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LIFE SUCKS : Poverty

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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    Whose life sucks the most MINE!

    Posted by a big douchbag at May 7, 2010
    Tags: Appearance   Health   2010 May   Poverty

    35, jobless, live in shithole for years. I'm obese and ugly as shit, I fart alot, and I stink like hell. I left education halfway through high school cuz ma family's illegal immigrants, I found a job srving at mcdonald, working as store clerk. I got fired in 2007 and was looking for a job ever since. I used to have an apartment, but now I moved back to my parents house which was really still a two room apartment. I, when im still not fat in high school, dated just one single girl, she had some type of STD, which got me infected. and to mention i never had any friends and my parents never meant to have me but cant have me aborted so you can imagine they HATES me. now I'm fat, ugly, poor, jobless, live with my parents, have STD, had no friends, everyone hates me, so yea.

    Comments: 17   Votes:


    When you are your own worse enemy !(sins of the father)

    Posted by Lost4everinlife at May 1, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   General   Poverty

    I don’t know why I am writing this maybe to get some closure, maybe because I have nowhere else to turn....

    I am 39 years old and I have finally realized I am my own worst enemy. The thought has crossed my mind before but it was easier to blame someone else. As I write this I have no water, my electricity was cut off two weeks ago (I just swapped the meter and turned it back on ya I know illegal) and they will read the meter on Monday. My rent is due tomorrow and of course I can’t pay. It has been an average of two weeks late for months. And my landlord is itching to get rid of me.

    My daughter's are due home in two days, I have full custody after fighting to get it for 10 years, have had it for almost two years. And now I am going to lose it. And the bitch is I could have stopped it. Let me back up and tell you about my life......

    I was adopted just after birth, by my Mom and her first husband. That lasted until I was three and he ran off with her best friend. We moved around a bit and ended up on the east coast. She worked her but off to take care of me and did a great job. She met and remarried when I was around ten and that when life went downhill.

    The man she married had a friend that just happened to like little boys. I got a warning “if he touches you in an inappropriate way” let us know. And then I got shipped off to guess where to be babysat. (As a parent now myself WTF?!!) Well by now I am sure you can guess where this leads. ...

    Read Entire Entry >>>

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    girl lost

    Posted by who cares at April 22, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Bad Luck   Poverty   Relationship   Unemployment

    So you think life sucks huh? Well what I can say is that my family is healhty, but thats it. I am 30 years old didn't have parents growin up. Had my first child at 17 so I didn't go to prom. His father was abusive so I left him. Had my second child at 21. Her father is in prison for 18 years and I am stuck to raise them by myself. I did have a ok job but was laid off due to the economy. Lost my job, apt, bank account, car. Wow there goes the benefits for us. Well now I have no choice but to live with my old aunt and mother. With no male figure around my son is starting to get out of control. Seems like all of the decisions that I make are the wrong ones. Started going back to school which isn't working out because it seems like I am the oldest in my classes. This is something I shouls have been doing 10 yrs ago, but there was no one to tell me that. So here I am alone 30 yrs old, 2 kids, no job, no support. People keep telling me to be strong. It is easier said than done. I also have relationship problems can't find anyone genuine. Because of my body shape all guys talk about is my butt this and my butt that...what about me? Anyways let's not talk about the hater friends I've had for the longest can't seem to shake. Idk, it just seems like im getting backed into a corner and can't get out. Seems that I was doing ok untill I was laid off. Then things just seem to fall like a dominoe chain, one by one. Usually in this situation the other person would help out. I didn't have that help and really had to move back into my moms home. No one wants to date because I have two kids and am 30. At nite sometimes I dig in people trash for there recycle cans and bottles for extra cash. I cover myself up so no one sees me. Life sucks....must be nice for some huh??? eh!

