even if you think you are... I'm going through the same thing. That's why I am here. I'm 24 yrs old too, and I haven't had any parents, my mom was a drug addict, and my dad alcoholic so I know what you mean by all alone. But you are not. OKay you have panic attacks.. So do I. Maybe not in the same way you do, and not making light of it but you have to find the strength within yourself to make your life better. If you could find just ONE person, place or thing(not drugs and booze) to make you feel more alive, more connected to the Earth because we all are from nature I assure you, you will begin to feel better. However, nothing on the outside will change your situation. It may make it seem a lil better for the time being as you said with the booze, but it all starts on the inside, you have to like youself. Start some healthy eating habits.. At the VERY least. I promise you will feel better. IT really works!!!! And yes it is expensive so just introduce fruits and veggies into your diet bit, by bit... And dont be afraid to be sad. CRY CRY CRY if you need to.. Just remember to dry your eyes and keep going. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep going. Don't give up because once you decide to take your life, guess what... that's it.. No more trying, no more do- overs.
Your stronger than you think, trust me we all don't realize that until we are forced to put up or shut up.You got this... The world isnt ALL bad. Damn near but there are good ppl in the world still trust me I dont even know you but what you wrote brought me to tears because I know what it feels like to feel utterly alone but you are not.. Im not imposing my beliefs on you by no means and take what you need from these messages, leave the rest, but pray please please
sounds corny, cliche, lame, fucking stupid, blah blah blah blah... prayyy ask for FORGIVENESSand HELP and some understanding... Shit, what have you got to lose anyway?

By ian at 09,Apr,12 02:39

Well to me it sounds like you love metal. Make metal your life. Write metal. Play metal. Find a way. If that's what gives your life meaning then you have to go for it. Drinking too much can get in the way of metal. Not eating can get in the way of metal. You said you don't give a fuck about anything? You give a fuck about metal right? THE METAL IS INSIDE YOU, YOU MUST DEVOTE YOURSELF TO IT

By anonymous at 09,Apr,12 04:08

"Then jesus said, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16.

I know you said you dont believe in God, but have you ever known jesus? Take Jesus at his word, find out if what he says is true, you got nothing to lose. You may be surprised by what happens.

I am so sorry to hear of your suffering, your not alone, you are loved, you still have breathe, you still have a hope. God uses the weak, the hurt, the lonely, in great ways. Jesus does love you, it may sound cheesey, but I know its true. He didn't live a easy life, in fact he suffered more than any man when he was tortured and killed on the cross. He can give you a new breathe, a new hope, a new life. He isin't far to bless, what is impossible with man is possible with God. Stop running from him and run towards him.

I say these things with utmost respect, I hope you atleast consider Jesus, thats all. Find out for yourself, you dont want to be wrong on this issue.

May God bless you, may you feel the love of Jesus.


By at 12,Apr,12 06:49

Thank you all for the comments, it is nice to know i am not alone

By anonymous at 14,Apr,12 03:08

Have you thought of going to AA? You are not alone, especially if you can get yourself to a meeting. I'm sorry that all of this has happened to you. I hope you can get well soon.

By anonymous at 23,Sep,12 17:56

... That day when I felt that I had "everything", yet I had nothing. I felt unloved and unimportant to everyone even the closest people. I felt like no one can truly understand me. No 1 can know why I cry or why I’m sad. I mean I have a life that many people would wish to have. I had ‘everything’, yet I had nothing… people would say “ what do you know about misery?”.
I went to a church and there was a mass. I set on a hidden seat cz I wanted to see the mass but didn't want to be seen. I said "Jesus? I don't know if you hear me, but I feel so unimportant and unloved" I felt sadness during the mass and I thought "what was I thinking he won't respond! What am I doing here?". I lived a terrible emptiness and misery.Like I was nobody to anybody.My prayers seem to be fading in the air, unheard. I was hopeless. When I received the Eucharist, I felt some sort of peace. But I ignored it cause I didn't want to live in an ‘illusion’. I prefer to stay sad than to have a delusional happiness.

