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    [Tell Your Story]  "The pit" (fresh stories)

    untitled story

    Posted by ilya n at July 10, 2012
    Static LinkTags: Attitude   July 2012

    hi there, just need to tell somebody that my life sucks big time even though that won't help anybody. i'm stuck in this suburb of Moscow with no prospect in life and it feels it's going downhill right now. I'm 23 with no real friends and no girlfriend never been in a close relationship with anyone and can't even socialize normally. people think i'm weird all the time no matter what i do it's ridiculous. i just think of my life as a loner until i die and it feels so bad. i've got quite a bit of money now and if you go around here everybody's mostly poor and they will try to scam you if they know u got cash. i hate that i can't stand up for myself i dunno how this can be fixed. i start to give up on myself and lose interest in life at all because it really looks like no matter what i do i will fail. sometimes i think that i hate my parents and i wish i wouldn't have been born.

    Comments: 594   Votes:



    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm a 28, almost 29 year old, guy who has been stuck for what feels like an eternity now. I joined the Air Guard when I was 19, was an honor graduate, but before that had a year of school under my belt plus the 28 credits earned in highschool. I had been in a committed relationship with the girl for a couple years at this point and was not only working full time, going to school full time, but pulling extra man days at the base for some extra cash. I thought i was buidling a life for us.

    The Christmas after i turned 21 she broke up with me because she said i wasn't spending enough time with her. A couple months later I moved out with my best friend at the time who was also in the Air Guard and we had some good times working and hangin out. 9 months later my ex came back around and we started hangin out for 6 months. She ripped my guts out a second time and still wanted to be friends. I was 22, ultra depressed and decided to start hitting the bar scene.

    A couple months later i saw recruitment poster on campus for Marine Officers, and it said guaranteed flight slot. At the time i was near sited and called the OSO Officer for fun to see what he could tell me. The phone call was in March and by June I had left my Air Guard unit that had become a second family to me and was on my way to Quantico Virginia. I completed OCS ranked #7 in my platoon and 2nd most physically fit. I felt alive again. A couple months later my vision was corrected and with my flight ...

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    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm a 28, almost 29 year old, guy who has been stuck for what feels like an eternity now. I joined the Air Guard when I was 19, was an honor graduate, but before that had a year of school under my belt plus the 28 credits earned in highschool. I had been in a committed relationship with the girl for a couple years at this point and was not only working full time, going to school full time, but pulling extra man days at the base for some extra cash. I thought i was buidling a life for us.

    The Christmas after i turned 21 she broke up with me because she said i wasn't spending enough time with her. A couple months later I moved out with my best friend at the time who was also in the Air Guard and we had some good times working and hangin out. 9 months later my ex came back around and we started hangin out for 6 months. She ripped my guts out a second time and still wanted to be friends. I was 22, ultra depressed and decided to start hitting the bar scene.

    A couple months later i saw recruitment poster on campus for Marine Officers, and it said guaranteed flight slot. At the time i was near sited and called the OSO Officer for fun to see what he could tell me. The phone call was in March and by June I had left my Air Guard unit that had become a second family to me and was on my way to Quantico Virginia. I completed OCS ranked #7 in my platoon and 2nd most physically fit. I felt alive again. A couple months later my vision was corrected and with my flight ...

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    Comments: 191   Votes:


    Being lonely

    Posted by AP at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    Since childhood i have lonely no one cared, supported me i was brought up in very orthodox family. no personal life,i became hell to live anymore infact inm getting suicidal thoughts now, i have lived enough now i dont wanna live anymore. there is noone to cry for me.

    Comments: 31   Votes:


    He used me just for a kid

    Posted by poo at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    Hi all,

    I am from goa, india... well my story is that i had a bf with whom i was in relation for 9 years but was never serious, he loved me, cared me but i never liked him nor loved him, was waiting for my dream boy. later as my parents knew him told me to get married to him, i wasnt ready. later my dream boy came into my life ( i.e my husband ex) he proposed me at the very first day, but i wasnt sure as i found him too flirtous, still i was attracted to him. i informed my parents abt my this new guy into my life, but my parents told to stay away as he is a nre and shd never trust them. due to this i stopped talking to him, taking his calls. i got legally registered with my bf.. but later realised i have done a mistake. then this new boy started callingme again, i got attracted on his talks and the way he impressed me. we went out for date, which i found i get along with him quiet well. i informed him i am legally married and our relation is not possible, in return he told me to annual the marriage and get married to him, which he spoke to advocate and got my marriage annuelled. later we ran away and got married. soon after 3 months he left me and went to australia, i was expecting our first child, 10 months i was staying with his parents, which i came to know my husband is a womeniser, he loves to have new girls in his life, weather married or young he doesnt mind. after marriage when i was 7 mths pregnant i cam eto know he had relation with a married women and ...