    Comments: 8   Votes:


    I'm so tired of living

    Posted by anonymous at April 18, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Loneliness   Poverty   Relationship

    I have been battling depression now for half of my life, and I turn 25 this Tuesday. Just when I think things can't get any worse, they always do. I am a stay at home mom to a 3 year old. His father and I have been together for 5 years, and he has recently revealed that he doesn't really love me. That he's just with me for our son. To him I'm nothing. I want to get out, but we live in a small town and I don't have a car. He works split shifts six days a week and won't let me borrow his car so I can get a job to save money to get out. Living with family is not an option. I have lost about 50 lbs in the past year and have no money for new clothes, so I look like a ragamuffin. I am ashamed to go out into public with my old, threadbare, falling-apart, too big clothes. All this, and he makes plenty of money to help me get on my own two feet... He just doesn't care enough about me to do so. I cry myself to sleep every night knowing the man next to me has never loved me and has been the biggest waste of my time. I just wish I could crawl into a hole and never come out... I wish I could fall asleep and never wake up. Hell, I wish I could just put a gun to my head and pull the trigger (I fantasize about it several times a day) but I can't bear the thought of my little man growing up without a mommy. So here I am with nobody to love me, except the little boy I can't even provide for. Plus, this Tuesday is my birthday and the few friends I do have are too busy doing other stuff to bother with spending time with me. Happy birthday to me... And no, it doesn't beat the alternative.

    Comments: 34   Votes:


    Tired of Trying

    Posted by WTF at April 16, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Disappointment   Family   Poverty   Relationship

    Every since college, my life has spiraled down hill. I'm a teacher with a Masters degree and I'm always broke as hell. My wife won't listen. I married her because she got pregnant. I want to do the right thing since she already had two children out of wedlock with two different men. She had her tubes tied when she had my child despite my wishes. Now I can never have another child, but I call hers my own. That was ten years ago, but problem like that don't go away. I'm a former athelte who will never have a son. She quit her job to go back to school. She was obviously focused on other things while she was in college. Now the water is cut off, the gas is off. She hasn't worked in a year, but when I mention it I'm a jerk. Everyone wonders where my money goes like I'm a damn crack head or something. I spent most of my life loyal to Christ and GOD. I was a deacon, sunday school superintendent. Its all the same. My life sucks. I used to be pretty good looking, but now I'm bald and funny-looking. I've sacrificed the best of me for a woman who is out for herself, and won't even help me as I take care of her and her kids. I used to smoke weed daily just to get by, and I can't even afford that anymore, so I tolerate life as is. No help in site. You see, my life really sucks. Worst ... if I leave her., I will have to pay the child support that she doesn't even make the real dads pay. The sex sucks because she basically lies on her side. Lately, I've had the desire to wear women's clothing. I'm all fucked up. I think she has bitched me out. My mom passed a few years ago. My dad acts like he never had kids no that she's gone. I have no one to borrow a dollar for if I need it. If I ask a minister, everything that is happening is my fault because I'm the man. I can't go on like this. I'm at my lowest today. Life sucks big time!

    Comments: 28   Votes:



    Posted by whocares at April 16, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Family   Health   Juvenile problems   Poverty   Society

    im only 17. and i have seen so much in my life already! My father has a low paying job. so could never gave me and my siblings the life he wanted to or we ever imagined. My mom is a diabetic and has kidney disease and heart problem too. Because she doesn't have any health insurance most of my dad's income goes after her medical cost. Im in high school and already i am a failure. because of moving here from another country language has always been a big issue for me. and yeah most of the kids in high school thinks im weird and i don't mind about it that much. i let people think whatever they want. most of them think im a terrorist just cuz im from an south east asian country. even though i never really said anything about it to anyone it really bothers me a lot. some thinks im a loner, some thinks im stupid cuz i have bad grades. but they never really understood what my problem has been. just cuz im not white i have to face a lot of racism in this town. i dont really care about those racist bastards. i left all my real friends back where i grew up, where i really belong. so if im here sad all days i have no one to really share my sadness with. in my lil time here i liked a few girls. but hey im not meant to be happy so i got turned down every single fucking time. well now on a situation where nothing really matters to me anymore. every time i rise my hopes up it gets demolished into the ground in matter of seconds. i've got my heart broken numerous times. so im kinda used to it. the most sad thing was when i asked a girl out she called cops on me for sexual harassment. since then i have learned my lesson. never talked to a girl unless she came to me and said something to me. i dont know why im even writing this. i just know that there is no one that cares to pick up millions of broken pieces of my heart and piece it up together. i just want to leave everything. so they will be happy. and the world will have one less sad and a failure left living.

