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This Girl

Posted by anonymous at January 5, 2011
Tags: 2011 January  Juvenile problems  Relationship

All throughout my life I've been a chickenshit, and I've always regretted it. I've never told a girl how I've felt about them. I always freeze up before I do, and then just decide to quit. I told myself this winter break that that would change, and that I would ask this certain girl out, but like usual it didn't happen. It's not that this girl is repulsed by me or anything, I've actually seen some signs that she might like me. But there's always a little doubt in my mind that just tells me she's only being nice. We had a Christmas party at work, and I was waiting for more people to get there. She arrived and stood next to me, and we started talking. Almost the whole time she was there we just stood around and talked to each other, while other coworkers occasionally walked over and joined in. It has pretty much been the highlight of my winter break, I really enjoyed it. A little while after that night, me and her got off of work early, so we watched a movie. I didn't want to freak her out or anything so I avoided trying to make it look like I was making a move or anything. This other time I came over to her and needed something from her, so I joked around and told her to throw it to me. She said no and I said why not, and she said because you need to talk to me because she was bored (something to that effect). The problem is ,to me, this girl isn't the most outwardly person, so it's hard to tell what she's feeling. I thought I could judge whether or not she likes me by her reactions but my paranoia prevents that. It's not like I freeze up everytime I talk to girls, if I know them enough I feel comfortable talking to them, it's just when I start liking them in a different way all I can think about is asking them out, and how it seems impossible and won't ever happen. Then that brings me down. Another problem is that I hide when it brings me down, and people probably don't even realize I'm going through this trouble. I'm actually one of the most liked people at work, and very few people have a problem with me if they do. I have other problems in life concerning school and life in general. But I believe if things were to work out with this girl that those other problems would be easier to deal with. Most of my other problems can be related to my loneliness, because it causes me to be depressed and affects other aspects of my life and demotivates me. Deep down my ultimate goal in life is to find someone to spend it with. Unlike a lot of people my age, I'm not looking to just have sex with chicks and all that. It's actually further down the list, the first being to just have a companion in life. Of course a nice job, money, and all that stuff would be nice, but above all I want to find someone. Winter break is almost over now, and she doesn't work anymore before she goes to school for the semester, so the only way I'd be able to talk with her is over facebook. I would feel comfortable about talking to her about it over facebook except for the fact that she would probably react negative to it; I've heard it's a big mistake to do it over facebook, and I agree that it would be a mistake. Although I should just be myself, letting her know that I'm a chickenshit and can't ask her in person is something I don't want to do. I have to break through this nervousness and just change myself for the better. The next time I'll probably see her will be this summer, that is if she comes back to work for the summer, which she said she probably will. So it will be months before I'll even get a chance to try again, and who knows if she'll find someone else in that time. Even if she noticed that I like her, the fact that I haven't acted upon it might push her away. I know this probably sounds cliche and people say this all the time, but I don't think I've ever felt this way about a girl before. I'm not even saying to myself that I want to spend the rest of my life with her, I would only know that once I've been in a relationship with her. But more than anything in the world, I would like to be in a relationship with her, and if it leads to something serious or not then let it be. I've told one of my close friends at work about it, and I plan to use her (the friend's) help to work through this situation this summer. If by the summer it turns out she doesn't have a boyfriend, I plan on asking her out and getting it over with. I would rather be rejected than not know how it will turn out. My worry is that word will get out that I was rejected and embarassment will follow. It actually felt really good to write this out in words, I've always felt it easier to talk to someone in writing rather than orally. I didn't realize I would write this much. To be honest this probably doesn't seem like a life that sucks at all to some people, because their problems might seem far bigger. But this situation is affecting my motivation in other aspects of my life, causing me to go through life without accomplishing anything.


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By anonymous at 24,Jan,11 22:17

All my life i loved a girl named Leyla and i saw her online but and we both loved eachother. Then one day i had to leave to go to New York and when i came back to look for her online she had a boy friend and forgot about me. So every day i feel like commeting suside

By P at 25,Jan,11 06:57

i know exactly how you feel anonymous... its not easy yerh. we think so much... so much about how our lives would change for the better or worse if we could just get together in a relationship with that one girl... "thinking" is a bitch, but its a smart tactic... i dont know man.. life is funny... thats what i learnt from one of my awesome mate one night drinking and talking up all night at his place about life and relationships, meaning of love, money, charities, people who don't have what they need and those suffereing.

if u think about it... life is funny for real dude, lets just look at it as our feelings wise: our heart says another and our mind says another... but in the end... often the heart wins... have u heard the song "talk you down" by THE SCRIPT... the chorus goes: gonna use my heart and not my head.

after i read your post, i cried man... + i was listneing to SOMEWHERE OUT THERE - OUR LADY PEACE... i can relate totally... ive done heaps of things, but in the end, she just doesnt seem to approve of it.. yes she appreciates though... but what can i say, i've had a go... thats all that matters... and if i keep holding on and waiting... it'll just seem stupid and seem like life is waiting/depending on her which just sounds sad and lonely

its an awesome feeling yerh, being attracted so much to this one girl on one side (meaning only you liking her, her not liking you back or no comment)... its as if... we liking her on one side is enough.... then we think... how much better would this feeling be if we found out or she told us she feels the same way... crazyYyYy man.

i've recently turned 18... and graduated high school... now im entering the struggling phase of life... finding a job/further education. the thought that if i have a job/career... i wont have time for my friends which have always been there for me... but i realised that if they are truly awesome and cool friends they'd understand that its for a better tomorrow... man.. im just blabbering now...
i gotta get outta here. thanx man.. reading your post made me want to type too... i love typing.

Thanx take care.

By anonymous at 28,Jan,11 22:39

It's strange how much I can relate to what you are saying. There is one thing that stands out to me, this girl is mesmerizing, she has you in a beautiful trap and that is perfectly fine. some girls move on, so you have to act while you still have a chance but of course over Facebook would be a huge mistake. But there's something that is more important then your Feelings for this girl, the Your feelings towards yourself. You have to keep being yourself and not let this girl take over your mind. At work you should think about the task at hand, and when you have free time do the things you love, go for a walk and enjoy the scenery, or meditate to clear your mind. You must be in tune with yourself if you want the relationship to work, it doesn't matter if you stay friends or move on to something further you must always keep yourself. Countless of times I've let myself get lost in my desire for a girl that I get nervous and don't ask the girl out or can't act like myself around her and end up looking foolish or what have you. Anyways good luck with your endeavor I hope everything turns out alright

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