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    Fed up.

    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags:   July 2012

    I don't think I've gone a night without crying since I was little, seriously. I always get the feeling where I just want to go home even though I am home, It's really hard to put my feelings into words I never talk about my feelings but when I do i tear up for some reason and I hate crying in front of people so I just bottle everything up and carry on.. I have friends, I've had plenty of friends but I just push everyone away I prefer staying in than going out but it seems everyone else in the world wants to go out to party's, get drunk, do drugs but that's not what I want to do so I just stay in, this sounds like i'm just pitying myself feeling sorry for myself but I really don't feel like I don't belong, I haven't had a hug of my dad since I was little I miss him so much even though I see him everyday I feel like he doesn't care even though he obviously does he just doesn't express his feelings, like me I guess..

    This is really long and if you do read this I thank-you for taking notice in what I have to say, this is honestly the first time I have told anyone about myself and how I feel. I get told that I'm always 'happy' and always laughing and stuff and I just laugh and agree when I am DEFINITIVELY not! I have self harmed, considered suicide, even though I know I don't have the worst life ever I feel like I do..
    I'm to shy to talk to any boys in person therefore I never get close to any romantically, I haven't had a proper boyfriend since I was 11 years old...

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    Life sucks.

    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm a 17 year old girl. Let's start from the beginning... All through my childhood I had a half brother and sister. My older half brother had turrets and had anger problems. He would yell and scream and punch and hold knives to me and my family. When I was 10 he was put into a home because he was a danger to us. Now he is in jail doing who knows what. My older half sister got kicked out for doing drugs. I have a little sister that's falling on the wrong path. My little brother has hypo plastic left heart syndrome and could die at any time... He's 4. When I was 12, my mom was pregnant with my other little brother and he died in the womb with only 2 months left. He was a stillbirth and I remember holding him.. His lifeless body, a fragile life... A baby... Just dead. That same year my best friend moved away and I had no friends except at school. When I reached high school, life was looking up. I decided that I wanted to go into the air force and be an officer. I get good grades and in the top of my class so I was completely focused on getting into the air force academy. 2 days before my 17th birthday I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. That ruined my dream. Now I have to give myself shots 4 times a day. My best friend doesn't talk to me anymore... I don't have any friends. I am ugly. I've never had a boy friend. I've never kissed a guy. I'm shy and socially awkward. I have hair that I cant do anything good with. I'm a ginger. Lol which I'm okay with. My mom texts more than I do. My moms a slutty whore who cheats on my dad. She has been with 5 guys that I know of. She's been with several guys at once and my dad is too much of a pussy to do anything. I have no idea what to do with my life. I feel like I am useless and it would be better if I was gone. Sorry this is long but I don't have anyone to talk to. Oh, except for this guy that is stalking my life....

    Comments: 15   Votes:


    Christ is King, but life is Hell.

    Posted by DallasTexas at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    28 years of being left out, overlooked, unwanted, ignored, and misguided (if guided at all) and now i am so far beyond help that i truly realize that this is hopeless. i have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and asked many times what should i do with my life. i guess the answer was just wait to die and then come on up to heaven. so that's what i am doing. tell the world to suck my cold dead balls. peace.

    Comments: 5   Votes:



    Posted by Noone at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm a 33 year old single mother of 2 children, I have anxiety and depression in 2009 thinking that taking medicines for a couple of months would take this away forever. Guess what, it didn' came back in 2011, why I don't know. I don't even know why I'm depressed, I cry, I'm sad, I want to be in bed all day, I can't sleep, my mind is working 100 miles an hour, I shake, I take like 8-10 pills a day to be able to be normal to a certain point and it sucks. Why am I sad, unhappy, depressed, angry, annoyed...I sometimes wish I wasn't here, what's the point of living like this but I do stop and thing about my children, nobody will love or care for them the way I will. Can't I just be normal and happy, I literally feel crazy, not being able to handle my emotions, drinking to much, being uncontrollable, my friends making fun of my crazy pills, not being able to keep a relationship am I always going to feel like this? Useless, loveless, unwanted, weird, crazy, an emotional wreck. All I want is to figure out what started all this and why.........