    Comments: 9   Votes:



    Posted by anonymous at April 15, 2010
    Tags: 2010 April   Poverty   Relationship

    Life sucks because I have a husband that I am no longer attracted to, we don't have sex because of it. his job is no longer paying well. I've been sick for a week, and can't go to the doctor because we have no medical, our bills are over due, I have no experience to get a job(homemaker) gas is getting shut off today, my family lives far away, and I have to put up with a stupid Sister inlaw that calls me her bestfriend, but tells everyone about mine and my husbands problems. I've lost a lot of weight, but can't buy new clothes cuz we have no money, so I wear my old fat girl clothes and it's embaressing for my kids and me. My church is filled with gossips, liars, and fakes! I've prayed and prayed but it seems like even God thinks I suck!

    Comments: 4   Votes:


    Life truly sucks

    Posted by blaah at March 21, 2010
    Tags: Independent circumstances   Juvenile problems   2010 March   Poverty

    I moved too a whole new city
    which is like deserted ....
    its full of snobby rich ppl
    and weell im not rich .. my dad lost his job and my mom is working extra now
    anywaaays i hate everyone at me schoool.. and i really dont have anyfriends
    and my old friends sort of forgot about me ..not that i had any anways..
    well ppl here only care about what other ppl think
    and well i dont
    and there cowards .. some girl wouldnt even hole the fire extinguisher cuz she might get in trouble..
    alsoo since my dad has no job hes at home all day
    he yells at me everydayy
    i have to clean every thing and yet he still finds stuff to yell at me about
    i dont fit in with anyone in my family
    i spent march break at home
    I DID NOTHING exept watching movies
    nothing is right
    never has been and never will i guesss..
    and no one knows i feel this way cuz i sort of act happy all the time
    im a little burst of sunshine
    Oh and i gained weight lately
    my mom says im fat ..
    so does my sis who is overly obsessed with her bf

    all i can do is just move along

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    My sucky ass life!

    Posted by Casey at March 21, 2010
    Tags: Juvenile problems   2010 March   Poverty

    My life story...
    My mom has never had a salary of more then 5,000 a year and she has tried to raise 2 kids on it! She is Constantly sleeping around to get money... Selling pills, gambling every dollar she gets, and moving almost every year to get a fresh start! i see he maybe once or twice a month, i lvie in the apartment that she still pays rent for, but doesn't live in! My older sister who is the only one who could relate to how i live just left to idaho because she was fed up with it! She is only 17! The only girl who i have ever tried to get close to is oly in the relationship for sex, and we haven't even had any yet! I'm her tool! Because of problems my gpa this year has dropped from a 4.1 to a 2.7 and most the colleges i wanted to go to have decided that i am not good enough to go there now! My mom just came home and tried to set my dog on fire!... I stopped her from killing herself last month! and now i want to kill myself!

    Also, today i missed track practice because my crack addict neighbor came over to my house and tried to kill me after taking everything i own! Then my coach calls and tells me i lost my spot on varsity and i can't get it back! I could tell him sucks, i want out!

