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Whats the point?

Posted by anonymous at December 13, 2010
Tags: Bad Luck  2010 December  Loneliness  Meaninglessness  Money  Relationship  Unemployment

I'm 33 and the past few years have pretty much thrown everything I've ever accomplished in life out the window. I caught my partner cheating and left her. Through the separation I lost the house and everything in it except for a few personal belongings and a bed. About 6 months after that I was laid off from work and I've been looking ever since and still nothing. About 2 months ago a brick came off the back of a ute and went under my car doing more damage than the car was worth and wasn't covered under insurance. I was forced to move back into my mothers place, where the spare room is about the size of a jail cell (good thing I lost everything) and I only have one friend who I met at my previous employer and he's only 18 so there's not much we have in common except video games which is my only escape from life but recently I can't even get the motivation together to do that. All I do all day is pretty much smoke cigarettes and get in and out of bed. I can't seem to find reason to do ANYTHING. I just keep thinking, what's the point? I've tried talking to therapists and what-not, but everything they say just sounds stupid and superficial. Mum tries to help me out whenever she can financially but I can't talk to her about serious stuff, every time I'm depressed she just gets cranky with me cause I'm "in a mood" which more than often makes me feel worse but, if she wasn't around I don't think I'd be around for much longer either. Every time I have suicidal thoughts, the fact that mum's still around is the only thing that stops me. I dread the day I loose her. I honestly think I wouldn't be able to talk myself out of it if she wasn't around. Anyway, I just felt like getting some stuff off my chest since I got no-one else to talk to. So to re-cap, I'm 33 with no job, no qualifications, no partner, no friends, no car, no life :-(


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Whats the point of living February 26, 2012
Not sure what to do... February 19, 2012
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By anonymous at 30,Dec,10 22:53

and to add to the list of your no's your not the only one.

By anonymous at 31,Dec,10 02:41

Kill yourself. It'll make it easier at least, stuck in a void of nonexistance.
By anonymous at 31,Dec,10 03:00


By anonymous at 31,Dec,10 05:54

Dint kill yourself, you can go on courses get reeducated, you are 33 with alot of experience and you have alot to offer

so your wife left you, this is the case for tens of thousands of people, you have your motyher it isnt over

1. Get reeducated
2. Put a CV on a job wdbsite
3. Job Hunt

good luck, friend

By anonymous at 31,Dec,10 10:13

you sound so negative next time you are on your computer google how to be happy it might help you good luck

By anonymous at 31,Dec,10 14:05

You need to quit feeling sorry for yourself. The only one who is responsible for your current situation is YOU! Man-up.
By anonymous at 31,Dec,10 21:34

So it's his fault that his partner was cheating, and the government ROBBED him of his money through divorce? Fuck you

By anonymous at 31,Dec,10 19:08

just keep looking for a job. Or go back to school, maybe you can get a student loan. But don't just go for anything, what are you really passionate about? These things take time, things always change.

By anonymous at 31,Dec,10 19:31

start with excercise to get your energy level up. Then see how you can help your mom. You have good writing ability so you must have some skills. You are lucky you have a mom who cares about you. Once you start excercising you will get more motivation to find a job and help your mom.

By anonymous at 01,Jan,11 10:34

Be cautious about getting more education. College students graduate with large debts from students loans and discover that there are no jobs for college graduates and they will never be able to pay off the loans. All blue collar jobs go to people with H1-B visas and all jobs that require education go to people with L-1 visas.
At least you are still young enough to start your own business. Get a cash business, do not get a business license or the government will tax you immediately into bankruptcy. You know how Obama told Joe the Plumber that he needs to give all his money to those who never worked a day in their life in order to spread the wealth around.

By at 01,Jan,11 19:25

You said that, "Every time I have suicidal thoughts, the fact that mum's still around is the only thing that stops me."
I have the exact same feeling everyday and since my mom is only fifty i hate to think of the pain that will cause, but i wish all your problem was my problem because i could live with that, but i lost my only child and there's not replacement. at 33, you're still young, if you can find a way to find motivation everthing that you lack now can be possible. Find a new partner, date until you find the right now. Find a job and get out on your own again. Make a goal and try to do it one at time and before long you'll get there.And remember there are worse things that could happen so be thankful that's all you have to deal with.

By anonymous at 01,Jan,11 19:25

I'd love to be in your shoes. Your mom loves you. You are 33. Tht is so young with so much life in front of you. If you sit around on your ass smoking cigarettes and feeling sorry for yourself you will wake up one morning and realize you are me.
Get a job. Who cares what it is. At least you'll be meeting people.
By anonymous at 01,Jan,11 21:45


By at 02,Jan,11 14:07

you can be positive or negative in any sit5uation i always remind myself of that and choose /force a positive spin on everything. it will help you o lot you have to train urself out of the shit life trained u into a downer u train urself back out of it . come outside of urself and remind urself of wat u do have. u could be in africa in a shit hole dying of aids ... perspective helps as a good leveler

By anonymous at 27,Jan,11 13:06

You're not too old to start over. It may seem hard at first. But once u get started, it'll get easier.

By anonymous at 27,Jan,11 13:06

You're not too old to start over. It may seem hard at first. But once u get started, it'll get easier.

By at 09,Apr,11 00:44

Don't go suicidal. It may seem to be the healing that you seek, but why end your life before it is time?

I know this may sound like a cliche, but you have lots to live for. Keep that in mind. I know all the things that happened make you feel like you don't want to do anything, but you have to be strong and stay in one piece and move on.

God Bless you

By anonymous at 19,Oct,11 14:35

I can`t believe some peoples comments! I hope you made it and your life changed!!!

By Retta at 15,May,17 02:27

For the love of God, keep writing these arsetlic.

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