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    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    Well here it is I'm looking at my life and just wondering why.. The time I've spent on this planet has been well it's been yea I can't find the right words to describe it. I turn 19 in 17 days and I'm not sure I'll be around that long. I work like a dog for a worthless check my car is falling apart. My hopes of getting a girlfriend diminish every day. And the clocks running down till eviction day. I'm still in highschool (where I'm openly hated by the majority of teachers and students alike). It's summer now and it just keeps getting hotter. I work at a grocery store that's 45 minutes away from where I live now. I'm just tired that sums up my life I'm tired of working a lousy 10 to 20 hours a week when I was promised at least 30. I'm tired of being looked down on by the people around me. I'm tired of getting screwed over at every turn. I'm immensely tired of the poor state of the society around me. A 23 year old who lives at my friends house is a litteral pedophile who is constantly trying to sleep with 14 and 15 year old girls on a regular basis and he gets praised for that shit. It literally makes me sick to my stomach to see the world around me.
    So here's a little bit of my history. Since age 14 I've been had a bad run of events. For my 14 birthday I spent the day working and the night alone. My 15th was real fun I went to the corner store to buy some food and I got jumped. 16 I got evicted. Just before 17 my dad tried to commit suicide 2 days later I was forced t...

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    Motivation Loss

    Posted by anonymous at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I am 17 years old girl, year 11 in highschool who completely lost motivation for school and constantly hating my own knowledge. My school report is horrible, everything is horrible. I even stopped being so religious. I used to enjoy school but now I hate it due to poor knowledge for maths and now, I hate my once-favourite-subject, Japanese Language because it suddenly got even more difficult. I dropped from Advanced English to Standard English, seeing that
    I suck at grammar and nicknamed as "Broken-English." I feel so damn shameful, even though I was born in an English country, studied hard for English and now I see every attempt I've tried goes pointless. It's even more shameful that I love to write stories but thanks to stupid grammar problems, I refuse to let someone check my work because they're not bothered about my stupid piece of writing.
    Heck, even teachers don't even help too well. One of the teachers even compared me with FOBS which really humuliated me. I also hate how they even send me to the cousellors. For me, it feels like I'm the insane person or even mentally retarded person.
    Teachers honestly hate me just because I'm not a genius. I lost a sort friendship between the Japanese teacher but now I've lost it and she keeps avoiding me now. Even maths teacher hates me so bad, even though I didn't give a freakin' bad attitude to her. At home, everything is fine BUT every time if I just go to school, think about school, think about future, think about teachers, I just feel like breaking the doors down and go punch someone in the face. It feels like I'm dragging myself around like a puppet.

    I have a dream about getting into Art Univerisity and become an Art teacher but it seems futile. All I can do is draw, sing and paint. Nothing else. I must've been stupid for having such fantasy imaginative thoughts. I tried to stay positive but I keep facing downfall.

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    About to give up.

    Posted by Ross at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm 18 and a guy, I hate my life more and more everyday. I want to kill myself; but I cant because I am scared of death. (Who isn't).
    I will just list some things I have that I like then list why my life sucks.
    Good things:
    1. Smart
    2. I have parents and a brother
    3. Kind of attractive, got a good build (without working out)
    4. Super nice guy, but this just screws me in this fked up world.

    Things I hate, why my life sucks.
    1. Growing up in this economy, struggling with finding jobs and enjoying them.
    2. I work at shoprite in the deli and I hate some of my co-workers. I recently got in a fight with this guy almost physical fight. Almost lost my job. (HES AN ASSHOLE)
    3. 5'1 tall, yep you read that right.
    4. Virgin, not by choice, cant find a serious relationship or girl to care about me. Thats really all I need. My latest relationship lasted a week and she broke my heart so bad. Second gf I got cheated on. Been used by plenty of my crushes. First gf there was really nothing there.
    5. Lost my bestfriend whos a girl that I love that never loved me back. Friendzoned. I lost her because she chose her crazy ex whos sick in the head over my friendship. I cant be friends with her being with him because like I said hes crazy. I love her so much but she only saw me as a friend and I cannot believe me and her cant be friends anymore.
    6. I argue with my dad 80% of the time im next to him.
    7. I have no friends that I can co...