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    kill myself march 30th 2010

    Posted by kill me now at March 19, 2010
    Tags: 2010 March   Money   Poverty

    im very angry of myself because im stupid.
    i have lost all my riches. 5 yrs ago i was making money with my business in real estates. i had everything money can buy. i had 3 properties in a very prestige locations. little that i know my spending got out of hand and realized im drowning in debt over $2.5 M including the properties. just for the credits cards i owed $250,000. 2 yrs ago the real estate and economy went down and i came down with it. i filed bancrupcy, repo all cars, foreclosed all properties. i end up having nothing. nobody trust me anymore even my friends that once before i had money they were around and know me, but now they dont even want to look at me. i have a job, im selfemployed but i don't seem profiting because i can't pay my bills. my wife left me because im poor now. when we got married 7 yrs ago she did not work at all. it's 4:37 am and i cant sleep because of too much problems. im in a garage sleeping on the floor together with junk and insects crowling on my face. im very poor now. now my business is not making money anymore. im in miscerable life. have not eaten yet cant spend now saving money for gas tomorrow. ill see you all in hell.

    Comments: 13   Votes:


    down in the hole

    Posted by no body at February 25, 2010
    Tags: 2010 February   Poverty

    I am 30 with three children (8,7,&4) and a husband of 10 years. Life can not let us get ahead in any aspect. Both of us work out of the home and I go to school online while watching the kids at home. So the home life I cant complain about. It just seems that the bills all come at once. We recently moved back home to the midwest and could not get jobs for almost 6 months. Bills were adding up and no money coming in, sucks. Finally my husband lands a good job. I get a part time job serving at a crappy restaurant. My sister kicked us out onto the streets shortly after Christmas, even though we were paying our share of the rent and bills. I supplied all food into the house thru my food stamps. So there we are middle of winter no place to live. I finally found an apt we can afford for super cheap and it actually met all requirements for us. We could see the light at the end of the tunnel...things looked good. Then BOOM hours get cut at both jobs. Barely able to afford anything once again. We can feed ourselves with food stamps, but cant provide anything else. That only lasted about 2 weeks of little money coming in, we had used all of our savings again to try to keep caught up on bills. Seeing the light again; not for long. Our only vechile breaks down. Another time in our lives we have to barrow money to stay afloat. So 500 dollars later we are driving again. Working extra hours to get the extra money doing good again. BOOM!! All of our bill collectors are calling and needing...

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    What's life all about?

    Posted by anonymous at February 25, 2010
    Tags: Independent circumstances   2010 February   Poverty

    im 17 years old... and I live in Brazil... a shitty place 2 live
    my dad died when I was 11... since then we(my mom, sister and me) are drowning in bills, debts of all types.
    There are months we don't even have food... so I had to sell all my cds, my vcr, my dvd player, my ps2(that was a gift) just 2 eat something.
    I finished highschool last year but I fucked up on the exam to enter public college(I don't have money to pay 4 a private college)
    I want 2 major in in engineering or physics but I don't have the money 2 pay for school this year... I wanna study hard to leave this hole someday
    but nobody seems to understand that...
    Brazil's a dangerous place... A stray bullet could hit u every day...
    it's a really violent country.
    I'm just tired of this life... it's so fucked up
    What's life all about? Tell me... please

    Comments: 9   Votes:


    Life sucks more than you admit.

    Posted by Who Cares? at February 19, 2010
    Tags: 2010 February   Health   Poverty   Relationship

    No job. No money. No friends. Mean ass ex wife who I still live with. Ultra bad computer spyware that only screws up the most important things and is nearly undetectable.
    Paypal owes me 75 USD, but won't give me my password or redeem the funds to my account. I cannot drink alcohol or I will die. I am stuck as a senior in college, but am currently kicked out for getting a 1.8 GPA while on academic probation from hard times 2 years ago. I sleep on the floor with a tiny blanket that doesn't really cover me, and the ex-wife turns the heat down to 60 at night. I have this major cramp in my diaphram that spasms to my back and chest and arm. My ex is a massage therapist who refuses to help me (even though I rubbed her every day for 7 years). Every day I get up and she asks me to do about 10 things, and I was supposed to get a job every one of those days. She calls me names because I didn't finish school (God knows I tried). My mother talks shit about me not finishing. My grandparents fucked up this country (just like yours). The food stamps may get cut off any second now. All I hear is how I don't pay for anything, which is funny because I just spent $1400 in the last 2 months on her mortgage ($700 on a credit card). I spent all my savings. It doesn't look good anytime soon for carpenters.
    I'm out of contacts. I don't have a room for my things. Every day I hear about how I smell and can't get enough done (oh by the way, watch the kids while I go shopping). I can't...