By anonymous at 23,Sep,12 17:57

When I left the church, I found a prayer called “I thirst for you” it says: It is true. I stand at the door of your heart, day and night. Even when you are not listening, even when you doubt it could be Me, I am there. I await even the smallest sign of your response, even the least whispered invitation that will allow Me to enter.
And I want you to know that whenever you invite Me, I do come – always, without fail. Silent and unseen I come, but with infinite power and love, and bringing the many gifts of My Spirit. I come with My mercy, with My desire to forgive and heal you, and with a love for you beyond your comprehension– a love every bit as great as the love I have received from the Father ("As much as the Father has loved me, I have loved you…" (Jn. 15:10) I come - longing to console you and give you strength, to lift you up and bind all your wounds. I bring you My light, to dispel your darkness and all your doubts. I come with My power, that I might carry you and all your burdens; with My grace, to touch your heart and transform your life; and My peace I give to still your soul.
I know you through and through. I know everything about you. The very hairs of your head I have numbered. Nothing in your life is unimportant to Me. I have followed you through the years, and I have always loved you – even in your wanderings. I know every one of your problems. I know your needs and your worries. And yes, I know all your sins. But I tell you again that I love you – not for what you have or haven’t done – I love you for you, for the beauty and dignity My Father gave you by creating you in His own image. It is a dignity you have often forgotten, a beauty you have tarnished by sin. But I love you as you are, and I have shed My Blood to win you back. If you only ask Me with faith, My grace will touch all that needs changing in your life, and I will give you the strength to free yourself from sin and all its destructive power.

By anonymous at 23,Sep,12 17:57

I know what is in your heart – I know your loneliness and all your hurts – the rejections, the judgments, the humiliations, I carried it all before you. And I carried it all for you, so you might share My strength and victory. I know especially your need for love – how you are thirsting to be loved and cherished. But how often have you thirsted in vain, by seeking that love selfishly, striving to fill the emptiness inside you with passing pleasures – with the even greater emptiness of sin. Do you thirst for love? "Come to Me all you who thirst…" (Jn. 7: 37). I will satisfy you and fill you. Do you thirst to be cherished? I cherish you more than you can imagine – to the point of dying on a cross for you.
I Thirst for You. Yes, that is the only way to even begin to describe My love for you. I THIRST FOR YOU. I thirst to love you and to be loved by you – that is how precious you are to Me. I THIRST FOR YOU. Come to Me, and I will fill your heart and heal your wounds. I will make you a new creation, and give you peace, even in all your trials I THIRST FOR YOU. You must never doubt My mercy, My acceptance of you, My desire to forgive, My longing to bless you and live My life in you. I THIRST FOR YOU. If you feel unimportant in the eyes of the world, that matters not at all. For Me, there is no one any more important in the entire world than you. I THIRST FOR YOU. Open to Me, come to Me, thirst for Me, give me your life – and I will prove to you how important you are to My Heart.
Don’t you realize that My Father already has a perfect plan to transform your life, beginning from this moment? Trust in Me. Ask Me every day to enter and take charge of your life. – and I will. I promise you before My Father in heaven that I will work miracles in your life. Why would I do this? Because I THIRST FOR YOU. All I ask of you is that you entrust yourself to Me completely. I will do all the rest.
Even now I behold the place My Father has prepared for you in My Kingdom. Remember that you are a pilgrim in this life, on a journey home. Sin can never satisfy you, or bring the peace you seek. All that you have sought outside of Me has only left you more empty, so do not cling to the things of this life. Above all, do not run from Me when you fall. Come to Me without delay. When you give Me your sins, you gave Me the joy of being your Savior. There is nothing I cannot forgive and heal; so come now, and unburden your soul.
No matter how far you may wander, no matter how often you forget Me, no matter how many crosses you may bear in this life; there is one thing I want you to always remember, one thing that will never change. I THIRST FOR YOU – just as you are. You don’t need to change to believe in My love, for it will be your belief in My love that will change you. You forget Me, and yet I am seeking you every moment of the day – standing at the door of your heart and knocking. Do you find this hard to believe? Then look at the cross, look at My Heart that was pierced for you. Have you not understood My cross? Then listen again to the words I spoke there – for they tell you clearly why I endured all this for you: "I THIRST…"(Jn 19: 28). Yes, I thirst for you – as the rest of the psalm – verse I was praying says of Me: "I looked for love, and I found none…" (Ps. 69: 20). All your life I have been looking for your love – I have never stopped seeking to love you and be loved by you. You have tried many other things in your search for happiness; why not try opening your heart to Me, right now, more than you ever have before.
Whenever you do open the door of your heart, whenever you come close enough, you will hear Me say to you again and again, not in mere human words but in spirit. "No matter what you have done, I love you for your own sake Come to Me with your misery and your sins, with your troubles and needs, and with all your longing to be loved. I stand at the door of your heart and knock. Open to Me, for I THIRST FOR YOU…” after reading this I felt so much loved… I was embraced with an indescribable love and peace. I never felt that way before... What a joy...

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