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    To all the altruistic people out there, start being selfish

    Posted by Reality at July 10, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I'm 28 years old, and I've spent the majority of my life being more concerned about the happiness of my friends and family than my own. So here I am, an emasculated husk of a kind man wrung dry of any joy. I hope this serves as a message to any like minded individuals being used as a crutch.

    Stop. Stop giving your time away to people that won't or can't give theirs back I'm return. I can't tell you the amount of friends that I've helped move houses, only for them to snub me when I need a favor. Stop helping these leeches.

    Start. Start living your life at the expense of others. Take what you want, don't be ashamed of being a dick to people. No one else is ashamed of being a dick to you.

    Don't. Don't wind up like me: someone who gave their emotions and generosity to too many people, leaving none for myself. Don't fall back into the same routine of lending a hand to assholes because giving in is easier than hearing them bitch and moan for your help.

    Do. Do find someone to love and have all to yourself. If you wait it will be too late. Grab that girl on the street you think is hot and tell her so.

    And be a dick about it.

    Comments: 8   Votes:


    untitled story

    Posted by Women are crazy and men are stup at July 10, 2012
    Static LinkTags: July 2012

    Last sat I went to work in the evening hours to accomplish some work that was overdue. When I left the house that night i told my fiancé or girlfriend, not sure what she was at the time that I was going to work and i would be back in a few hours. The night before we got into a huge argument, which was started by me. I was frustrated because she would not and has not had sex with me but only twice in over two months. Granted I said horrible things, things of which I do regret and if I could take them back may she would still be here. I apologized the next day and promised I would get help, we have had our problems in the past and I asked her to go to counseling with me which was free for us because I'm in the military. Her response was always "I'm not going, you can go alone" long story short the night I went to work I came home around 1100 and her stuff and most of my daughters stuff was gone. She would not answer her phone and has ignored me since. It probably sounds bad and somewhat pathetic that I want her back but I have my reasons. It really wasnt all her fault and sometimes the way she treated me makes me think she never really loved me at all, I bought a home for us and mainly my daughter and now I'm losing the house, my truck and my credit is ruined past recovery. I want to talk to her so bad and I wish I could wake up from this nightmare I'm in. I miss my family!

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    going nowhere it seems

    Posted by Luke at July 9, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    i left school at 16 with 12 gcses and no job spent a year looking for a job and came up with a 1 month temporary job then after that nothing. I went to college and after a year i quit to do an apprenteceship in business admin then left half way through because i wanted to go and study in america I cant afford it I have no money hardly no job no one will hire me anmd my parents have both split up i don't particularly want to live with either of them and i found out in the last few months that I have a half sister and 2 nieces from her and she is married to a guy who used to work at the school i went to but he never spoke to me.

    I have no friends never had a girlfriend or had sex just seems everything i do just fucks up and im back feeling sorry for myself

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    i wanna die!

    Posted by bludanzr at July 9, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    im about to be 31 years old. i have never had a boyfiend, never been kissed nor had sex! i cant even pleasure myself cuz the feeling is too intense for me to handle. i almost weigh 300 pounds! i have small saggy boobs and a big hook nose. and i look 7 months pregnant but im not of course. my teeth are nasty and yellow and i have bushy eyebrows. i have a dead end job and only one friend who is no fun and doeasnt like to dance or drink. i have two low paying jobs and i am broke and in debt. my family has so many problems and stresses me out all the time.

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    My will to live is fading..

    Posted by Destroyed Hope at July 9, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    All my life I've been lonely. I used to try to get in with the 'cool' people to help ease my lonliness, but it never helped. Sometimes I'll just stay in the darkness of my room and try to sleep, until I get really bad headaches.

    I somehow have the desire to be with/talk to people, and I don't know why. I wish I wasn't so dependant on others, it really leaves me vulnerable. I get attached way too easily. I always end up falling for girls who have no desire at all to be with me.

    I know that my story may not be as sad as others'. However, it still hurts to be as lonely as I am. I don't know what to do. I've contemplated suicide, but it just seems pointless, and would be stupid for me to try. But I don't want to go on being lonely.. What do I do?