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    Comments: 36   Votes:


    My life's a disaster

    Posted by whatthefark at January 7, 2010
    Tags: Attitude   January 2010   Poverty

    I grew up in small town Sask. and our family was the poorest in the whole bloody country I am sure cause people where always dropping clothes that where no good off at our home.I had no self esteem and I sucked at School cause all I could measure up to was a dead rat.I quit School in grade 9 and went to work in the city at age 16 if you can imagine,what a fuckin mess I was.I spent the rest of my teens working with assholes that thought they where all that but really they where ass wipe,anyway I kept on working in construction and got treated like shit all the time so I decided to go into welding and I did that for about 15 years again fighting my way through all of the bullshit and abuse that I recieved from both employers and employies.I have worked at other jobs and have been shat on and pissed on and fucked upside the head so manny times I would sware I have a Kunt on my face.Near the present time I went to work for some asshole company in the southwest that decided to conspire lies about me and systamaticaly removed me from my job and my life,in short I got fucked but good!I put in all of those years just to have a bunch of ass hole ass holes fuck me again.In the mean time I went and got my GED and went to the U of S for one year and then I went to The CPC in the city so I got some education anyhow.I just want to say to the world right now( You thought you could keep me down but I am comin back baby,With Gods help I will be back and your goin down and I mean DOWN!)

    Comments: 4   Votes:


    well i feel like giving up

    Posted by anonymous at December 25, 2009
    Tags: Bad Luck   December 2009   Family   Poverty

    i feel like ending my life i a 1 and half yr old but i feel he would be much better with outa depressed mother.I lost my baby brother 9 yrs ago then my grandparents and now i have no where to live basically and i have no job money nothing jsut my little man.2 wks to having my baby my boyfriend decided to cheat on me i have no real friends and none of my family really gives a crap about trying so hard not to give up but i keep thinking what the hell else should i stay here for i have nothing but my little guy and if not for him then i would have killed myself already i feel like i cheated myself with life im 21 and feel 40 i dont know y i even write this cuz i knw there r people with WAY bigger problems then me well good luck to those and maybe ill stick around then again y not leave and take me where ever the wind will take me get my drift .....

    Comments: 5   Votes:


    Don't read.

    Posted by anonymous at December 3, 2009
    Tags: December 2009   Poverty

    First of all: I'm sorry, if I make grammar mistakes (my native language isn't English) and I'm sorry, that you have to read my complainings.

    I know that lots of people have more horrible life than I do, but not everybody's life is that bad.

    I'll start from the beginning. When I was 3 years old, I got beated up by my mom for every thing I made. It is like that even now. She has strangled me for several times and every day she says how she hates me and it would be better for everyone, if I would just die. I totally agree with her.
    I don't have any friends. Wherever I'm going somewhere, nobody doesn't like me. Well, I'm from a poor family, maybe thats why.
    My mom has been unemployed almost all my life. This summer our (mine and my sister's) dad left us, because he sayd that he loves other woman. Of course my mom beated me up even more after that. Our dad didn't give us any money, so we were almost on the streets. Then my mom got a job. Her net wages per month were only 500 dollars. My mom didn't eat almost anything, so she was like starting to "die". It really doesn't feel good, if you have to see, that someone dear to you is dying.
    Just a week ago my mom was fired. I don't know, how are we going to survive.
    I don't drink alcohol, smoke or do something like that. I know, that it wouldn't help.

    Write comments about how I made this all up, and I have one more reason to wish to not live.