    (Mercy, Truth, and all you other trolls feel free to comment your usual crap. It'll really boost my self-esteem..)

    Comments: 10   Votes:


    There is no point anymore.

    Posted by anonymous at July 9, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    -My mom doesn't listen to anyone or cares about anyone except her stupid dumb fucking boyfriend
    -My brothers are lazy shits that never clean
    -I'm always stuck being the mom around the house
    -My mom doesn't use common sense. like ugh!
    -I hate always cleaning the house after my disgusting brothers
    - I want to move out, but I'm too young and don't have any money. My mom doesn't want me to move out, but she's not showing me a reason to freaking stay.
    -I'm just this girl whose thoughts control her
    -I'm never going to have a great life
    -I try so damn hard to be positive and happy, but depression and anger always destroys me.
    -I want to go get hit by a car
    -I always loose my chances at meeting people
    -No one seems to care for me
    -Oh, I wrote a poem one day and put it in a contest and they sent me a letter telling me my poem was in a book to send $70, and my stupid self thought i was awesome for being f-ing publish...but it was a god damn scam
    -I signed up for the local gym and they charged $50 a month, but i never go because I feel so intimidated by the people there, i'm so stupid.
    -I don't even look that bad, I think i'm beautfiul...just with personal issues
    -I started falling for this guy in middle school and we grew up together, and now his sister told me he wants to get that murdered my heart
    -I saw a cute guy downtown and we connected eyes like two times for so long each time, and i never got his fuckking name or number, i feel like a damn loser.
    -I feel like life is just boring these days and there is nothing to look forward to anymore.
    -Maybe I should just end it all? What will I do?
    -I mean I have a dumb job.
    -I just don't care about things like I use too.
    -I just don't care anymore.

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    idk if my life sucks or im just a emotional teen -_-

    Posted by fuck it at July 9, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    So 7 years old my parents divorced which was good.Fights where annoing and he was a drunk and cheated on my mom. I think he even did drugs at least that's what my mom says maybe she's just saying that cuz she fucken Hates him. I watched my dad punch my mom across her face and had to listen outside the bathroom while she cried. So he left a new born a 7 year old and a 5 year old. And a very emotional wife I had to take care of my little brother and sister alot while mom worked. She became abusive would have wierd as mood swings. I grew up hateing my dad. so I'm older now 16 dad decided to comeback in to our life. They both hate eachother alot! My dad hates my mom because he has to pay child support according to him she's fucken evil for makeing him pay a 1,500 a month . For three kids!! He's a fucken retard. My mom well she tells me every day she himwishes that she would have never met him . That makes me feel so good ^.^ umm I guess I'm the worst son. even though all my friends smoke and I don't I Make ok grades. I really haven't done anything "bad" at least that she knows of. She hates men, I think cuz her father hurt her so lucky me I get all the hatred she has towards him. If I even say anything bad about her parents she gets me introuble but talking so much shit about my dad is ok .Apparently to her men where made to serve women. She threatens me that she's sending me to military school but she really has no reason too. She's just pissed that I don't agree with h...

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    The other side of the fence

    Posted by Anony at July 9, 2012
    Tags: July 2012

    I read so many stories here of loneliness, joblessness... and I'm on the other side of the fence. Why doesn't it seem better? I think my wife hates me. We don't have sex anymore, if I touch her she walks away, and as a married man, I can 't really look anywhere else. I guess in that way I'm lonely too. I think I might resent her too much too. She won't work, keeps saying she will, but she has been at home for pretty much the last 5 years. Doesn't really make or have friends. I think she's depressed but doesn't want to address it.

    I go to work every day for little more than minimum wage to try and support a family of 5. On my paydays, my paycheque is gone from my bank account before I am home from work, and still I'm left wondering what I'm going to eat a day later and have nothing but cans of soup from the food bank to try and give myself energy for a labor intensive job day after day.

    I am reliant on my wife to drive me to and from work, as I don't have a drivers license. I can't afford courses or to write the test for that matter. My wife hates the fact that she has to drive me to work every day.

    I have 3 children (one of them a step daughter) ages 3, 8 and 15. I am hungry and tired and don't have the energy to spend with them, nor am I a happy person to deal with. I spend my time online trying to find an escape to a better world even if imaginary.... and I know I am going to regret not spending these years with my kids yet I can't seem to stop.... the real world is just too discouraging and fruitless.

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