    Comments: 10   Votes:


    A bad joke....

    Posted by Anderson at December 2, 2009
    Tags: December 2009   Family   Health   Poverty   School

    I work in a call center full time and go to school full time. I want to be a nurse. Male nurse / Murse. I have no money to pay my bills... My car may get repossessed if i dont make a payment soon. I am hungry and tired. My teachers give out way too much homework than whats nessasary for the class. I work, get yelled by customers because they didnt get to watch American Idol last night when the cable service went down. I work in tech support for a cable company. Since it is a call center every action you do is monitored and timed. They constantly remind the employee's that we are nothing without them and they remind us constantly how we should think. Customers are never right, dumb mouth breathers who cant change inputs on a HDTV. I go to a cumminty college where the teachers are just terrible. They give out crap tons of homework that takes away all of my time and sleep. I'm getting B's and C's because i am just to damn tired after work and homework to study for test and exams. I need a high GPA to make into med school, but im not metting that right now. It may sound not so bad to others, but it really is bad to me. I hate my family... They are disgusting, rude and just downright incapable of critical thinking when it comes down to it. My mom is a raging bitch who cares nothing for me only that i make my car payments on time since she is co-signed on it. She has no clue what supporting your child means. My father died of heart attck when i was 15. My mom didnt shed a single tear. I hate my job but i cant find a new one cause of the economy. I am also constantly reminded on tv news about so called "change." Nothing is changing, except for my health. I am getting fat and out of shape because i have no money for healthy food and dont have time to get to the gym. I am seriously hanging on by a thread. My motivation to be happy is gone.

    Comments: 8   Votes:



    Posted by Nashon at November 19, 2009
    Tags: Independent circumstances   Family   Health   November 2009   Poverty

    Hi, my name is Nashon and my life sucks. Let's start from the beginning. I live in corrupt third world country in east Africa called Kenya. It's the only home I know. I'm the second child in a family of 5 children and the only son. My father died from respiratory failure when I was 11 or 12yrs old. He was an alcoholic and a chain smoker. I remember he once stole money from my mom's purse just to go drinking. My youngest sister was only 2yrs old when he died. My mom raised us pretty much on her own. She tried her best but when I was 16yrs old, she lost her job. We don't have unemployment benefits or food stamps in Kenya. We almost starved to death with no income. High school education isn't free either so my mom had to struggle really hard to put me and my sisters through high school with no help from our relatives. Right after I finished high school my mom had to sell the 3 bedroomed house we lived in just to keep us fed. We all moved into a little 2 bedroomed unfinished house with no plaster on the walls, no floor, no electricity and no windows. It was ever cold, dark and the wind blew right through. At least we had running water which we had to connect illegally although that mean't we had to watch out everyday for the council water guys. I think I did good in school. I was a B- student but it wasn't good enough for me to earn a scholarship and my mom couldn't afford to put me through college. My elder sister got lucky and got a job at a printing factory and at that poi...

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    Comments: 58   Votes:



    Posted by anonymous at November 5, 2009
    Tags: Family   Juvenile problems   November 2009   Poverty

    I'm 17 years old. I don't know what the fuck is it like to live on your own. I'm scared of school, I don't know who am I gonna be, I dont see the point to study, I feel no happiness.i have a lot of tests tomorrow and i cant find the strength to study for 'em. My parents are divorced, I feel like shit. I need money. I need clothes. I need food. I need a shelter,a better place to live.
    girls are annoying the shit outta me cuz i cant fuckin understand just sucks. Fuck.fuck.fuck.gah, im not yet ready to leave the feels like i have a fucking mission.who the fuck knows. dieing would be interesting anyway.

    Comments: 9   Votes:


    what can I do

    Posted by givingup at September 30, 2009
    Tags: Money   Poverty   September 2009

    I am behind several months on all my bills. I work everyday and still cannot make ends meet. I am willing to do anything just to survive. what can I do

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